Sentences with phrase «own obsolescence»

The rate of change is autocatalytic — each change creates the next at a faster rate, and leads to disruption and radical obsolescence.
Even on this continent, paper isn't going to follow audiotapes and floppies into obsolescence.
Someday, botnets could be ushered into obsolescence by networks designed to repel them.
The four critical factors are: (a) businesses with recurring revenue bases — like a renewable subscription — are far better than ones dependent on constantly securing new customers; renewals are much easier and less expensive to secure than new sales; (b) customer retention is absolutely critical — all customers are very costly to acquire and very easy to lose in a world of almost infinite choices; (c) businesses based on products that require constant replacement or renewal (the «razor blade» model) are much more attractive than durable goods businesses (like selling refrigerators) where the products have very long repurchase or replacement life cycles and where the market could even fairly quickly reach saturation points; and (d) businesses that offer products or services that had a predictably high rate of obsolescence were much more attractive than those where the products had long, useful lives.
E-readers are thus either destined for the obsolescence pile, or they'll be coming out of Kinder eggs soon enough.
The watches make little sense beyond the fanboys, though, because of their natural obsolescence.
The 128 - year - old beauty company, known for products such as Skin - So - Soft and ANEW skincare, has been hit by a triple whammy: the rise in sales of low - priced beauty products at mass - market chains such as Walgreen (WAG) and Dollar General (DG), the apparent obsolescence of its direct - selling model for beauty items, and ill - advised forays into fashion, jewelry and pricier skincare products that alienated many customers.
Other manufacturers» smartwatches also face the obsolescence dilemma, but they aren't selling their devices at sky - high prices.
Well, IBM could learn a thing or two from Yellow Media, a company that doesn't know the meaning of «quitting in the face of obsolescence
«Fiat currency encourages consumption,» and that leads to planned obsolescence of consumer products and waste that harms the environment, said Clark.
Not that the arrival of systems with more human decision - making processes means the obsolescence of the human brain.
Hundreds of shopping centers across the U.S. are facing obsolescence, abandoned by shoppers who are going online or getting choosier about where they shop.
He wants to own «steady Eddy old - economy businesses that don't have a lot of obsolescence risk,» he says.
This improves the in - stock position of a fast - moving product and prevents obsolescence for one that is not selling.
It threatens millions of previously safe jobs and, if the possibility becomes reality, it tears away people's last protection against tech - based obsolescence.
It takes initiative, a mindset of planned obsolescence and innovation, and a concerted effort to «see around the corner,» to see things that your customers will need, even if they don't realize it yet.
In other words, obsolescence is playing a role here.
Arguing that the Quran incites violence, it insisted that «the verses of the Quran calling for murder and punishment of Jews, Christians, and nonbelievers be struck to obsolescence by religious authorities,» so that «no believer can refer to a sacred text to commit a crime.»
Additionally, Service Chemical's Total Chemical Management Program (TCM) solution can help you in reducing storage, inventory - carrying cost, regulatory reporting and waste minimization due to obsolescence.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has ascribed bitcoin's recent meteoric appreciation to the eventual but inevitable obsolescence of banks.
To be sure, this is a travesty of economic reality inasmuch as it reflects a distorted set of tax laws that permit absentee investors to depreciate buildings again and again, as if they wear out and lose value through lack of upkeep (despite landlords being legally required to maintain rental properties intact), or by obsolescence (even as construction standards cheapen).
In a video posted to Youtube on December 12, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu predicted that banks would eventually disappear once their role as financial middlemen became redundant, adding that this obsolescence might result from market changes wrought by cryptocurrencies, namely bitcoin.
Technology companies may be subject to severe competition and product obsolescence.
The healthcare space is one where the pace of innovation has accelerated almost exponentially, and if you are not constantly innovating, you run the risk of obsolescence.
Internet companies are subject to rapid changes in technology, worldwide competition, rapid obsolescence of products and services, loss of patent protections, evolving industry standards and frequent new product productions.
Technology companies may be subject to severe competition and rapid obsolescence.
Free fall is a crisis of obsolescence and decline that can happen at any point in a company's life cycle.
cost estimates for customer returns, logistics and handling fees for managing product returns and processing refunds, obsolescence of on - hand inventory, cancellation charges for existing purchase commitments, rework of component inventory with the contract manufacturer, legal fees and settlement costs, and write - offs of tooling and manufacturing equipment.
That kind of obsolescence isn't limited to the tech industry, of course.
As a result of the product recall, the Company established reserves that include cost estimates for customer refunds, logistics and handling fees for managing product returns and processing refunds, obsolescence of on - hand inventory, cancellation charges for existing purchase commitments and rework of component inventory with the contract manufacturer, write - offs of tooling and manufacturing equipment, and legal settlement costs.
We talked in the last hour on the whole Foxconn equation, and James talked about our cost reduction and purchasing obligation, and inventory clearing costs, and obsolescence.
The actual rate at which an asset's value falls is called economic depreciation, which depends on wear and tear and the rate of technological obsolescence..
Some users saw the announcement as proof that the company had engaged in «planned obsolescence,» a scheme to degrade the old devices to force users to upgrade.
Apple is not admitting to planned obsolescence.
«Over time, the growth rate of almost all technologies, products, and services slow because of saturation, obsolescence, or competition.
Obsolescence is hard to model and can make a mockery of the detailed financial assumptions underlying buyouts.
- Potential for technical disruption / obsolescence?
[eg debt, fraud, disruption, obsolescence, operating leverage, high valuation, sovereign risk, regulatory risk, patent / lawsuit loss, closed credit markets, systems failure, natural hazards, commodity price collapse / spike, debt re-financing, large risky acquisition, derivative / FX / interest rate risks, project risks, contract loss, brand damage etc].
It's critical for owners to identify both economic and functional obsolescence in order to fight unfair property tax assessments.
Understanding both economic and functional obsolescence is essential to properly evaluate tax assessments for...
New technologies, shifting markets and aging buildings can drive economic obsolescence across entire industries.
First, focus on companies that have a long track record of steady and strong cash flow, and make sure that they are fairly well - insulated from new competition or technological obsolescence.
The most important causes of depreciation are wear and tear, the effect of the elements, and gradual obsolescence which makes it unprofitable to continue using some assets until they have been exhausted.
Obsolescence would equal entitlement.»
Byline assumes the residual and obsolescence risk of the equipment and monthly payments can typically be deducted as operating expenses.
It is what I find the most ironic of the most strident biblical literalists: by attempting to fix the bible into one single, unalterable interpretation, instead of an ongoing conversation, they are sowing the seeds for its own obsolescence.
Those individuals rendered worthless as producers and commodities by obsolescence — the old and infirm — are discarded (warehoused or euthanized) and the nonproductive poor (the homeless, the unemployed, the irresponsible, the incompetent) are viewed as a threat.
What they have to say about the stimulation of needs through advertising and artificial obsolescence can in any case not be adequately explained by the hypnotic pull exerted on the wage - earners by mass consumption.
It ushered in the means of its own obsolescence.
The LeaseTech business model, as explained by owner Lloyd Hawley, is based on resisting the obsolescence of the machines.
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