Sentences with phrase «own home even»

Prove how productive you can be outside of the office and you can work from home even when it's not snowing.
Another good use of routines is to make it seem like you're home even when you're on vacation for added safety, or to provide additional light for your security cameras.
The home even has its own Yelp page, with a rating of 3.5 stars averaged from about a hundred reviews.
While two - day shipping is the Prime standard, other options can get your package home even sooner.
Living in a rental home even after he was a billionaire on paper, Zuckerberg isn't known for an extravagant lifestyle.
It's easy to rationalize buying too much home because you believe it will produce bigger gains, or to buy a home in a weak market because it will be a home even if not a great investment.
Shortly after her husband died two years ago, Mary Lacey Gibson, a San Juan Bautista, California - based certified financial planner who owns her own practice, began applying for a reverse mortgage on her home even though she had no real need for the loan.
You might be excited about the prospect of buying a home even though you don't have a credit history, or a down payment.
While getting approved for a conventional mortgage may be out of reach, government - sponsored programs like FHA loans and VA loans for veterans help people buy homes even with poor credit and smaller down payments.
Potential buyers can no longer afford to buy homes even with low interest rates, low inventory and fear of missing the boat (buyer panic).
Keep in mind that you can buy a home even if the price is greater than your area's loan limits if you make a small down payment.
The cheapest option, «Outdoor Base» at $ 240, includes an Echo Dot, smart outdoor and indoor lighting, and a waterproof speaker, and allows you to have lights and the speaker simulate someone being home even while you're away — including having Alexa «play music or dog barking sounds.»
On the Sunday that the story of Chad broke, I stayed in my home even when my wife, our son and her family went to the beach.
The problem is sometimes God calls people home even though we don't want them to go.
And the stench doesn't leave your home even after they do.
He may find himself, on home evenings, so exhausted by the time the children are in bed that he can do nothing but flop in front of the television set.
The judge, at his discretion, had allowed us to go home each evening while the trial was in progress, with strict instructions to discuss it with no one.
Timothy Murphy Signs and Portents, Read from the Margin «The family will receive friends at home this evening from 7 to 9,» Oglethorpe Echo
Mormons reserve Monday evenings for «family home evening,» a time when families pray, study and sing together.
Someone serving in church leadership, who didn't want to be named because of the sensitivity of the subject matter, said he doubted the Romneys would observe family home evening since their kids are grown and gone.
Driving home this evening, it occurred to me that I have come to the point where it doesn't matter whether I believe in God or not, given my belief that there is no «eternal Hell,» nor a God which intervenes, nor likely any sort of Heaven.
There are many reasons I wish to raise my children in a faith based home even though I do not agree with what I find to be some of the more «outdated» tenets of my own religion.
There is something about the fact that the tomatoes and egg yolks are coloured that seems to drive the point home even more, for me at least.
God created the greater part of the world for its own sake — a point that comes home even more strongly to us, with our knowledge of the infinite universe — and wisdom consists fundamentally in recognizing this and the limitations it imposes upon us.
My boyfriend's coming home this evening from Hong Kong and this chocolate shake is going to be his surprise breakfast tomorrow!
A bite of shortbread or a Bavarian Sugar Cookie or a quintessential rugulah is another way of telling a stranger in your home or newcomer to your country: you are welcome here or let me offer you a taste of home even though you are far away from wherever you call home.
It will always be home even though I haven't lived there since I was 7.
I owe a good number of you individual responses up above and will try to do that tonight when I get home this evening.
My copy should be on my doorstep when I get home this evening — a wonderful thing to enjoy by electric light rather than candlelight!
There's a restaurant in the Japan town mall here in SF that makes a decent vegetarian version, but I like making it at home even more.
I could go a full week with only lentil stew (Lentils, some root, a bell pepper, garlic and sometimes tomato), this meatless version was staple at home even before I became vegan.
She'll share them with a group of friends who are coming over to her home this evening to study for a big law school exam.
The colors really are so vibrant and now you are tempting me to make some at home even though we do not celebrate Easter, talk about influencing, haha.
I have never attempted to make it at home even though I have had the cookbook for years; but frustrated at my frequent failed attempts to make a decent roast chicken with the free range Hutterite birds I've been buying, I decided to give it a try.
On an ambitious afternoon at home I even made 4 different kinds of pasta.
I made mine yesterday so I'll just have to put it in the oven when I come home this evening.
This is such an easy way to make this great place I call home even greater.»
I mean look at carzola, he says outright without hiding that we need a striker... about finishing strongly, we did that last season and the season after and the other after after a first leg screw - up... maybe ramsey loves his friends in the dressing room but saying that we need a few quality wouldn't have hurt anyone... we weren't able to beat the chelsea that hez talking about at home even with a full squad so i don't get his reference plus other teams are strengthening strongly and will only get better... man utd with a mediocre team played us like we were some kids FH at OT and we had no injuries... IF WE DO NT SIGN STRIKER we are doomed cz it» l be harder to beat even the small teams
Which made the walk home even tougher.
Do not want to bring back that defeat but if DI Maria had buried his chance then the score line would have showed 0 to arsenal 3 to Manchester United and it is not good when you lose at home even after playing well.
I would actually keep him home even for Stoke, we know what happens there.
As long as long as we beat Liverpool Everton + Westham at home even losing to Utd (A) and a draw with Chelsea (H) won't stop us being 4th place Chumpions.
I think it hit home even harder with Mieke than it did with me.
Liverpool FC celebrated a fantastic night at the MBNA Northwest Football Awards, held at Lancashire County Cricket Club's Old Trafford home this evening.
Manchester United where the only top side to drop points, Liverpool and Man City both winning, while Chelsea play West Brom at home this evening.
I'm all for highlighting potential upsets but I'm wary about tipping up a Bolton triumph this weekend, mainly because United have had this uncanny knack of grounding out result at home even when they're in a sticky situation, much like they are now with all their injuries.
Is it going to clutter up my home even more than it already is cluttered?
Gives you control through monitoring: a good app when downloaded and working as a security device gives you a control on the home even if you are not present as it monitors and keeps an eye on against theft and robbery.
But we'd be losing income by me staying home even with the savings from not putting our kids in daycare.
You have plenty of opportunities to exercise at home even without sports.
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