Sentences with phrase «own nihilism»

Rather than choose nihilism, however, I feel convicted, stronger than ever, to do good in this world.
The punks and slackers and devotees of hip - hop — rage, angst, nihilism, withdrawal — arose within the long stagnation that lasted from the early»70s to the early»90s.
The authors paint a picture of incredibly wholesome youths who will correct the narcissism and nihilism of their Boomer parents.
With Rousseau, objective natural ends are thrown out, and instead human «intentions» determine our purposes, which leads inexorably to nihilism, hedonism, and homosexuality.
And Micah Watson (of Union in Jackson, TN) used THE UNDERGROUND MAN together with the psychologically penetrating recent films YOUNG ADULT and UP IN THE AIR to illuminate the phenomenon of (obsessional) AMERICAN NIHILISM.
Whatever the intended theme of Suburbicon, the end result is a heaping plate of nihilism.
As Catholics become more and more concerned with their personal identity, the ideals and morals of the Universal Church begin to disintegrate when faced with the «subjectivism, relativism, emotivism, and nihilism so much in fashion in Western democracies today.»
Deneen's immediate source for the Founding = Locke = THE FEDERALIST = individualistic techno - nihilism is what Paul Seaton astutely called the anti-Founderism of his brilliant and wonderful teacher Carey McWilliams.
This was the «liberating» discovery of postmodern philosophy (that delirious season of festive nihilism): Having forsaken its fiduciary ground, reason becomes pure positing, sheer assertion, jouissance.
The logical conclusion of atheism is a sort of self destructive nihilism.
That thought, as Louis Menand shows, was a cause of the moral nihilism of our pragmatism and Social Darwinism etc..
Reconstructionists accept that the deconstructionists have succeeded in severing the thread of French tradition, but see deconstruction as nihilism with no future.
Often called neo-reactionaries but better understood as classicists, a third group of French thinkers refuses both nihilism and Islamism.
Dewall is strangely attuned to the terms and images that have characterized Det. Rustin Cohle, in all his nihilism and shadiness — extending even to a punning gloss on that nickname, a nickname that Dewall can not know.
He worries that to do so may make Rorty more significant than he is, but he justifies the attention he pays to Rorty's cheerful nihilism not only because of Rorty's influence but because Rorty's is one response to the truth about life.
Nihilism is the result of having so many compact discs from which to choose that, no matter which ones we choose, we are dissatisfied because we can not be sure we have chosen what we really wanted.
Nihilism is not a philosophical conspiracy designed by Nietzsche and some French intellectuals to undermine the good sense of liberal Americans — indeed Nietzsche was the great enemy of nihilism.
One might ask, why not entertain Houellebecq's fantasy and consider Islam as an alternative to the ambient nihilism?
Normal nihilism is not, however, a condition that grips only intellectuals, but rather forms everyone in liberal social orders.
This striking transformation of life into lifestyle, the way in which the tools, garments, and attitudes specific to particular times and places become commodities to be marketed to anonymous and rootless consumers: they are the natural (if also banal) expressions of our normal nihilism
Hitler further declares a «merciless war against spiritual, political, and cultural nihilism
And all of Carl's observations are about the truth about the state of nature that somehow vindicate both Christianity and Coen - style nihilism.
At a recent public meeting, a man told Gehry that he thought the design represents «permanent winter,» and more pointedly, «death and nihilism
In a thematic introductory sentence, he states that «the claim to the exclusive status of being an owed victim constitutes one of the great moral nihilisms of this century.»
As Edwards puts it, «normal nihilism is just the Western intellectual's recognition and tolerance of her own historical and conceptual contingency.
Edwards, for example, suggests that one could not want a better exemplification of normal nihilism than the regional shopping mall.
What Trump said in Warsaw was keyed to a very different threat, that of a velvet nihilism, a disposition of cultural and moral disarmament that can not rouse itself to affirm or defend much of anything.
(The so - called nihilism of Joel and Ethan Coen might be understood as a related phenomenon.)
Nor can it survive under a hostile polity contemptuous of truth, justice, law, and beauty: It will fall into lassitude and nihilism unless it maintains its longing for the transcendent, its upward thrust into the future, and the highest aspirations of the human heart.
But they did not see that this nihilism stemmed from the Nazis» radical hatred of the Jews.
God has clearly chosen to work in ways not immediately obvious to us, and we can only assume that He has done so in order that He might be glorified while the vestiges of racism and exclusion, the failed attempts at revitalization, and the nihilism induced by violence might be put to shame.
Seeing it again, the movie, for all its violence and seeming nihilism, is a sustained argument for the personal significance of all people and the need for personal love.
The intellectual dishonesty of some atheists, NOT all, lies in the attempt to imply that atheism is a religious type of nihilism.
Great ones become touchstones for our self - understanding: Ivan Karamozov, the voice of our skeptical nihilism; Jay Gatsby, an emblem for our self - invention.
Nietzsche and Dostoyevsky made the obvious connection between atheism and nihilism a long time ago.
I mean I respect your right to reject his version of events and I understand cynicism but doesn't that mindset extrapolate into nihilism?
Faith and reason as essential together: This is the papal view that faith without reason leads to superstiition, while reason without faith leads to nihilism and relativism.
Even Nietzsche with his «nihilism» eventually went insane following his athiestic ideas to their natural conclusion.
Don't give me «here and now is damned» — in my opinion that type of dogmatic fatalism puts «god is dead» nihilism to shame in terms of real, measurable negative results.
The sexual revolution, a suspicion of institutions and authority, and intellectual nihilism combined in a corrosive mix.
This, then, is the great religious obsession spun into all of Kristol's political writing: the belief that secular liberalism breeds a valueless individualism that necessarily progresses toward moral disorder and even nihilism.
(M & M 54) And the plant that grows from these roots is moral and political nihilism, Polanyi's «emptiness of mere self - assertion».
If there is no God, the downside is nihilism.
Pulling solely on the oar of capitalist individualism results in nihilism, as it did in the Gilded Age and in the 1920s and «80s, and is no more satisfactory than trying to steer society by the oar of Christian communitarianism.
But it was also the nihilism of my 20s that I wanted to keep buried, that part of my life that felt more like an archeological dig than a personal story.
But if he and Polanyi are right about nihilism (Polanyi's «empty self - assertion») being at the heart of the mentality of a culture dominated by Scientific Positivism then its occurrence is obviously not dependent on the specific form of the doctrine, be it Marxist, Fascist or whatever, in which it is expressed.
Maybe things we don't understand yet will reveal that nihilism is not unavoidable.
Play «provides an alternative,» suggests Cox, «to either cowed submission or empty nihilism.
What atheist bloggers have taught me: Atheism is synonymous with communism, nihilism, anarchism, immorality, materialism, naturalism, marxism, despotism, totalitarianism, pro-abortionism, racism, social darwinism, and, of course, Satanism.
More important, the rebellious instinct which elsewhere expresses itself so often in sour withdrawal, cynical nihilism and disruption is here more often than not both affirmative and constructive, thanks in considerable measure to the chaplain's influence.»
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