Sentences with phrase «own occupation definition»

An option for 2 - year or 5 - year own occupation definition of total disability is available.
The policy provides a 2 year own occupation definition of total disability.
The best long term disability insurance provides a true own occupation definition of total disability.
A true own occupation definition of disability is often the most desired for a high - income professional.
It provides a true own occupation definition of total disability that may allow you to work in another occupation and still receive benefits.
Own occupation definition of disability means you can not perform the substantial and material duties of your own occupation.
Any occupation definition of disability means you can not perform the substantial and material duties of any gainful employment.
Our supplemental dentist disability insurance plans are built around the own - occupation definition of disability.
Private disability insurance policies often have an own - occupation definition, meaning you still receive benefits if you can't do all of the duties of your current job even if you're able to do other work.
For more information on occupation definitions when it comes to long - term disability insurance, check out our full primer here.
Some insurers will offer a policy that starts with one of the first three own occupation definitions above, but then after a period of time (24 months, 5 years, etc.) changes to a stricter definition — for example, it may only continue to pay the benefit if you remain unable to work at an occupation for which you're qualified and do not to work at any other occupation.
The own occupation definition for total disability requires that you are unable to perform the substantial and material duties of your regular occupation.
Ideally, you want an OWN OCCUPATION definition of total disability.
For example, going from a modified occupational definition to a true own - occupation definition.
Now, it is important to understand that certain occupations do not qualify for an own occupation definition.
The any occupation definition is much broader than the own occupation definition of total or partial disability.
A true own occupation definition for total disability and partial disability means you will receive your benefits if you are unable to return to work in your regular occupation, even if you return to work at a different occupation in some capacity.
Any occupation definition of disability is broader, and therefore it provides lower long term disability insurance premiums than the own occupation disability definition.
Own occupation definition of disability refers to your inability to do the substantial and material duties of your own occupation.
It is important that you choose a policy that uses the own occupation definition of total disability, as compared to any occupation.

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Only a few examples of the attempt to link values with the arts and sciences have been published (see, for example, A Vision for India Tomorrow: Explorations in Social Ethics, edited by J. Daniel and R. Gopalan [Madras Christian College, 1984]-RRB- But already evident is a sense of social conscience linked to economic development; a theology of vocation that replaces the ascriptive caste definitions of occupation; a theistically based universalism conducive to science and human rights; and a modernizing, cosmopolitan outlook in a land where the sacredness of the cow signals both the power of tradition and a preference for the agrarian life.
Don0086 m, calgary - mtv im dating date definition - dating sites for meeting thai women s kinda like my life occupation.
Career definition, an occupation or profession, especially one requiring special training, followed as one's lifework: He sought a career as a lawyer.
In the first essay of the three, Dong Hoon Kim asks questions about the definition of Japanese cinema in light of the occupation of the Korean peninsula and the validation of the Japanese cinema laws there during this time.
Based on your Op - Ed, it appears that you've redefined the definition of author as being a status rather than an occupation.
Two: anyone who sells a book is, by the very definition of the word PROFESSIONAL («engaged in a specified activity as one's main paid occupation rather than as a pastime», according to Mr Webster) a PROFESSIONAL writer / author / wordsmith / whatever label you want to slap on it.
Also, be aware that different insurance companies have different definitions of own occupation and any occupation as it relates to total disability and partial disability.
«Own occupation» definition.
The «own occupation» rider modifies the definition of total disability under a basic plan, so you'll be considered totally disabled even if the insured is engaged in another gainful occupation.
2 The business and the occupation of home inspector are designated for the purposes of the definition of «designated activity» in section 142 of the Act.
Based on the definition of total or partial disability, you can also receive benefits even if you begin work in a new occupation.
Loans made by educational institutions also fall within the definition of a student loan, provided that either the funds came from one of the other three sources or the loan was made under a repayment assistance program of the educational institution that is designed to encourage the institution's students to serve in occupations or areas with unmet needs.
The employer enrolled me in their group LTD plan, which was inferior to my individual plan in a number of respects (the definition of disability, wasn't «own occupation» coverage, etc.), so I maintained my individual policy alongside.
This plan has own occupation disability definition, meaning the plan will pay out if you can't perform your job, but could still do another job.
In this installation, Amitis Motevalli brings in contemporary issues of war and occupation, while exploring definitions of martyrdom.
Presumably then the employees of both could go out and get jobs like taxi drivers, plumbers, farmers, nuclear physicists, or some other productive occupation that doesn't meet the definition of rent seeker.
All learned occupations have a definition of professionalism, a code of conduct.
Since the «any occupation» disability definition is more restrictive, it's common for people to have their benefits terminated at this 2 - year point.
The definition of oppressive child labor expressly excludes employment by «a parent or a person standing in place of a parent» except in identified hazardous occupations; gardening not being one of those.
Usually, the disagreement about eligibility for ongoing long - term disability benefits occurs when the definition of «disability» in the insurance policy changes from an «own occupation» definition to an «any occupation» definition.
This is essentially the same as the LTD definition with one major difference; the definition of Totally Disabled will not change to «any occupation» after 24 months on claim.
Social security disability insurance (SSDI) has a similar definition of disability to an any - occupation disability policy purchased privately.
Some professions require specialty - own occupation coverage, whereas others can get by with stricter definitions of disability.
There are several different definitions of disability and it is important to understand which one you need to be adequately protected given your occupation.
It may also restrict your definition of disability (forcing a modified own occupation or a social supplement).
If you can work under the any occupation disability definition or own - occupation disability definition, but for less money than prior to your disability, the insurer will typically pay you a decreased proportional amount to help make you «whole» compared to where you were financially before the disability.
Carriers, definitions of disability, objectivity (being truly independent), additional features, and premiums all play a role in attaining the appropriate policy for your protection goals and occupation.
The definition of total disability depends on whether or not you have an «own occupation» or «any occupation» disability definition.
Own - Occupation Disability Definition Rider: A valuable rider if you want to extend the true own occupation total disability definition to a longer period than offered in the baDefinition Rider: A valuable rider if you want to extend the true own occupation total disability definition to a longer period than offered in the badefinition to a longer period than offered in the base policy.
First, know your plan's definition of own - occupation.
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