Sentences with phrase «own ideological beliefs»

Just as Democrats could not target churches for leaning conservative and demand that they should pay extra taxes, right - wing Republicans can not target universities based on ideological beliefs.
It isn't any of Palin's specific policies or ideological beliefs which have so antagonized the liberals (although they surely dislike her for policy reasons, too).
There is a temptation to dismiss the charges of women when they are made against someone who might share ideological beliefs.
Political Parties in the United States are divided by ideological beliefs and ideal social views derived from those ideologies.
You can not blast a fellow citizen about the rights of men and women in this country and then simply force your own ideological beliefs on them in the same breath — it's beyond hypocritical.
It gives all citizens in the land, irrespective of their religious or ideological belief or affiliation,
Instead, it is those who claim that science itself requires that we hold certain political and moral convictions that distort the essential work of science, and betray their most closely held ideological beliefs.
5) Jobs are not so easy to find as one might imagine, and you certainly don't quit (or not work for a company) based solely on whether or not your religious / ideological beliefs line up with the owners.
From that perspective, the only possible reason I could have to oppose something like that would be an ideological belief that my choice is better for everyone or that everyone should have to pay just like I did.
If they do so, it will probably be because of their ideological beliefs in general rather than because of an automatic female response of empathy.
The FBI said there was no evidence so far Paddock had ties to any international terrorist organization, and relatives said he had not displayed strong political or ideological beliefs in their interactions with him.
But Mandelson's views have been changed in part by the banking crisis; he has argued that the crisis represented a «warning against an ideological belief in markets» efficiency, and a reminder that they can be distorted by perverse incentives».
Derby County Football Club is not allied to any political party or ideological belief.
I believed in the need for government to be disciplined in its management of public money and deliver large savings; he had an ideological belief in a small state, as well as a ruthless eye for party advantage.
Groups have been abusing public disclosure laws, the legal defense fund said in the amicus brief, «to harass scientists whose findings — or entire fields of study — they perceive as threatening their financial interests and ideological beliefs
The framework of using a scientific method to challenge what might be ideological beliefs must remain an important driver of future research on marijuana policy.»
It also asked separate questions to determine participants» ideological beliefs.
Research from psychological science has shown that people often adopt ideological belief systems that reduce their feelings of threat.
Because then all of a sudden, you're not just going to the local farmer's market because you want good tasting food or you like your neighbors or you have some ideological belief in localness, you're going because you're getting a very strong signal from your pocketbook that it makes more sense to grow food locally than to grow marinated in crude oil and ship it around the world.
The radicalization of individuals — who come from a range of cultures and possess a diverse mix of ideological beliefs — begins to take hold as recruits adopt increasingly extreme ideals and aspirations — something Mueller calls «an essential process in formulating a terrorist's mindset.»
A prohibition on funding for the IRS to target organizations for regulatory scrutiny based on their ideological beliefs or for exercising their First Amendment rights.
While vegetarianism does carry specific ideological beliefs as an approach to health and wellness, it isn't so simple to judge.
«Once again we are seeing the civil service displaying their ideological beliefs.
The opposition of the two unions to performance - based pay and objective data - based teacher evaluations using student test score growth data is driven more by the realization that the teacher dismissal restrictions they support are inherently impediments to professionalism than by an ideological belief that standardized testing has no value in measuring teacher performance.
Each race is a few different ideological beliefs and stats, but that otherwise follow the same style of technology and needs.
Addressing the role played by (mis) information within systems of power, and their failures, Fullerton draws his controversial characters from mass media: famous journalists and radio broadcasters, spies and human intelligence gatherers, wrongfully convicted prisoners, figures of political scandals, icons of the media and the Internet... The stories behind these individuals illustrate ideological beliefs, collective rumours, and the failures of regulative systems.
Whatever we think governments implement policies based on their ideological beliefs — and the opposition opposes based on their beliefs.
It is the sort of spin the government gives for implementing policies based on their ideological beliefs but without proper cost benefit analysis or properly risk analysis.
They have been pushing an ideological belief instead of doing the job of scientists.
It is only blocked by ideological beliefs.
The question then becomes: how do we re-educate those who hold ideological beliefs that are preventing progress?
On what basis are scientists permitted such manipulation of publicly funded research so as to make it acceptable by theirs and others standards and beliefs and to drag the research into what is a politically correct and acceptable form to conform to some ill defined ideological belief that a group of their peers might believe in.?
Often justified largely on the basis of junk science they have come up with such wonderful policy prescriptions as using only unreliable sources of energy because they are «sustainable,» keeping natural resources in the ground rather than using them to meet human needs, having government tell manufacturers what requirements their products must meet to use less energy rather than encouraging manufacturers to meet the needs of their customers, all in the name of «energy efficiency,» substituting government dictates for market solutions on any issue related to energy use, and teaching school children junk science that happens to meet «environmentalists» ideological beliefs in hopes of perpetuating these beliefs to future generations even though they do not conform to the scientific method, the basis of science.
So if you want low emissions energy, you must put your efforts into removing the impediments to low cost nuclear — that is the impediments than have been put on nuclear as a result of the 50 years of anti-nuke advocacy and protests by (mostly) those who share your ideological beliefs.
As are most of the comments of the others who share your ideological beliefs.
When I rephrased my question and gave some background to my reason for asking it, you went way outside your area of expertise and turned to stating your opinions (based on you ideological beliefs) about how much your tool says the planet will warm by 2100 (4.4 C you said based on 3.2 C equilibrium climate sensitivity).
The «Progressives» will need to get broad agreement to remove the impediments that have been put on nuclear as a result of the 50 years of anti-nuke advocacy and protests by (mostly) those who share the «Progressives» ideological beliefs.
Too many climate scientists allow their ideological beliefs to influence their research.
When «social science» (i.e. fake science) is involved, how do policy analysis distinguish fact from ideological belief?
It is the same ideological belief that keeps you going with your CAGW alarmism and anti-nuclear campaigns.
And the work of the few who do, is biased by their ideological beliefs — e.g., advocating irrational policies to justify mandating and subsidising renewable energy and imposing carbon pricing schemes.
Unfortunately, it is blocked by ideological beliefs and irrational radiation phobia and has been for 50 years.
Such as those scientists who allow their ideological beliefs to dictate their views on what should be scientific issues?
And which, at its core, if seemingly complicated on this issue (and highly colored by non recognized bias, ideological belief, conflation of the topic with fear of redress, and a remarkable sea of misinformation) is about as basic a mistake as can be made.
The USA and the world will be much better off if it steps back from the policies that have been driven by ideological beliefs.
Without valid, rational justification, it's being driven by ideological belief, not not rational policy analysis based on valid relevant science.
Their selection of material and stories to publish, and the wording they use, demostrates to me that these media organisations are driven entirely by their Left wing ideological beliefs.
Thus, his conclusions are not driven by his own ideological beliefs, but by the manifestation of his innate skepticism with regard to the characteristics of liberals.
My comment is not ruinous, hurtful, evil, wicked, one that causes insidious harm etc and could only be viewed as such by someone whose own objectivity has been distorted by ideological beliefs such that they view comments not fitting in with their perception of events as hurtful and wicked.
It would appear that you yourself are the one with ideological beliefs on this issue as is apparent from your describing my comment as pernicious.
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