Sentences with phrase «own maleness»

Ellis - Lamkins, Honor's head of care, admits that it's taking her some time to get used to the Valley's whiteness and maleness.
McDougal makes up for this imperfection by having not one, not two, but three protective older brothers, their names a tom - tom of protective «all - American» maleness: Bob, Dave, and Jeff.
But a few years ago, she started paying more attention to the overwhelming maleness of Silicon Valley boards.
(Maleness is often viewed and used as a default — especially with pronouns — despite there being more women than men.)
Woodward invokes Walter Ong's insightful and undeservedly neglected book, Fighting for Life (Cornell University Press, 1981), that contends masculine and feminine are human contraries in a «ritual contest» that shapes maleness from «its biological base to its human heights.»
In fact there are no «opposite sexes,» only a gender spectrum between femaleness and maleness (hence the prefix «trans -» in «transgender»), and one may choose to identify oneself with any point on the continuum, or to remain undecided.
Consequently, a proper «theology of the finite» will have to incorporate a respect for the ways in which women and men perceive their femaleness and maleness — however distorted and partial those perceptions may eventually turn out to be.
How much of Christ's redemptive activity is tied to maleness, to Jewishness, to a particular time and place?
Building on the Pauline understanding of the male - female relationship in terms of the Christ - Church relationship, Holloway approaches the essential maleness of the priesthood from a consideration of the role that the two sexes have in the plan of God.
Occasionally, in conversations about God and gender, someone will attempt to conclude the matter by noting that Jesus was a man, as though the incarnation proves something about the gender of God or the ultimate superiority of maleness over femaleness.
Some differences are visually obvious in for example the complex maleness of DeGeneres, Billy Jean King and Rosie O'Donnell.
We recognize the force of cultural influences and individual choice on concepts of maleness and femaleness, but we affirm that sexuality is rooted in the biological designation of the two sexes» male and female.
One has recently argued thatChristianity has a masculine feel, thus suggesting that maleness is a part of God's being.
But I can see no reason for enshrining the maleness of God as part of our orthodoxy, and to the extent that the Trinity supports a patriarchal society or sexism it is not in keeping with the Christian message and can not be used.
A counselor can be liberating, either for women or for men, only if his or her attitude towards femaleness and maleness, toward «femininity» and «masculinity,» is subjected to continuing self - examination.
Since I am Catholic, the sexual identity I am called to embrace is my maleness; my true orientation is towards women, my true sexual complement.
Do these traits pair with male and female because of biological maleness and femaleness, or because of the social formation of gender in patriarchal society?
Recent papers on process thought and feminism have used the term «androgynous to depict the range of maleness / femaleness expressed in both humans and God.1 In a similar sense, «gynandrous» has been proposed.2 To be sure, the aim is to capture, by means of an appropriate term, the rich texture of human differences, that one is neither strictly «female» or «male» but a creative combination of the qualities historically assigned to both.
Two of the authors even argue that using feminine pronouns for the divine introduces gender in a way that masculine pronouns do not — which surely reflects the assumption that maleness is normative.
Recent papers on process thought and feminism have used the term «androgynous to depict the range of maleness / femaleness expressed in both humans and God.1 In a similar sense, «gynandrous» has been proposed.2 To be sure, the aim is to capture, by means of an appropriate term, the rich texture of human differences, that one is...
We would honor the maleness and the femaleness of creation, aware that in this union is a sacrament of life itself and that in this vision is life - giving wholeness.
Any pattern of thought that in any way abstracts God «himself» from this person, from his death or his career or his birth or his family or his Jewishness or his maleness or his teaching or the particular intercession and rule he as risen now exercises, has, according to Nicea, no place in the church.
It was not the maleness of Christ that made him human.
The models of maleness / femaleness and parenting absorbed by teens from their parents must be reshaped drastically to be useful in the new world of relationships that is emerging.
His maleness matters.
That is the biblical promise of marriage, that there is a place — neither in maleness nor in femaleness, but somewhere in between — where a man and a woman can meet and be truly joined.
Though, in the absence of woman, he may know nothing of his maleness or its meaning, the first human being seems to have been male.
So again we ask: Why the recent epidemic of interest in Jesus» maleness as such?
The terms do not refer to maleness.
But the fact of Jesus» maleness still raises certain questions.
As for the «maleness» of Ellen De Generes et al or the femaleness of Jude Law... oops not gay (yeah right)... it matters not.
The lack of a strong male with whom a son can identify and thus achieve a sense of his own emerging maleness is a serious deficiency.
Simply to say that you can have a woman - plus - woman marriage or a man - plus - man marriage is radically to change that because of the givenness of maleness and femaleness.
Some defects are visually obvious in for example the complex maleness of DeGeneres, Billy Jean King and Rosie O'Donnell.
Maleness is completed by femaleness and vice versa.
We do not deny our maleness and femaleness when we are together, but we do not allow it to be the lone descriptor of our friendship.
Sexuality — maleness and femaleness — is big and important to nearly everyone.
The issue here is not maleness but monarchy.
This creativity to justify a particular interpretation of scripture is akin to what Piper is doing here, not realizing that there is really nothing about «maleness» and «femaleness» that justifies rejecting a woman who is called to serve in the role of a pastor and who does so with wisdom, skill and compassion.
Women naturally do not have the vision, the intellect, the courage, the determination, the practicality and all the other great qualities that supposedly equip men (thanks simply to their maleness) to govern families from which they can sally forth to explore, build, conquer and otherwise to battle in the outside world.
Maleness and femaleness are essential components of our unique dignity as human beings created in the image of God, for through these realities we participate in the divine creativity and its fruitfulness.
«Caricatures of maleness abound in the NFL with images, rhetoric and rituals, making football a space in which bullying, dominance, belligerence and violence become the fruit of authentic manhood.
Schindler sees West as approaching modesty from a perspective of «maleness,» by which it appears as a necessity only for those not fully transformed by grace.
The white minister is often thrown into a confused posture toward his maleness.
Anthropologically, separatist spirituality embodies a broad general typology of maleness and femaleness.
Burning Tree's sacrosanct maleness was thus preserved, a maleness, by the way, that has recently cost the club a $ 186,000 land - preservation tax break that the state will restore only if the club admits women.
Being faced with the recognition that he is now over the hill, he chose to take on any woman of superior athletic prowess as assurance of his maleness and ability to conquer.
Our founding fathers, white - maleness aside, did get a few things right.
And he was a lower - risk baby for SIDS — his only risk factor was maleness... and then, of course, the prone sleep.
The genes that control the sperm - making machinery are all packed into a single chromosome — the Y chromosome, the one that confers maleness.
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