Sentences with phrase «own neediness»

Communicate your ideas and meaning, not your insecurity and neediness.
Keep in mind the needier her behavior, the more power the salesperson has since neediness comes from weakness.
When you have self - acceptance you rid of yourself of the emotional states of neediness and desperation, both which block opportunity and success.
Here are two sentences from the first page returned when I searched on «neediness»:
Now consider necessity, not far from neediness.
Neediness is a highly toxic mindset and it immediately makes your point of attraction to be rooted in lack
With this new focus, we can now effectively shift our attitudes from those of want and neediness to those of gratitude and even compassion.
If a potential customer senses desperation or neediness in a pitch, the salesperson becomes prey to being taken advantage of.
That sense of humor, that sort of sensibility — the seductress who grasps the absurd subtexts of human desire, lust, neediness — might just be the most important hallmark of the Stormy Daniels persona and brand.
It is a good show in that it shows needy characters who can overcome their neediness insofar as they have each other.
It's kinda like a marriage l guess: as sinners who say «I do,» we all have our control issues and neediness...
The church became convinced it could not be church without such neediness.
Purity is about recognizing their own value so securely that they don't need to barter their bodies because of neediness, not even sexual neediness.
But we do not want to accept the depths of our own neediness.
Our spiritual neediness is without question, so He is not shocked by our problems.
And still, while knowing all about my spiritual neediness, I confess that He is taking me to a place where I will experience thinking, speaking, and acting just like Him.
As Reynolds writes, «Neediness, vulnerability, or lack of ability is not a flaw detracting from an otherwise pure and complete human nature.
Steve Carell was a perfect casting option, not only because he could play to all sides of Michael's neediness, pettiness and genuineness, but also because he shaped the character to be more sympathetic than offensive.
Having initially eaten of the wrong fruit, we will now not eat of any; we fear take two on the Fall, so we deny the neediness that would make us consumers.
«But it was purely out of neediness,» he says.
People can know the fundamental neediness which is the foundation of faith only if they feel our involvement with those who fast because they have nothing to eat.
This presupposes the interaction is between us very splendid people rather than between God and human beings in all their neediness.
But that's different that neediness.
It is not an unhealthy drive out of a desperate neediness to be loved.
It opens our eyes and our guts to our own stark - naked neediness, our own daily dependence: that unless God in his mercy provides food, manna, for this day, we're in trouble.
To his credit, Merton wanted it eventually to be known for what it said about his neediness and incompleteness.
Prayer is the turning of this neediness and lacking toward God.
It is in our concrete, actual and particular need» and neediness that God comes to us.
In prayer our eyes are open to ourselves as we are: to our neediness and brokenness, to our godlessness and to the world as it is.
The Gators» growling has a ring of neediness.
I've been living with this horrible guilt wondering if that first week of life of being HUNGRY contributed to some of her neediness even 10 years later.
After a long day of dealing with the neediness of the kids, I adore that my pets curl up with me on the couch.
Along with looking down on the noise & neediness of children, there seems to be an attitude that looks down on a woman's choice to stay at home with her children.
Also, colic is not seen more frequently in firstborns — If something in the parenting was creating this increased neediness and irritability, you would expect to see more firstborns with colic.
But when they are at home, they seem to default to neediness or laziness.
And it's not just the cats and their constant neediness and noisiness, it's the dogs too!
So try and enjoy the neediness now and embrace what you can, we'll make it through and laugh later
She drove us all nuts with her constant neediness, whining, and endless self absorbed me me me me, but that's beside the point.
Our children's neediness can be hard to take.
She became a full time project, and it seemed like she was a bottomless pit of neediness.
At a time of physical weakness and neediness, parents receive the subtle psychological message that the hospital endorses the purchase and use of these products, and that they are necessary for the newborn's development and parents» comfort.
I decided to play around with that neediness of children to call us back if they want something.
I wonder whether there is anything I can to do make the neediness stop once it starts.
Neediness can also come about when parents give children the sense that they can't do things on their own — as when you step in too quickly to help with puzzles or don't let your kids take minor risks at the playground.
Many nursing mamas feel, and are told that they are somehow «causing» this innate neediness, because their baby insists on connection and reconnection with their mama.
She always encouraged me to enjoy the fruits of this existence but without desperation, without greed, without neediness.
Adding to our neediness is the addictive — and sometimes maniacal — pursuit of «likes.»
If you can't tolerate and fully accept the aspects of your partner that you don't find lovable — such as drinking, smoking, eating habits, anger or withdrawal, workaholism, unreliability, messiness, lateness, porn addiction, sexual demands, sexual disinterest, hygiene, anger, rage, people - pleasing, resistance, selfishness, moodiness, emotional unavailability, neediness, criticalness and so on — then this person is not the right partner for you.
My neediness melted away, my insecurity weakened, and my self - doubt transformed into self - assurance.
Loving sexuality results from partners feeling safe and connected with each other, not from neediness, anger, demands, withdrawal, or resistance.
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