Sentences with phrase «own normal approach»

I mean way back before Christianity, when polytheism was the normal approach to religion.
Second, consider the normal approach of the sciences to the understanding of the new event.
The reason I wouldn't want Belt to do that isn't because it's necessarily a stupid idea but because he's a sufficiently good hitter anyway that his normal approach is just fine.
If you're birthing at home — the safest, easiest, happiest, and normal approach for most women — you may already have lined up your local midwife.
So FTSE began by requiring companies to abide by the Code and Resolutions to be listed, the normal approach taken by the Socially Responsible Investment (SRI).
This is the biologically normal approach to how birth happens naturally.
And, you know, my normal approach is whatever kid, you eat if you're hungry, but he's now waking up twice in the night to haul down a full bottle and his weight percentile is beginning to drop (although he's maintaining weight).
These shows are differentfrom Thomas» normal approach, in which he has concentrated on one theme, such as the arms trade.
«The normal approach to CDN delivery is simple injection, but this leads to very rapid diffusion of the drug throughout the body and reduces its concentration at the site of the tumor to very low levels,» he said.
Here researchers take a different strategy to the normal approach of painstakingly tracing relationships between proteins in cells, starting at the end point of full blown disease and working backwards one step at a time.
A normal approach to nutrition will leave you under fueled to maximize muscle growth during this high - volume blitz of a workout.
A2A disrupts the normal approach and goes at what districts are doing in a completely different way.
The main theory behind a flipped classroom is having the lecture / lesson video taped and / or in digital format (a Youtube, a TED Talk, etc.) then watched at home, the classwork is then project based... when our normal approach has more of an approach to lecture / provide the lesson at school and the project at home.
In the May ’16 Pickup Truck of the Year story we noted that raising the suspension creates a 25.3 - degree approach angle (normal approach angle is 23.8 degrees) and a 23 - degree departure angle (normal departure angle is 21.9 degrees).
I would say that a normal approach is anywhere between one and two percent.
Market activity remained abnormal during peak hours on the following few days before finally leveling out this weekend at a seemingly new normal approaching 120k.
The normal approach to AI in racing games is a juristic approach.
This isn't his normal approach
However, on the other hand, the Times doesn't seem to be willing to change much of anything regarding its own normal approach to covering issues.
I understand that doing so (i.e., editorial on front page) is not the normal approach in normal situations, and I understand why.
It seems that normal approaches like solid facts and sensible debate aren't sufficient when it comes to getting the message across in the teeth of vested fossil fuel interests.
This is a perfectly normal approach.
This is the post normal approach to journalism instead of actually using what Gavin said.
As to (i) and (ii), the normal approach would debar the company's claim but the complication arises that the old case law on this suggests an exception where the company is not itself blameworthy and is only liable because of the actions of the staff.
He thought [85] such causal questions «issues of legal policy in disguise... better answered by asking whether, all things considered, the defendant should be held liable for the harm which ensued» and «whether, in the unusual circumstances of this case, justice requires the normal approach to causation to be modified».
Do you find that your normal approach is not working?

Not exact matches

Meanwhile, global oil stockpiles in developed countries could actually fall below the five - year average — the level OPEC is targeting — as inventories approach normal levels, oil demand potentially outstrips Goldman's estimate and OPEC possibly cuts output too deeply.
This course will help you see things from a new perspective, breaking you out of your normal problem - solving patterns and into new and innovative approaches.
For us normal people, we need to be more diplomatic about canceling meetings, but we should have the same, ruthless approach to protecting our time, because that's the most precious resource we have.
While Niu's approach was a far more profound break from the normal work - rest rhythms than most of us are accustomed to, developer Phil Leggetter is taking the opposite tack when it comes to innovating vacations.
But as precipitous market moves in early February and late March suggested a return to more historically normal levels of volatility, the question for investors now is how to adapt their approach to the new environment.»
They certainly are approaching this recession as a blip — something for them to get through before life gets back to normal
Dimon said it would be reasonable to expect a 10 - year Treasury note yield of 4 percent with normal growth and inflation approaching 2 percent.
As the weather heats up and the summer holidays approach, it's perfectly normal for your employees to slow down and sync their minds to summer break mode.
Both approaches have pros and cons — hobby income isn't subject to the 15.3 % self - employment tax, only normal income tax, but you get fewer deductions against your income and the deductions you get are less valuable.
You can rely on normal means of calculating the discount rate, such as the weighted average cost of capital (WACC) approach, to come up with the drug's final discounted cash flow valuation.
It will be many more days before these communities and our customers return to anything approaching a normal routine.
He tests this approach by matching actual yield curve data with standardized (normal) R and C distributions that both have zero mean and standard deviation one (such that standardized R and C may be negative).
A literal, normal hermeneutic coupled with a Christ - centered, grace - oriented approach will normally yield the proper interpretation.
Approached with healthy normal skepticism it falls flat on it's ass.
To be honest, the normal Creationist approach is quite convoluted and both reads a bunch of stuff into the text that is not there, and ignores several key terms and ideas that are there.
This approach has applicability to a wide range of problems which normal church members encounter during the «common ventures of life.»
The healthiest approach is to give thanks for these times and then simply return to normal behaviors.
The pathological approach has, besides its assets, also a serious liability, and that is an exaggerated emphasis on the morbid manifestations and on the lower aspects of human nature and the consequent unwarranted generalized applications of the many findings of psychopathology to the psychology of normal human beings.
The pure group therapy approach can be modified in several ways to make it applicable to church groups with less highly trained leadership and designed to help relatively normal people.
My approach shows what is wrong with Locke's flight of fancy that an unstructured material body might think, or Kenny's suggestion that our ways of speaking are compatible with our heads being full of sawdust, so that indeed bodily function is internal to normal mental function (pp. 336 - 339), so that thought and understanding while integrated with the imagination nonetheless transcend it, and transcend the body.
Correspondingly, active change and becoming of finite things (at least in certain particular but quite normal and natural forms) will appear not only as the active asymptotic approach to what is higher than themselves through active self - fulfillment of their own natures, but also as an active transcending of their own natures, whereby an existent itself by its own activity (which itself implies that of God) actively moves beyond and above itself.
The moral approach to unemployment is to pay each person minimum wage minus the normal cost of gettting to and from work.
Other models can be found in the approaches used by chaplains in hospitals, universities and prisons, where contact with unbelievers is part of the normal day's work, and where a real response can be made based on knowledge of the state of people's religious views and needs.
any tips on what I might have done wrong or is this normal as they approach room temp.
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