Sentences with phrase «own ideal ratio»

The ideal ratio, DeskTime showed, was a 52 - minute work sprint followed by 17 minutes of recuperation.
Yet, the ideal ratios for both groups were strikingly similar (4.7:1 and 4.8:1), suggesting that whether people agree or disagree that current pay gaps are too large, they agree that ideal gaps should be smaller.
He allows that it will take a couple of years of experimentation to find an ideal ratio between rookie and veteran agents.
According to a «perfect macaron» article that I read somewhere, the ideal ratio of shell to filling is 2:1.
According to a «perfect macaron» article that Rachael read, the ideal ratio of shell to filling is 2:1.
Shrimp have been shunned before due to their high cholesterol content, however many recent studies have pointed out that their desirable fat profile (high in Omega 3 fatty acids and an ideal ratio of Omega 3 - fatty acids: Omega - 6 fatty acids) outweighs the effect that the cholesterol content plays in the body.
Equal parts kosher salt, brown sugar, and ground spices is the ideal ratio for a pork roast rub.
We landed the recipe for the pair's hot dog tot, which boasts an ideal ratio of crisp outside and fluffy inside and is packed with chopped jalapeños, spicy pickles, cheddar cheese and, of course, hot dogs.
of Omega - 3's and offer an ideal ratio of complex carbohydrates, proteins, and healthy - fats»
The ideal ratio between the two is 1:2.
60 % Mash (or puree) and 40 % roughly chopped would be the ideal ratio in my humble opinion.
Grass - fed Butter contains the ideal ratio of omega 6: omega 3 fatty acids, which is especially important for optimizing cell membrane function and reducing inflammation.
They're miraculously creamy on the inside and almost never fall apart, achieving that ideal ratio of velvety interior to firm exterior.
This is within the ideal ratio for a ketogenic diet, making this perfect for someone trying to reduce inflammation and get into ketosis.
The ideal ratio of flavors is dependent on where you live (South Carolina barbecue sauce, for example, tends to be mustardy, while Eastern North Carolina leans heavy on the acerbic flavors of vinegar - heavy sauce.)
Did you know that hemp seeds are the only plant source containing every amino acid, and the essential fatty acids in the ideal ratio fit for human consumption?
What's more, the added sugar raises the carbs - to - protein ratio of a typical glass of chocolate milk to around 3:1, which happens to be the ideal ratio to help the body recover after working out.
If your child is three years old and will be cared for alongside other children with the same age, then the ideal ratio is 1:7.
Include a variety of structured learning activities and open - ended ideas, thinking about what you believe is the ideal ratio of both types in the classroom.
They devised a mathematical model that determines the ideal ratio of RBS to maximize curli production, while minimizing the accumulation of unwanted byproducts in the E. coli cells.
Gaia Herbs has mastered the ideal ratios of organic, high - quality turmeric, ashwagandha, vanilla, black pepper fruit, and dates for optimal health and has made it taste divine.
Consuming the ideal ratio of omega - 3 to omega - 6 essential fatty acids is one of the keys to fighting inflammation.
According to Poliquin, the ideal ratio for using treat meals for fat loss is 20:1 or 30:1.
The ideal ratio of Omega - 6 to Omega - 3 fats is thought to be around 1:1 (and not higher than 4:1).
The ideal ratio of fats, carbohydrates and proteins should be determined on an individual basis.
Hemp Hearts — are a powerful source of plant - based protein, with an ideal ratio of healthy fats, the whole seeds have good fiber content to aid digestion, may reduce symptoms of PMS and menopause.
The ideal ratio depends on your nutritional type, and if you're interested in losing weight or staying healthy, I highly recommend you find out yours, which, by the way, is now easier and less expensive than ever.
My understanding (as a Lifestyle Medicine Specialist, as is Dr. Greger) is that the ideal ratio of Omega - 6 to Omega - 3 is 3 to 1, and the reason Olive Oil is Bad for you is because it has a ratio of 10 to 1, which is far too inflammatory.
Every body type has its own ideal ratio.
An ideal ratio would be 1:2 — protein / carbohydrates.
Avocados contain all the nine essential amino acids, even though not in the ideal ratios, which makes them a complete protein food.
has an ideal ratio of NPK (nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, the elements required for plant growth)
This whole - foods addition to your diet will supply you with all the omegas you need (3,6, and 9) in the ideal ratios — oh, and it's vegan.
An ideal ratio is less than 2, so you can see that I'm doing pretty well in this regard with a ratio of 1.47.
The authors devoted a section of their paper to the ideal ratio of vitamin A to D. «In the responses to [Cannell and colleagues] from the on - line supplement and nutrition newsletter communities,» they wrote, «the issue of the proper ratio of vitamin A to vitamin D emerged as a major concern.»
Look for products that will help you get 3 - to - 1, 4 - to - 1 Omega - 6... 3 - to - 1 Omega - 3 is that ideal ratio.
Your ideal ratio of omega - 6 to omega - 3 fats is 1:1.
In addition, eggs from chickens fed with insects and green plants contain the ideal ratio of approximately one - to - one (after knowing this, I shop for eggs from pasture - raised chickens in local organic stores almost all the time).
One other question: there are differing views on the ideal ratios of fatty acids.
Apples, pears, oranges, grapefruit, blueberries, raspberries and blackberries are all low sugar fruits that offer an ideal ratio of sugar to fiber, which helps to prevent blood sugar and insulin surges.
The ideal ratio is 0.7.
The ideal ratio is when you finish eating that you feel satisfied, emotionally stable and have no cravings.
The ideal ratio is around 1:2.
The ideal ratios may vary widely based on these factors, but as a «baseline» I recommend that 30 % of your calories come from protein.
This ideal ratio has been shown to reduce insulin, regulate periods, restore hormone balance, and improve egg quality and ovulation.
This ideal ratio has been shown to work better than myo or d - chiro inositol alone.
The ideal ratio of Omega 6 to Omega 3 is 1:1.
But I think climate and activity also have a lot to do with the ideal ratio.
# 2 easier to maintain ideal ratio of omega 6/3.
«Good» fats have an ideal ratio of omega 6 to omega 3 fats that is between 2 and 3 to 1.
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