Sentences with phrase «own naked eyes»

He also can't help but obsess over flaws that are all but imperceptible to the naked eye.
He's betting he can digitally reconstruct the interpersonal links, upload them to the cloud, then leverage Big Data's ability to connect dots invisible to the naked eye.
But their facial expressions can give them away, and startups are developing technology to read human emotions even better than the naked eye.
Special equipment — telescopes, binoculars — is not necessary to view the Lyrid meteor shower, which is safe to view with the naked eye.
If you want to get hundreds of thousands of Twitter followers, you'll need to start following a lot of people and your timeline will soon be unbearable for the naked eye.
Shoppers can go fairly low on the clarity scale before inclusions or blemishes are visible to the naked eye, but cuts with large flat surfaces (like emerald shapes) are often less forgiving.
I had fewer gray hairs but I am, at least, recognizable to the naked eye
The product they eventually created, SafeSnips, is a technology that can be built into surgical tools to detect blood vessels that surgeons can't see with the naked eye.
The balloons, once in the stratosphere, will be twice as high as commercial airliners and barely visible to the naked eye.
«To this end, Facebook uses various technologies, such as the famous «cookies» or the «social plug - ins» (for example, the «Like» or «Share» buttons) or the «pixels» that are invisible to the naked eye.
The balloons generally hover around 55,000 - 70,000 feet in the air, which is too high to see with a naked eye.
The way those things hug the «male figure», an 1 % increase in bloodflow to the junk can be observed with the naked eye from across a gymnasium.
Tom, Tom and Tallulah, I have actually observed paramecium with my naked eye, believe it or not, and a microscope helped to greatly enhance the view.
Are feelings and religious experiences «real» or is what is real something you can only see with the naked eye or in a microscope?
Have you ever seen an xray with your naked eye?
Although indistinguishable to the naked eye, this area also yields the images of various flowers and the outline of a coin over one of the eye sockets of the skull.
The spark which, incapable of being pinned down by the naked eye, pins one finally inexorably to reality, the great unpinning: one achieves a dancing discipline, is fulfilled by a flying fatal freedom, achievement and fulfillment being gift and more than gift.
He observed things Copernicus could not see with the naked eye.
About a third of lunar eclipses are penumbral and invisible to the naked eye, about a third a partial and only a third are total.
Now if you were to say that you would not even think about atoms until you were able to see them and you could not see them with your naked eye or with simple instruments, then you would never find them at all.
How sad that in churches today, men still have women imprisoned, even though the black burka is invisible and can not be seen with the naked eye, women are nevertheless still imprisoned.
While here, this divine visitor exhibits no knowledge of ANYTHING outside of the Greco - Roman Middle East, including the origins of the Universe, any stars other than those immediately visible to the naked eye, Australia, North and South America, Europe, Asia, and 99 % of the human race.
Needless to say, if the dominant society of human consciousness is small enough to flit through the empty spaces between the brain cells, it must be very small indeed — too small certainly to be seen by the naked eye.
But an extended entity as large as much of the human brain is also large enough to be seen by the naked eye.
Once upon a time, appreciative looks followed in the wake of my stylish clothes and legs - that - went - on - forever, red hair to my waist and the perfume of self - confidence that was almost visible to the naked eye.
With 1,500 of them out there converting two Chin - amen apiece per annum against an uphill birth rate of 33,000 pagans per day, it will take upward of a million years to make the conversions balance the output and bring the Christianizing of the country in sight to the naked eye; therefore, if we can offer our missionaries as rich a field at home at lighter expense and quite satisfactory in the matter of danger, why shouldn't they find it fair and right to come back and give us a trial?
The winter holidays are about light, about miracles, and about waking up to light when it is least visible to the naked eye.
Ancient man thus recognized himself to be in a very complex world, only one portion of which was visible to the naked eye.
Indeed, on a clear night, one can see many stars more than 6,000 light years away with the naked eye, shining down like tiny silent witnesses against the nonsense of creationism.
Genetic mutations don't work the way you'd like them to be most convenient for understanding evolution (to the naked eye / common sense).
In non-living things visible to the naked eye there is no clear distinction between whole and part, and no dynamic unity, as though something like a sequence of experiences were influencing the parts.
Have you ever seen with naked eyes (not photo) that the world is round?
Fellow doctors ridiculed Lister's ideas of germ theory — since they «knew» that it was various humors that caused disease, not tiny living beings they could not observe with the naked eye.
In the world view we share we have all been made aware of the rather insignificant role played by the planet on which we live; we know something of the solar system, and we have had impressed upon us the unbelievably immense distances which separate us from most of the stars we see in the sky with our naked eyes.
They have much homework to do - seeking to penetrate that holy of holies of the human spiritual universe shaping believers» life history and culture, the universe not visible to the naked eye and not perceptible to the mind not able to penetrate the complexity of the heart and spirit.
I do believe only once has one been powerful enough to be noticeable by the naked eye.
Description: Spider mites are red arachnids almost too small to be seen with the naked eye.
I don't know about you, but when buying these little gems all nestled in their personal crate or mesh bag, there are always more than what you can see with the naked eye and inevitably, I end up tossing quite a few because we can never eat them fast enough before they turn.
Soluble fiber in plants is usually so small, as to be invisible to the naked eye... but when you wet chia
To the naked eye, it's impossible to detect that this sweet potato pie from Sweet and Sacred is raw.
The dust particles produced will vary in size, some being so fine they are not visible to the naked eye.
«You can not see the lactic acid bacteria with the naked eye, but I am happy they are there — also when I ferment my food.»
Picking which surprise contenders are real reminds me of picking out which hitters are legitimately better in clutch situations: They exist, but you can't tell with the naked eye and anecdotal evidence.
Now, to the naked eye Ingram's game - winning sack might look like another pass rush game, like the TEX game he ran with Bosa that I described earlier.
He would never show you anything a casual fan couldn't see with the naked eye.
Especially when the variance is as little as a half an inch, which is imperceptible to the naked eye.
I watch college football and with the naked eye see a RB who excels in all phases of the game.
Now what you see with your naked eye during any match is being made irrelevant, we are being told to not trust our own eyes and judgement to make an opinion about any player during and after a game.
This morning, after consulting with the governing bodies and PGA TOUR Commissioner Tim Finchem, it was determined that without the use of sophisticated technology, it was not reasonably discernable to the naked eye that the ball had left its original position and had come to rest in its original place
To the naked eye, big money Chilean winger Alexis Sanchez underwhelmed slightly on his Arsenal debut in their last gasp victory over Crystal Palace at the Emirates Stadium, but he still made six key passes and notched up one assist on his Gunners bow.
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