Sentences with phrase «own idealising»

We can not idealise the Church or the state there, but we can be thankful for the rich history of both — and for the many lessons they can teach us in the West and in the world of Islam.
The «approved» art style was propagandistic woodcuts which tended to focus on idealised portraits of reformers, scurrilous satiric depictions of Catholics or a lot of heroic martyrs being killed in a variety of gruesome ways.
I live in a «post-1930 Lambeth Conference house»: a large, detached house optimised for the idealised family of the birth - control era: Mum, Dad and two children (preferably a boy and a girl).
As Gutierrez says, Jesus does not assume the condition of poverty and its tremendous consequences with the purpose of idealising it, but because of «love for and solidarity with men who suffer in it.
The purpose of these sayings is not to idealise poverty.
As the Torah becomes increasingly idealised, wisdom literature begins to identify personified Wisdom with the Torah (Sir 24: 23 and Bar 4:1), much as it does with the Dabar of God.
It is not surprising, given this late development in Jewish theology, that we should find parallels between this idealised concept of the Law and the Logos in the Prologue.
It seems to me that this is a serious oversight because by overlooking the influences on or precursors to Francis» «Gospel chivalry» the author misses a chance for further historical grounding that would take the edges off his rather idealised view of Francis as the original genius of the concept.
This new car looks like a similar reference to an idealised past, but this time, equipped with Renault power and a highly rated chassis, McLaren has the opportunity to make a statement of resurgence in 2018, and there's no better colour to do this in.
Should they try and represent a set of idealised values, or should they just be themselves in a responsible manner?
• Severing father - child relationships entirely, either actively or by default, can result in children demonising or idealising their fathers (Kraemer, 2005; Gorrell Barnes et al, 1998) or blaming themselves for their absence (Pryor & Rodgers, 2001).
Children who see little or nothing of their fathers tend to demonise or idealise them (Gorrell Barnes et al, 1998) and suffer substantial distress, anger and self - doubt (Fortin et al, 2006; Laumann - Billings and Emery, 2000) as well as increased health complaints (Reiter et al, 2013).
Article 17 of the law prohibits text and images on infant formula labels that may idealise use of the product.
RUTF should not be cross promoted with Breastmilk Substitutes and should carry no promotional or idealising claims or pictures.
Other violations in the UK include idealising images on labels, advertising of breastmilk substitutes in the mass media and direct targeting of the public with parenting clubs.
That this House is concerned that the provisions of the Infant Formula and Follow - on Formula Regulations 2007 are disrespected in the UK, as evidenced by the current promotion for Nestlé SMA infant formula by Tesco in breach of Article 23 of that regulation, the near identical labelling of infant and follow - on formula to make them cross-promotional in breach of Article 19 of that regulation, the widespread advertising of infant formula brand names and logos in breach of Article 21 of that regulation and the use of idealising text and images on labels in breach of Article 17 of that regulation; therefore rejects the Department of Health's proposals to decriminalise certain of those requirements, such as labelling provisions in planned draft legislative proposals, related to EU Regulation 609/2015 which will replace these 2007 regulations; and stresses that any move to a system of Improvement Notices must have the purpose of speeding up compliance and be backed by prosecutions rather than giving companies who have flouted the law for many years additional time to comply.
The claim is not only idealising, but misleading, as powdered formula is a processed food with a shelf life of two years.
Section 31 of the Guidance Notes gives examples of representations which may be considered to «idealise» the use of infant formula should they feature on infant formula labelling.
Companies such as Nestlé actively promote this idea, following their statements of support for breastfeeding with idealising claims for products, as in the above example.
An essential element is to bring in laws to stop the multi-billion dollar baby feeding industry misleading parents, idealising their products and getting parents to trust them.
