Sentences with phrase «own native language»

This can be done by creating an in - house team of native language customer service representatives, finding a third party that offers such a service or even using email translation software to help support customers who can't correspond in English.
Although Belize is the only English - speaking nation in Central America, the locals» native language is Kriol — and they appreciate foreigners» attempts to learn.
«Overall, it makes zero sense to invest in an expensive prototype that you then ask someone to look at, interpret and then re-implement in a native language
Our consumer surveys show that a staggering 90 percent of Japanese consumers, 79.5 percent of Germans and 82.5 percent of Italians prefer to shop online in their native language.
This is especially helpful when I'm in a place that doesn't speak my native language.
So what's the brain's «native language»?
If you speak in the brain's «native language,» you can avoid that painful back - and - forth and get buyers to accept facts that they otherwise might not want to hear.
The Japanese characters are heard speaking their native language and Anderson does not rely on subtitles.
I understand the value of face - to - face meetings for building relationships, especially across borders where everyone speaks a different native language, having managed International Commercialization for a Fortune 500 company.
«Today, getting people to hear your story on social media, and then act on it, requires using a platform's native language, paying attention to context, understanding the nuances and subtle differences that make each platform unique, and adapting your content to match,» Gary Vaynerchuk's writes in his Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook: How to Tell Your Story in a Noisy Social World.
Great for anyone interested in learning how to really connect with your audience authentically in the native language of each social platform.
Given the evidence that customers prefer to engage with websites that are in their native languages, it's surprising that almost half of Fortune 500 companies haven't translated web content into more than one language.
Given the expansion of the Internet to nearly every corner of the globe — and every audience's preference for content in their native language - there's definitive proof that there's an audience for localized websites and collateral.
Xu put out a call for help translating the letter into all relevant native languages, so it would better received by the loved ones reading it.
Then you can do snappy things like create greetings for customers in their native language.
When your customers call, they want to engage on a personal level and communicate in their native language.
Customer service is available in various countries and can easily be contacted in your native language.
Many companies need paperwork and documents translated by fluent or native language speakers.
And yes I still find it hard to write a post, because English is not my native language.
The new product translates foreign languages into the user's native language, which may enable its forthcoming voice assistant to be multi-lingual.
You begin by suggesting that I said or thought that the Jewish native language was not Hebrew.
Because they (attempt to) care for widows, orphans, the homeless, the addicted and spend millions of dollars and travel thousands of miles to find people who do not any type of access to the gospel and translate the Bible into their native language, or build schools and hospitals as well as churches their witness and their faith is nullified because they (wrongfully) dismiss porn stars and the people trying to reach them?
When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.
If your ministry is interested and willing to reach unreached and untold in Pakistan with the materials in native languages, I can arrange to translate for messages, bible studies, biblical tracks, books and also Urdu page on your ministry website.
When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies,» (John 8:44 NIV).
It seems fairly arrogant to so diverge from three centuries of native language interpretation in favor of that which was learned in a classroom separated from the real use of language and culture by millennia.
More than 580 million people have the chance to read the Bible in their native language thanks to a Christian... More
Having an inheritance — a native language, a native culture, a particular place in the world — is especially important to human well - being.
I wish someone had told that to the Reformers, some of whom were burned for translating the Bible into their native languages so people could read it, who argued for salvation by grace against a salvation by works Gospel, who argued for Jesus as the son of God, uncreated, instead of just one among many of «God's» created beings.
The Oblates declare their rejection of «the premise that European languages, traditions, and religious practices [are] superior to native languages, traditions, and religious practices.»
Infants learn their native language by hearing words spoken over and over again.
When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies» (John 8:44).
They usually are learning diligently one or more of the difficult native languages and are self - funded.
Today, Bibles are published by the church and their use is promoted, priests are not allowed to hold political office, and members are encouraged to read the Bible and worship in their native language.
• Why does God hide behind a veil of silence instead of talking to me in plain English (or whatever my native language is) like other people do?
For example, the Luo tribesman Matthew Ajuoga was helping missionaries translate the Bible into his native language.
Parents, without the benefits of philology, psychology, sociology and the other «ologies» of education, manage successfully to teach their children a reasonable command of their native language by the age of five, often younger.
«The only staff that does not speak the girl's native language would be the English teachers.
Children were forcibly removed from tehir homes, not allowed to speak their native language and Christianized without their parents» permission.
World responsibility in education further entails serious attention to the teaching of foreign languages, beginning in the early years of school, when children can quickly and naturally learn another tongue in the same fashion as they learned their native language.
And how is it that we hear, each of us in his own native language?
@GodFreeNow» I live in a country where English is not the native language, so I am accustomed to seeing past the way someone is saying something to what they are actually saying.
I live in a country where English is not the native language, so I am accustomed to seeing past the way someone is saying something to what they are actually saying.
Did not the burning bush speak, the moving finger write on a despot's wall, the Tower of Babel confound language and, thus, communication, the Pentecost bring tongues of fire that translated love into each listener's native language?
We don't call Ndamakong Suh «House of Spears» Suh even though that is what Ndamakong means in the native language.
Ungodly Discipline, and yet Matthew's native language was Hebrew, he was raised reading the Hebrew Old Testament, but still needs a 21st century guy to correct his understanding of Hebrew.
The use of German was no concession or mere trimming; it was a wish to use the more expressive and experienced vocabulary of the native language.
The common language of the empire was Greek, as we learn from inscriptions and papyri, though in border lands native languages such as Celtic, Punic and Aramaic continued to be employed.
The Hinayana canon or, as it is called, the Pali or Theravada canon has come down to us through the Pali language, a vernacular derived from the Sanskrit and closely akin to the native language of Gautama, the founder of Buddhism, which was Magadhi.
Keep on, I will follow your work and sorry if some words are not right, English is not my native language J
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