Sentences with phrase «own neared the end of life»

Near the end of his life, he declared: «If I have noticed anything over these 60 years on Wall Street, it is that people do not succeed in forecasting what's going to happen to the stock market.»
Near the end of its life, Bear Stearns was leveraged about 36 - to - 1, according to some estimates.
Hershey's philanthropy kept going even when the economy struggled and he was nearing the end of his life.
Currently, there is a compassionate care benefit available to people caring for a family member near the end of life, but the new benefit would offer 15 weeks of leave — at 55 per cent salary — when caring for a loved one with any serious illness or injury.
These are issues that will effect your very well being and your relationships with friends and family near the end of your life.
Bernice had left the church in profound humiliation when, as a little girl, one of the more prominent ladies in the congregation insulted her in the local general store, but near the end of her life she had reconnected with the church of her childhood.
Jefferson was beyond bankrupt near the end of his life and in debt for the better part of it.
(Bertrand Russell apparently had some form of spiritual experience near the end of his life, but felt it was too late to change his mind about religion.)
The majority of health spending occurs near the end of life.
You should be spending most of your efforts converting those nearing the ends of their lives.
This cartoon reminisces Jesus on the brow of the hill near the end of his life weeping over Jerusalem (Matthew 23:37).
Bonhoeffer was not an atheist, but near the end of his life he rethought the nature of Christian belief.
Grünewald was an early Reformation painter from the Rhineland who may possibly have embraced the message of Luther near the end of his life.
Scott Appleby, a history professor who studies the roots of religious violence at Notre Dame, said that when Jesus was surrounded by guards near the end of his life, one of his disciples picked up a sword.
Gilbert Meilander's Meditations on Christ's Words from the Cross relates the death of his grandfather and his father as they lay ««laboring» just to draw a breath near the end of life»:
Near the end of his life, Bonhoeffer taught that God is not God at the price of emptying me of my humanity; humanity does not consist in letting oneself be sucked dry by a divine vampire!
Among Lewis's most powerful writings are three that came very near the end of his life — Till We Have Faces, The Four Loves and A Grief Observed (each influenced in important ways by his having come to know and eventually to marry Joy David - man Gresham).
Near the end of his life, Ted Kennedy came to believe that healthcare workers should be shielded from involvement in practices contrary to the Catholic faith.
It was a tragic but in the end richly productive life of a great genius who near the end of his life came fairly close to what I consider the central religious truths.
Writing near the end of his life, he wrote that «the old argument from design in....
Some of you may have heard of the response from a famous literary figure who, upon the acceptance of a prestigious award near the end of his life, was asked to make a brief statement.
How you will feel about the present way of investing your minutes, hours, and days, when you stand near the end of life looking back at your marriage and family.
Near the end of his life Frei reflected that his personal stake in Lindbeck's argument was very deep, and he exhorted Lindbeck not to back down from his truth claims about the truth status of Christian language.
Near the end of his life, Orwell expressed the view that....
Amazing how dying people change their way of thinking near the end of their life.
My childhood hero, I realized, was nearing the end of his life.
But I am growing old and nearing the end of my life in a situation rapidly approaching disaster.
Near the end of her life, she writes a complaint against the gods.
As he nears the end of his life, the Reverend John Ames is writing an account of his life and family for his seven - year - old son.
There are a lot of good reasons to make banana bread: You have a pile of sad bananas in your fruit bowl that are near the end of their life expectancy; You like things that are undeniably delicious and go very well together with peanut butter, Nutella or condensed milk; It's cold outside and you need something [Continue Reading...]
The same goes for the major nuclear power station on the island at Wylfa, which is nearing the end of its life.
It is used because this is not so much a biopic as the snatched, quick - fire recollections of someone nearing the end of their life, slightly mad.
Meanwhile, the Port Authority's eponymous bus terminal, the nation's busiest, is over capacity and nearing the end of its life span.
«Near the end of his life, Dr. King recognized the intersectionality of many issues including ending the Vietnam War, the need for economic justice with the Poor People's Campaign, and the struggle for union workers, which brought him to Memphis, where he was ultimately killed fighting for those rights.
These stars have puffed up to several times their normal size because they have exhausted their nuclear fuel and are near the end of their lives.
As relatively small stars (those less than ten times the mass of our sun) near the end of their lives, they throw off their outer layers and become white dwarf stars, which are very dense.
Near the end of its life, a huge star blasts much of its bloated outer atmosphere into space — a torrent of gas equal to Earth's mass each year, racing outward at 10 million kilometers per hour.
In the 1970s, astronomer Jill Tarter pointed out that the term also referred to a dark, cooling star near the end of its life.
Because older wells typically produce less gas as they near the end of their life cycle, liquid unloadings happen more often in those wells than in newer wells.
This cuttlefish has already mated and is nearing the end of its life.
Conrad, speaking from the audience at the press conference, said that her late husband had become very interested in commercial spaceflight near the end of his life.
Hospital emergency departments focus on triage and stabilization and are not equipped to deal effectively with patients near the end of life due to illness or age, says Smith, the study's lead author.
Polaris is a «Cepheid variable,» a giant star near the end of its life that varies in brightness as it shrinks and swells.
The web in the right photo was built by a 188 - days - old spider nearing the end of its life, and its web design is far more irregular and shows numerous gaps.
When you were at the Institute for Advanced Study, Einstein was also there, although he was near the end of his life.
«The treatments most Americans would choose near the end of their lives are often different from the treatments they receive,» Courtright said.
Gray and his co-authors acknowledge that the findings may not apply to all people who are approaching death — it's unclear whether individuals facing a great deal of uncertainty or those who die of old age express similarly positive emotions near the end of life.
Advance directives are the primary tool for individuals to communicate their wishes if they become incapacitated and are unable to make their own health care decisions, particularly near the end of life.
The authors note that detractors of advance directives cite the inability of living wills to capture all of the situations one might face near the end of life, whereas proponents of living wills note that many patients wish to protect their loved ones from having to make such burdensome end - of - life care decisions.
Ordinary stars also blow dust into space when they swell into red giants near the end of their lives.
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