Your «Crunchy Mamas» may idealise the concept of living at the mercy of nature, but those of us who occupy the Real World recognise this situation is a gross human rights abuse and a condition that we should all be working together to eradicate rather than emulate.
that Nestlé violations include promotion through health care systems, direct targeting of mothers and pregnant women and advertising and labelling with idealising health and nutrition claims;
The baby feeding industry invented follow - up formulas for marketing purposes and falsely argues that these are not covered by the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes and subsequent relevant World Health Assembly resolutions (The International Code) It has now added to the strategy fortified formulas with idealised names such as «growing up» or «toddler» milk — claims that have not been authorised for the European market.
The new rules will extend the ban on idealising images and text on labels to follow - on formulas.
These expensive products often share branding with infant formula and carry misleading, promotional and idealising claims regarding improvements in intelligence, eyesight and development.
Idealising images are also prohibited.
For example, Tesco has promoted SMA infant formula in its catalogue with the idealising claim that it has the «healthiest nutrients» (left).
These include: ● tighter controls on follow - on milks ● no idealising text or pictures ● stricter controls on foods claiming to be «for special medical purposes» (FSMPs) ● increased transparency, ● the use of the Precautionary Principle ● more democratic oversight ● MEP reviews of new ingredient There was a Member States Working Group on 2nd Feb to discuss the Commissions proposals for the new Resolutions.
No word or pictures idealising artificial feeding, or pictures of infants on labels of infant milk containers.
target health workers with gifts or idealising product information (RG 21)(be wary of company events, sponsorship and reps wanting to meet).
59 infant formula and follow - on formula labels shall not include pictures of infants, nor other pictures or text which may idealise
put health and nutrition claims on labels (unless on a small list of permitted claims) or use other idealising text or images on infant formula (such as hearts, shields, animals)(RG 17 / GN 32).
But to put this in context, the idealising text and images that MEPs want removed from follow - on formula labels should have disappeared 30 years ago when the World Health Assembly first took action on this scandal and all EU countries helped adopt the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes.
Neither the container nor the label should have pictures of infants, nor should they have other pictures or text which may idealise the use of infant formula.
Nestlé currently labels its infant formula around the world with idealising claims such as it is the «natural start» and «protects» babies.
Members of the International Baby Food Action Network (IBFAN) stood up in front of 2,446 shareholders at Nestlé's annual meeting on 16 April to call on Nestlé Chairman Peter Brabeck - Letmathé to change policies that idealise breastmilk substitutes and endanger health.
These prohibit the use of idealising claims such as those Nestlé puts on labels and other strategies it uses, such as advertising of brand names, seeking direct and indirect contact with pregnant women and mothers of infants and young children and targeting of health workers.
«Women see images on formula packaging and think their experience of feeding their child should be just like that, but the idealising language and pictures on the formula tins are ridiculous, because all of the products have a huge risk in comparison to breastfeeding,» Rundall told Al Jazeera.
Baby Milk Action comment: While baby pictures have gone, Nestlé uses other idealising images and claims.
It states that: «Infant formula labels must contain a statement about the superiority of breastfeeding... and not use pictures or words that idealise the use of infant formula — that, in effect, discourage breastfeeding.»
Labels should not have idealising images, such as «graphics that represent nursing mothers».
Images on packaging that idealises the use of formula products, or suggests it is superior to breastfeeding
A lot will be written over the coming days that will cast an idealised light on freedom of speech and freedom of expression, but we should be aware these freedoms can and should be shocking.
It would be easy, after a only a month in this strange modern - medieval world, to idealise Siena's contrada - based politics, about which what you most frequently hear as a visitor is that «no outsider can understand it».
They demonise the elite and idealise ordinary people, setting the latter against the former.
But the euro is international, controls on capital are no more and free trade is idealised.
There is a strand of liberal opinion that despairs of Britain not being like somewhere else, or an idealised version of somewhere else.
Non-ideal theorists often draw on Rawls's own work to distinguish between ideal questions and cases where we can not make idealising assumptions about the motives of those engaged in the search for principles of justice.
This would allow Islam to unite and return to a romantic and idealised past where Muslims were united, powerful, and free to govern themselves... or so the theory went.
Although I am describing an idealised scenario, the reality is surely that countries would still benefit from a similar scenario since they can benefit some of their most important industries quickly, and then look at the other, more complex stuff, later.
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