Sentences with phrase «own nefarious ends»

Because it is the work of men who were doing it for nefarious ends... to take away peoples free will, and impose THEIR will on the people.
Sadly however, scammers have managed to effectively exploit this trend to further their own nefarious ends.
The game kicks off when the protagonist, cargo pilot Will, flies through the Bermuda Triangle and winds up in an alien dimension where he discovers a hostile race known as The Watchers, who are subjugating humans for various nefarious ends.
We see no way in which this could possibly go wrong and be gamed for nefarious ends, perhaps by the same enterprising likes who named «Moot» man of the year or insisted NASA use a TV comedian as the moniker for a space station.
Along with a handful of fellow code warriors, he's got his sights set on taking down insidious big businesses harnessing tech for nefarious ends.
The formula is immediately intriguing: Join forces with your friends to cooperatively investigate a mysterious mansion, but with the knowledge that one of you might actually be a traitor, actively working to nefarious ends and the defeat of everyone else.
The anxiety provoked by the work's calculated absurdity questions the power of «big data,» raising the specter of its use for nefarious ends — from controlling whose votes are valuable, to who can enter and leave the country freely.»
If scientists are meeting to coordinate a message, it can only mean that we're trying to distort the truth for some nefarious end.
What This Means Hopefully this just means that the UAE are trying to diversify their investments and Tesla seemed like a good bet, not that they're trying to get a toehold into the electric car business to nefarious ends (not sure what they could do with 4 % anyway, and it would be surprising if they could do anything without it getting out).
While many publicized attacks are simply proof - of - concept, once the concept has been proved, it can be exploited by others for more nefarious ends.
These diverse voices, however, can also drown out the calls to preserve the anonymity that was once one of the virtual currency's primary appeals — not least because it provided a payment platform for nefarious ends.
Ian Bogost, a Georgia Tech communications professor who built a tongue - in - cheek game called «Cow Clicker» in 2010, wrote in The Atlantic recently that abusing the Facebook platform for «deliberately nefarious ends» was easy to do then.

Not exact matches

If those services get hacked, as was the case with Ashley Madison, or purchased by other companies, customer information ends up in the hands of different people and organizations — from the annoying to the downright nefarious,» Rodriguez reported in November.
The heart of the speech blasted the «hard right» for its efforts to control the Supreme Court for ends that Schumer branded nefarious.
If Randy Levine is involved, you can be sure there is a nefarious means to his ends.
Ray later discovers that his dad and grandfather are located inside of the pavilion; his dad, Eddie, has become mesmerized by O'Hara and subject to their whims, while Lloyd suspects that O'Hara may want to use the balls for nefarious purposes, and tries to put a definitive end to those plans.
It's about two gleefully corrupt cops (Alexander Skarsgård and Michael Peña) who remain gleefully corrupt until the very end while a bunch of nefarious, ultimately irrelevant stuff happens in between.
Much to her surprise, she finds the Space Pirates have rebuilt their base of operations, forcing our intrepid heroine to once again confront Mother Brain and put an end to the Space Pirates» nefarious experiments.
But when Welles was too busy (read: «not broke enough») to come slip into the nefarious narrator's loafers, Curtiz went and got Claude Rains to play the part of a diabolical mastermind, who ends up staging his own set of sordid activities when his beautiful, thought dead niece (Joan Caulfield) reappears in his life, along with a rather curious gentleman (Michael North) claiming to be the husband she doesn't remember marrying.
Rescued from her second Hunger Games at the end of the last movie, she is now hidden away in the massive underground bunker of District 13, the heart of the rebellion against the nefarious Capitol.
Depp is Tonto, sporting goofy headgear topped by a giant stuffed crow, and Armie Hammer is the Lone Ranger, a city - educated lawyer who returns to his small Texas hometown in 1869 to civilize the inhabitants and ends up teaming with Tonto to battle the nefarious Cavendish gang after his Ranger brother is killed.
Slick corporate executive Chuck Cedar (Peter Gallagher) wants to get Deeds to quickly sell his stock possessions, obviously for his own nefarious but initially unrevealed ends.
It also takes a way - out premise - this time two agents trying to foil the nefarious schemes of a mad scientist shortly after the American Civil War to conquer the United States with a huge mechanical spider - and pursue it doggedly to its end.
Far from being a nefarious plot to create a «low - wage economy,» ending furloughs based on seniority alone keeps the focus on kids so they are prepared for well - paying jobs in our rapidly changing economy.
In the end, we opted for the «raw, nefarious thrills of a racecar on the road» that defined the CS experience.
It's not something you'd use for nefarious purposes, it's code you'd use if you were designing the front end of a website.
Usually in games prior to this you narratively marched forward assured in your righteousness: you had to rescue the princess or strike down the nefarious villian with all his world ending plots.
One of the franchises that served as a progressive entry in Nintendo's game catalogue, Metroid is based around female bounty hunter Samus Aran and her never - ending mission to free the galaxy from the tyranny of a nefarious group known as the Space Pirates.
the title may have transformed barren cat - houses into neon - lit strip clubs, but the nefarious banditos are still in need of salivation at the end of a carbine.
I wasn't trudging through muddy grime in a swamp, eager to end the rule of a nefarious lich queen — I was stepping on invisible squares until I ran out of movement points.
The big eye - opener to me is the gulf between Richard Betts of the Met Office applauding the title (and saying scientists need just to be honest) and Gleick who is in a state of near paranoia that the forces of evil will deliberately misuse the title of the blog to further their nefarious purposes and condemn the planet to a hot and premature end.
Entry restrictions can, however, also operate to more nefarious discriminatory and anti-competitive ends.
It's not something you'd use for nefarious purposes, it's code you'd use if you were designing the front end of a website.
Ergo, the low standing that the public pegs the real estate sales industry at, down there with used car salesmen (they are mostly men), politicians (they will tell their selected constituencies whatever they want to hear in trade for votes) and others of a nefarious nature who end up behind bars.
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