Sentences with phrase «own laziness»

Prone to laziness, I know I often attempt a few solutions, throw my hands up, and choose something far too complicated because I don't have the patience or energy to come up with something else.
Even aside from fraud and sheer laziness, self - reported odometer information is woefully inaccurate.
Even though there's no single «morning person gene» the results indicate that your love of the snooze button isn't entirely down to laziness, personal choice or your environment.
Despite the fact that millennials — and now Gen Z — are the generation of the side hustle (because most of us need to work three jobs at a time to survive), the myth of laziness persists.
Negativity, laziness and entitlement waste time and money while they tarnish your reputation.
Hudson thinks meetings are often driven by big egos and laziness.
Wheeler said he thinks Yahoo called everyone back to work «because they had gotten into a culture of laziness,» and that the firm will likely loosen the restrictions soon.
are far too common and convey laziness and a general disinterest in the company that can be hard to recover from.»
That's not civility, it's laziness that harms both the employee and the business.
Perhaps those who equate sleep with laziness or lack of dedication can be convinced of the benefits of sleep by looking at what's going on in a world that is the ultimate in pragmatism, where performance and winning are everything: sports.
You should never expose your website to attacks that utilize the laziness of a legitimate user.
You can lament this laziness all you want, but there's a reason this has become a national issue.
It takes determination, ingenuity and a little bit of laziness.
It's actually one part determination, one part ingenuity and one part laziness.
«That's not a license for laziness.
Someone quoted by Xinhua said the rule amounts to «discrimination,» while the aforementioned legal worker criticized it as «the product of laziness and mismanagement.»
As I pointed out recently, saying you don't know something these days isn't a commentary on your lack of knowledge but a confession of laziness and lack of interest, because the information is out there; it's mostly a matter of looking.
«Good programmers write as few lines of code as possible, and it is one of those professions which pays well, while at the same time, encouraging laziness, he says.
«Whatever you do, laziness is not a defect — you will discover it will guide you to a new approach to propose a solution that had been avoided because it might be considered too easy,» Cronan writes.
We asked performance psychologist Dr. Jonathan Fader to share his strategy for avoiding laziness.
«There's a (half) joke that most innovation is driven by the laziness of software engineers,» he writes.
Quora users suggest applying your smarts to finding one of these jobs that embrace ultimate laziness.
«My frustration level eclipse my laziness level, where I was just tired of not writing the kind of stuff I wanted to write,» he says.
To examine the effect of strategic laziness on memory, the scientists asked a group of study subjects with brain injuries resulting in memory damage to try and memorize a list of words.
The TL: DR version here is that, for most decisions truly crucial to company / investment success, the application of pattern recognition is a red herring; and often it is derived from intellectual laziness that takes root once someone has success.
The ravages of older age take more of a toll on us all each year, with previously good friends now finding all of their time taken up by kids and family, a never - ending crush of career - related busy - ness, or just plain, simple laziness.
Self - consciousness can cause us to put on a mask or attempt to please those whom we perceive as having greater status or power than we do, while simple laziness makes it easy to overlook the average Joes or Janes on the street and offer them less than the best version of yourself.
Another top tip to beat your laziness comes from super productive professor and author Cal Newport via blog Barking up the Wrong Tree.
But Kneiss» term may be a little too generous: the rise of contamination in the recycling stream can also be attributed to pure laziness.
GameStop's (gme) strategy appears to hinge on the laziness of its customers, who may be unlikely to go through the tedious mail - in rebate process.
But laziness is often the root cause of a thoughtless campaign that isn't in alignment with the site it was launched on.
At the start of the interview, Saban discussed how success often breeds a sense of selfishness or laziness.
But Wharton professor and «Originals» author Adam Grant argues that we should expand our conception of procrastination to include not just laziness but also waiting for the right time.
By designing his environment for laziness, Fogg made it easier to stick with healthier habits.
I have mentioned a variety of other ways you can design for laziness in this article.
First, you can do what BJ Fogg calls «designing for laziness
By admitting that, I open myself to accusations of laziness.
Without keeping this problem in check, you may develop a habit of laziness, which can doom your overall success.
But laziness is not tolerated.
Productivity guru Tim Ferriss often talks about the concept that «being busy is a form of laziness,» which is essentially the idea that we would prefer to feel like we are getting work done, rather than going through the struggle of actually getting work done.
Here's how to break the cycle when you feel like your problem is just plain laziness.
Laziness, in any form, takes advantage of gaps in your willpower.
Remember, laziness is a habit, not a personality trait.
The great depression aka the outbreak of laziness, was before our recent advances in economic theory.
Carelessness or laziness will lead to them losing their stake.
Strengthen your willpower and self disciple, overcome laziness and procrastination and gain inner strength.
Whether it's through laziness or fear, I encourage you to get your priorities straight.
With this change in price I'm looking to switch from Teksavvy cable internet to DSL with another provider (the cable in my condo building is shitty and can't carry a good signal up to my unit... i've tolerate the crappy service out of sheer laziness until now, but I definitely won't be paying an extra $ 5 for it).
MY laziness has cost me nearly $ 200,000.
He said, «Real leaders are individuals who help us overcome the limitations of our own weakness, and selfishness, and laziness, and fears, and get us to do harder, better things than we can get ourselves to do on our own.»
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