Sentences with phrase «own life force»

But it's important that you do so, she says, because by simply uttering what you want in life it forces you to hold yourself accountable to that dream.
When you cope in a job, it feels like you're having the life force sucked out of you by an invisible overlord who laughs like an evil genius as you visit random websites all day.
Plot: Based on the Hasbro board game, this action film sees a fleet of ships who stumble across an alien life force that threatens to destroy the planet.
Plot: The scientific crew on the spaceship Prometheus finds an alien life forces after excavating Ancient Mesopotamian, Aztec and Magdalenian caves that were discovered on a star map.
A first cause, a fount of energy, a life force, a Prime Mover.
The laws of DNA, RNA the living force within cells than makes them more than a collection of atoms and molecules but makes them vibrant and capable of actions point to an intelligent first cause.
I could argue that animals have souls... the Bible says both animals and man (but not plants) have a life force.
The reality you see and non believers see is existence absent of the life force of God.
Americans usually equate eroticism with sexuality, but eros is the life force and there are many ways to experience and express it.
The roughness of the judgments that life forces upon us does not excuse us from responsibility for making them.
«The Spirit of the triune God is and will always be the life force of the world and all that is good and hopeful in it, which includes the hunger for God,» — Joanna Adams During an attempted coup in Indonesia in 1965, an estimated 500,000 people were killed.
However, once there is acceptance that there is no intelligence life force from outer space guiding our lives, it is difficult to understand how someone would revert to the old beliefs.
If we are the products of the creative life force in the universe, is that not a «spark»?
But everything between me and said being / life force is man - made and based solely on gaining and holding power.
Athiest know this power as energy, or life force, there is no disagreement between Islam and science or divisions and acts of terrorism are political actions for past grievances.
Estonia actually has the lowest belief in god at 16 % but a really high belief in a Spirit or Life Force at 54 %, non-belief is at 26 %.
This guy somewhat confused about the relationship between a person and god / the universal life force, and the relationship between the individual and the religion / corporate structure which earns it's living by peddling dated dogma and reassurances that it's way is the right way to deal with the universe.
The intellect and matter are the same inversion of the life force expressing itself internally in the first instance and externally in the second (CE 225f).
If there was some life force in our bodies that came out when we died, we would be able to measure it.
If a soul is a life force, why can we not measure it though?
If we had a life force it would need to interact with the matter of our bodies to be of any use and we would be able to observe it.
The soul is the energy, or life force, that vacates our bodies when we die.
To smack: If your physycal body was a vessel in this voyage called Life, You, your life force or being, would be the soul... The spirit.
When we die our physical body returns to the dust of the ground and our life force returns to God... but... I also believe there will be a resurrection of the dead like the Bible promises there will be.
Our souls are our life force.
But the decisions of life force us to take positions and to act and live in terms of some faith, whether we like it or not.
Hence admiration and wonder at the inexhaustible life forces of nature is as wholly lacking as the typically modern horror of blind nature against which spiritual, personal life rebels in vain.
Woman is the most powerful living force on the globe.
Second is the principle of interior life movements — all living entities possess a life force intrinsic to their own natures that is not imposed from other things or from God, but derived from life itself.
Projecting an afterlife is a comforting idea... maybe our departed loved ones» «spirits», life forces or energy are out there in some form in some other dimension, but maybe not.
Virility is life force maximally deprived of matter.
(23) Possessing one's own wilderness allows one «to understand and enjoy the miracles of this world,» (24)-- for example, to see in an orb - weaving spider on a street lamp post, «a great black and yellow embodiment of the life force
We could turn to our own perceptions and understanding, and our own experiences, and deny the unseen hand in this man's crimes based on the fact that none of us has received promptings from an invisible life force that controls the universe.
Life, the patterns of life, and the force behind life, the life force or God, what creates life are observable but Physicists and Mathematicians can not measure them or apply their mathematics to it due to their limitations or scientific limitations and therefor this life force and God does not exist according to Atheists but the gravity force exists simply because Physicists and Mathematicians can measure this force, speed, acceleration, mass, but still do not know what it is or what creates gravity, it is also based on observation.
Life becomes precious when life force is given at conception.
The life force, which is the divine Eros, is calling humanity to a new organization of human societies.
On the other side was a tribal brotherhood of nomads where, amid the penury of the wilderness, all must be for each and each for all, where land and water were never private but always communal, where none was very rich or very poor, where every one was known to all and the exigencies of desert life forced a rough but sturdy justice.
From this standpoint it is at once apparent that, to unify the living forces of humanity, at present so painfully at odds, the direct and effective method is simply to sound the call - to - arms and form a solid block of all those, whether of the right or the left, who believe that the principal business of present - day Mankind is to achieve a breakthrough straight ahead by forcing its way over the threshold of some higher level of consciousness.
The doctor can set the bone, cut out the tissue, or administer the drug, but only the mysterious life force itself can join cells back together again and restore chemical balance.
The conditions of civilized life forced on man a greater degree of separateness from the community.
These are some of the questions which the new view of origins has raised for the Christian, and which must receive a satisfactory answer if the Christian faith is to survive as a living force in the new world.
Responding to Gestalt techniques, Nathanson becomes convinced that her child was one manifestation of Life, and that while she stopped him (she has a feeling the child was a son), she is not really capable of stopping the Great Life Force, she is merely part of it.
Its indestructible hope stimulates the live forces of history.»
The French have a phrase, La Petite mort, or «the little death» which is roughly defined as «the period of melancholy resulting from having spent one's life force
Atheist Steve why do you asked the question, for someone who does not care about God you should wait until you die you will get your answer as we all will and what is the difference between a dead body and one that's alive, the life force (energy).
Fact: After thousands of years and billions of humans not one single shred of evidence exists of any soul or life force that lives on after death.
But once in a while life forces on people a choice which creates an objective statement from them whether they want it to or not.
People like Chenchiah, V Chakkarai, A. J. Appasamy and others made the affirmation that the living forces of Hinduism could be «a positive key to the still inaccessible riches of Hinduism.3 They were not content with a mere intellectual approach to Hinduism but wanted to enter into the spirit of Hindu religion with a desire to learn new things about their own faith and to express them on the basis of their encounter.
I saw determination and excitement on her face and sensed a strong life force flowing through her.
Filled with life force, love and the simplicity I'm learning is the foundation to everything exquisite.
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