Sentences with phrase «own human organism»

Each — in addition to happening right now (or very recently)-- is a reminder of how frail the human organism can be compared with the microorganisms that compete with us for earthly dominance.
It allows cloning for the purpose of treating created human organism as a corn crop.
You do not have to be a religious zealot or a scientific Luddite to oppose the patenting of animal and human organisms and genes.
The human organism that employs them must also have a suitable array of sense receptors and neurological structures.
And finally, an important observation is furnished by Bronislaw Malinowski, who describes the transition from ordinary human experience to religious experience and belief as a «breaking point» to which the human organism reacts in spontaneous outbursts, and in which rudimentary modes of behavior and rudimentary beliefs are engendered.15
Shatter, my God, though the daring of your revelation the childishly timid outlook that can conceive of nothing greater or more vital in the world than the pitiable perfection of our human organism.
The preacher is a living human organism, as are the other people to whom the Word is also life and salvation.
Further, we are not to think of human organisms on the one side, and of a natural environment on the other.
Thus, the human organism is not a fixed, static object enduring self - identically through time but rather an ongoing dynamic relationship composed of component dynamisms in a continuous state of flux or process.
I want to say that the human organism is like the agency in that there is both the unified togetherness of experience enjoyed by the director and fragmentary bits and pieces of structure which may be at odds with, out of tune with, the agency as a whole.
In addition to organic disease (bacterial and viral illness), the human organism is being exposed to multiple changes to its environment, mostly through modern technology.
But the destruction of trust in human existence is the inner poisoning of the total human organism from which this sickness stems.
A medical school, for instance, is a research and often also a healing center, directly concerned with the increase of knowledge about the human organism and with its health; but it is also a training center where men are prepared to work in many other institutions of the society, from private practice to public health offices.
The human organism, too, formed in the course of this grand evolutionary beat, is co-evolving in a delicately balanced rhythm with the embracing web of life on this planet.
The past of the subject, those reigning actualities of the human organism which together constitute the enduring self, have already been objectively incorporated into the everlasting, ever - growing harmony.
Whitehead's well - known notion of the Stage of Romance in education gets its power from the fundamental aesthetic need of the human organism for novelty and zest in experience.
Against this it is not possible to point with the same plausibility to the origin of a single infra - human organism even if we assumed like the Vitalists an intrinsically non-spatial substantial living principle.
It is possible to inquire whether what the human parents biologically contribute in the genesis of the human being could not, certain conditions being assumed, be brought about outside a human organism, in an animal one.
But whereas in created human beings the highest law of being [= the principle of individuality] is that transcending principle of unity which is proper to a human organism,... the highest law of being in His case is the law of being proper to deity....
Otherwise a fundamental disharmony will arise in the very heart of the collective human organism.
Food should be partaken with due respect for the functional characteristics of the human organism.
All the principles of unity which exist in any other human organism exist also in Him.
Within this social organism there would arise «a spiritual center, a supreme pole of consciousness, upon which all the separate consciousnesses of the world may converge and within which they may love one another».5 This super-consciousness would evolve in the same way that personal consciousness does within the complex physiology of the human organism.
For us these are the components of reality that explain the nature of the world, the phenomenon of life within it, and even how we human organisms think through our brains.
Perls rejected the split in much philosophy, psychology, and psychotherapy between the mind and the body, the human organism and the wider interpersonal environment.
Moreover, as Hegel makes clear in the Phenomenology of Spirit, even within the human organism it undergoes many stages of growth before it reaches full self - consciousness as a participant in the reality of Absolute Spirit.
The whole great human organism, overcoming a momentary hesitation, will draw its breath and press on with strength renewed.
This is the natural, primal task of the brain for the human organism.
«3 She believes, with A. N. Whitehead, that the human organism «is part of a dynamic system of nature, a field of energetic processes of which the cerebroneural events are terminals.
The term «mental health» has little meaning if it implies that mental health is something apart from other types of health and not related to the total health of the human organism.
To put it differently, this phase of education is the «drawing out» of the drive of the human organism to fulfill itself.
(From the Christian point of view (which in this coincides with the biological viewpoint logically carried to its extreme) the «gathering together» of the Spirit gradually accomplished in the course of the «coiling» of the Universe, occurs in two tempos and by two stages — a by slow «evaporation» (individual deaths); and simultaneously b by incorporation in the collective human organism («the mystic body») whose maturation will only be complete at the end of Time, through the Parousia.)
On materialism the will, along with the sense of self that actualizes it, is merely a feature of the human organism and is no less prone to error than the biological mechanisms responsible for inaccurately manifesting the transgendered person's identity.
A plant is a living structured society; so also is a human organism.
This function is to impress the value of the whole on some of the parts, specifically the human organisms, in a manner relevant to the cultural, historical and psychological situation of these organic participants in the cosmic process.
This account of «life» as a characteristic of cells means that in the human organism there are billions of centers of life, not one.
Anxiety in general is the response of the human organism to anything that is perceived as a threat to what one regards as essential to one's welfare or safety.
Other than that, it has never been proven to do anything external to the human organism.
The reaction of any person who begins to leaf through this illustrated chronicle of human gestation will surely be extraordinary as well, and the book should be helpful in promoting «bonding» of all readers with all unborn babies, as it graphically documents the contention (made, for example, in this issue by William Saunders) that from zygote to embryo to fetus to birth, each human organism is nothing but human.
Process thinkers encourage sociologists, political scientists, psychologists, historians, and scholars in other disciplines to take a more holistic approach, taking into account and doing justice to how human organisms interact not only with the human environment of their cultures and societies but also the non-human environments of which they are a part that are throbbing with life, energy, and creativity.
This substance is wide spread in vertebrates — and therefore in many farm animals — but missing in the human organism: N - Glycolylneuraminic acid (Neu5Gc).
Given the similarities between a pig's organism and the human organism, we may draw the following conclusion when applying our results to the human body: an egg or two more once in a while can do no harm.»
«Once we can build that sort of database for the human organism, it helps us much better understand disease, how to diagnose disease, how better to treat disease,» says Richard Wilson, the director of the Genome Sequencing Center at Washington University in St. Louis.
Gluten intolerance is often caused by celiac disease, which makes the human organism sensitive to gluten proteins from certain cereals.
The nano - hydrogels have shown very good characteristics of biocompatibility with the human organism, due to their physical properties, which make them resemble living tissues, especially by its high water content, its soft and elastic consistency, and its low interfacial tension which prevents them from absorbing proteins from body fluids.
In the precious moments between diaper changes, I've been talking with an old friend, paleontologist Niles Eldredge, about the apparently flawed design of the human organism.
Using human subcutaneous and abdominal fat samples, the scientists, in cooperation with the University Hospital Leipzig and the Karolinska Institutet Stockholm (Sweden), find similar cahnges not only to rodents but also to the human organism.
«Winter has discovered the way to modify antibody - producing animal cells so that antibodies can function in the human organism without being rejected,» the jury said.
The central question is how, in the human organism for example, 100 000 genes have been orchestrated to yield about 250 different cell types, which then become assembled as the human body.
These cells have two main properties, unlimited self - renewal that can produce laboratory any desired number of undifferentiated cells and pluripotency, which provides access from the undifferentiated cells in all cell types of the human organism.
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