Sentences with phrase «own intense feelings»

A recent study on easing anxiety for stressed - out customers looked at «high - emotion services» (the purchase of a new home or car, computer repair or airline travel, for example) that elicit intense feelings even before the product is purchased or the service begins.
«Leadership gives you the resources and authority to work autonomously (and / or within a small group) to accomplish the company's goals, which frequently means that even junior engineers are given opportunities to contribute meaningfully to the company right out of the gate, which gives you an intense feeling of ownership and responsibility.»
It involves intense feelings of inadequacy and fears of being exposed as a fraud in spite of plenty of evidence of success.
Addictions among clergy often remain unresolved due to intense feelings of disgrace.
You do not need a god to understand love... just look in a young child's eyes when listen to their mother or father.or consider the intense feelings of closeness and harmony between two people in love... young or old.
The intense feelings this year's election has provoked among Christians is an opportunity to re-examine our assumptions about voting and politics in general.
Another asserted that «recalling this experience and detailing it brought back some intense feelings - anger, fright, even a brush with terror.»
If the pastor has a keen awareness of what we have come to regard as the interpersonal hurt of his patient; knows the desperate and yet fatal need of the patient to evade further pain, no matter by what means, and often by striking out and hurting loved ones; feels something of the almost overwhelming and intolerable anxiety the patient experiences; is not too shaken by the terror evoked through what Kierkegaard expressed as «shut - up - ness unfreely revealed»; and can accept the consequent intense feelings of guilt and shame which isolate the patient from himself, from others and from God, then his ministry has within it the necessary element for a supportive and creative experience for the patient.
It's not easy to be with people in the midst of intense feelings, uncomfortable situations, and serious disagreements about moral and ethical decisions.
By her own admission, she had uncontrollable fits of rage, which she often took out on her husband and children, followed by intense feelings of guilt and thoughts of suicide.
I still need to be encouraged, though, from time to time because sometimes intense feelings of guilt assault my mind and heart and I begin to feel unforgiven, which, in turn, reignites the cycle of bad thoughts that build in my mind.
Yet increase in passive conformal power together with increase in active appetitive power is the mark of greater value of an organism and more intense feelings of subjectivity.
Yet often we are rightfully aware of intense feeling.
Evangelical fitness maven Stormie Omartian led the way (even while plugging her own diet and exercise plan) by addressing, in 1984 and again in 1993, the tyranny of contemporary body standards and noting that most dieters carry on a self - defeating battle with food and exercise that is «a prelude to the most intense feelings of failure.»
This is a very difficult word to translate, for it carries such intense feeling and emotion.
All of his young Negro subjects expressed intense feelings of loneliness and vulnerability.
There are specific times of intense feeling and particular points of repentance, release from guilt, sudden and overwhelming assurance, convicting sense of God's presence.
But this very isolation produces intense feelings of alienation and even greater fear of «what others will think.»
Suddenly, unexpectedly, I was filled with an intense feeling of joy.
Women should understand this so that they do not mistakenly feel that the breast implants are responsible and then carry an intense feeling of guilt about their decision to have breast augmentation.»
She might want to stay connected, get hugs and kisses, and savor her intense feeling of love and being loved.
They may not receive any help in dealing with these intense feelings.
Lucy H. Pearce in The Rainbow Way advises mothers to manage these intense feelings by giving their full attention to their child when it needs it, to carve out a separate space, however short at first, for their poem, their painting, that is, their «creative baby.»
This can cause intense feelings of resentment and anxiety.
And a child who feels angry enough to break something rather than use words to describe intense feelings isn't an imperfect person.
When a parent is calm, understanding and patient, it is easier for a child to connect with the intense feelings inside her.
It was now the next Friday morning and I remember having these intense feelings of needing to push.
It can calm stress, help with low confidence and intense feelings of anger.
I was so confused by these intense feelings; I was concerned these symptoms suggested something was wrong with me.
In fact, the knot of intense feelings that drives your child to lash out... [Read more...]
These types of physical activities can play a significant role in helping your child process and eventually release intense feelings of anger.
It's one of those intense feelings, that once felt, your mind and body has forever learnt.
They will often shake the Calm - Me - Jar vigorously while jumping up and down and twisting all around, which is a great physical outlet for their intense feelings.
While we're cuddling, or before if they're feeling too angry to be touched, I let them shake the Calm - Me - Jar as hard and often as they want right at first as a physical outlet for their intense feelings, watching to see when their breathing begins to even out and their body to relax.
You are bound to experience some intense feelings from the other children in the family.
If you spend time talking about your own feelings with a caring adult who you trust, to offload your own fears and upsets, you'll speed things along and tame your own intense feelings as you reach for your frightened child.
10 - 20 % of women will experience postpartum depression, which lasts several weeks longer and includes more intense feelings.
In fact, the knot of intense feelings that drives your child to lash out can't be dissolved by any of those tactics.
Sometimes parents are afraid that talking about an intense feeling will escalate it; but many times the opposite happens: When children feel that that their feelings and experiences are respected, they are often able to move on more easily.
Women with postpartum depression have intense feelings of sadness, anxiety, or despair that prevent them from being able to do their daily tasks.
So, when I am faced with my dependency needs intense feelings arise which I've spent most of my life trying not to feel.
The intense feeling of gratitude IPs (intended parents) feel towards the surrogate helps to forge a relationship that may prove to be strong and enduring, perhaps lasting long after the baby is born.
Explain that intense feelings are normal for gifted children.
You can help your child use his intellect to work through and understand those intense feelings.
However, these suggestions can help emotionally sensitive children learn to manage those intense feelings.
I think you're on the right track, mama, although I have to agree with 3galsmama: unless it's painless for you, telling your kids it's only intense feels like a white lie kind of deal.
In contrast, postpartum depression is an intense feeling of sadness, anxiety or despair that affects mothers after their deliveries.
Until that time, a child depends on his parents to help him calm down and learn to regulate his intense feelings.
New mamas typically get an intense feeling of thirst each time they begin to breastfeed, a cue from our bodies that we really need to drink lots of water during this time.
Such kids often possess deep, intense feelings and reactions, and are highly sensitive.
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