Sentences with phrase «own keys to health»

Kevin Liang, a neuroscientist, explained to Soenksen that the brain is key to health, and so diseases that attack the brain offer a promising target for business and scientific innovators.
Preventative medicine is the key to health.
Nevertheless, nurturing, love, trust, affectionate contact, self - esteem and the feeling that we are in charge of our lives are important keys to health and well - being.
The relationship between a senior pastor and associate pastors is often key to the health and ministry of a church, yet it receives next to no attention in seminaries or in the literature on ministry.
O'Reilly argued that the key to health care reform is oversight on costs, punishing frivolous lawsuits, and setting up clinics for the poor.
I also think it's the key to health and good mood.
SNACKING is the key to health and happiness in the New Year.
I believe food holds the key to our health and your books unlock the door
They are the key to health care reform.
Food is a key to health.
Air quality is key to the health of humans and ecosystems.
Our capacity to create imaginary worlds could be key to our health as well as the power behind the rise of human civilisation
The soil from deserts and dry lands is key to the health of the world's oceans, as it is the most important source of iron and other nutrients.
The data from captured Santa Cruz mountain lions in recent years show preserving and reconnecting patches of habitat is key to their health and long - term survival.
She encouraged people to donate, telling them their microbiomes are key to their health and are so uniquely northern that her study would «put them on the map.»
We believe education is the key to health & wellness and pass our tools on to our clients to ensure they can independently maintain their health and wellbeing to the highest level.
Shawn Stevenson, sleep expert, explains better sleep is the key to health and how to get the best sleep of your life.
THURSDAY, March 24, 2016 (HealthDay News)-- While getting enough sleep is key to health, a new study suggests that long daytime naps may not be doing your heart any favors.
People just have a tough time divorcing themselves from the notion that cardio — as much as you can cram into your schedule — is the key to health and fitness.
If you're interested in learning why eating, sleeping, and playing like our ancestors is the key to health and longevity, check out my upcoming book, «The Primal Blueprint.»
The sheer number of diets and weight loss plans is astounding — and while there are some that may be exactly the key to health and weight loss for an individual, we as Americans are becoming more and more overweight and sick as a population.
Since consumption of healthy fats is so key to health, preserving this tiny organ and keeping it functional is very important!
He performed Kuhne's Detox Bath daily and has recommended it in his book «Key to Health» (available as a complimentary bonus when you purchase the Detox Bath ebook).
Marine phytoplankton was one of the major keys to his health journey.
Gut health is the key to health, and this holds true for allergies as well.
Cargal is the author of «Your Mitochondria: Key to Health and Longevity» which is a must read for anyone who wants a healthier lifestyle.
The father of medicine, Hippocrates, also believed that the key to our health was in our gut.
Enjoying the taste of REAL food (carb - y and sweet foods don't count as real food for reasons described elsewhere) is key to health and lasting weight loss success.
There are some who believe consuming any carbohydrates will make you fat and unhealthy, while there are others who consume absolutely enormous amounts of carbohydrates, believing them to be the key to health.
This is the key to health, longevity, mental clarity, well - being and beautiful youthful skin.
These traditional foods are key to our health.
She wholeheartedly believes that cooking skills are the KEY to health and that they are vital to healthier choices.
It's important to me that this show will bring you real and concrete actionable keys to health, concepts that you can immediately implement into your lives to start making a real difference.
Offering a host of benefits, from nutritional to emotional to physical, mushrooms could hold the key to health for people and the planet.
After 25 years of studying Eastern healing systems and Western fad diets, international best - selling author Donna Gates, M.Ed., ABAAHP, world - renowned teacher and lecturer, discovered the key to health and longevity... a flourishing inner ecosystem living inside your intestines.
Avoiding insulin resistance and keeping blood sugar stable are just as key to our health as supporting the thyroid (which I discussed in my last blog).
Recognizing and honoring our uniqueness is the key to health and happiness.
If you're heading out without your water bottle, you're forgetting the most vital key to your health: Hydration.
In this way, you will achieve the highest level of what Sisson calls metabolic flexibility — the key to health, weight control, and longevity.
The Primal Blueprint is no fad weight loss program — it's a set of lifestyle laws and habits that are the keys to health, wellness and longevity.
While a real food lifestyle is key to health and manageable weight loss, there are significant lifestyle and environmental factors that work against most people's timeline for healthy weight loss.
Protected cells are the key to your health and longevity.
Glutathione: Key to Health & Longevity — Master Antioxidant & Regulator of Immunity & Detoxification October 25, 2017
Widely considered a «Sherlock Holmes» for chronic disease and metabolic disorders, Dr. O'Bryan teaches that the underlying mechanisms that trigger the development of chronic disease are the key to health.
The key to health and preventing chronic inflammation is arming yourself with knowledge and then living a life that contains a well - balanced diet high in fresh fruits and vegetables, exercise, fresh air, clean water and full of love and happiness.
Transform your life through the amazing power of breath - the neglected but all - important key to health and well - being...
And diet and exercise not being the key to health sounds a bit fatalistic to me so I will have to go and read what this is all about.
Let me conclude by thanking two grandmothers in my life: my father's mother, Kate, who thought that the key to health was through eating well organically, and my wife's mother, Anne, who introduced me to the power of connecting to health through meditation, drumming, talking, eating, and playing.
Sarah is a wife, mom, RN, and true believer that real - food nutrition, sustainable living, hard work, and staying active is the key to health and wellness!
Regulation of blood sugar is key to any health concern.
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