Sentences with phrase «own painful history»

But today, despite the painful histories and continued hardships to which I was exposed, I experienced a day of hope.
Speaking to an audience of party activists here, O'Malley called the police - custody death of Freddie Gray part of «a painful history in our country, a legacy that we continue to work on and work through and seek to overcome every day.»
The United Kingdom has a painful history of animal rights extremism that has included break - ins at laboratories, fire bombs, and the violent intimidation of researchers, animal breeders, building contractors working on laboratories, and companies that transport animals.
The OC homeless crisis's most influential figure, the painful history of Latina sterilization, the fight against food inequality
IRAN»S PAINFUL HISTORY THROUGH THE EARS & EYES OF A TEENAGER IN PERSEPOLIS Persepolis is a coming - of - age biopic based on a four - volume graphic book (subtitled The Story of a Childhood) that is portrayed on the screen through animation.
I found the work deeply moving as it engages with the complex and painful history of Australia.
It was also important to me as an African - American to write this because we've had a very painful history, and haven't passed our stories down, perhaps out of shame.
This painful history may account for the cult of honesty that sometimes makes life at Hyde feel like a free - floating session of Alcoholics Anonymous.
There are also the problems that often accompany poverty that, coupled with Nashville's painful history of segregation and racial disparities in discipline practices, have perpetuated inequities among its students for decades.
In the unit's later lessons, students draw connections between this history and the present day, weighing questions like how to achieve justice and reconciliation in the aftermath of atrocities, how painful histories should be remembered, and how this history educates us about our responsibilities in the world today.
Beddor spent five years writing The Looking Glass Wars, the shocking literary exposé that revealed how Lewis Carroll, author of «Alice's Adventures in Wonderland,» had willfully misrepresented the story of seven - year - old Alyss Heart, betraying the exiled princess of Wonderland by turning her painful history into a fairytale, when, in fact, it is a dark and dangerous depiction of familial treachery, thwarted love, and the despotic domination of imagination.
In measured, evocative prose, he weaves into the story of the stranger his own painful history and the dark secrets the villagers have fiercely kept hidden.
A former New York Times reporter, Kaiser brings a journalist's eye to uncovering one family's painful history.
Even though Beatty's novel is uniquely American, steeped in the painful history and ongoing discord that characterize race relations here, perhaps this universality is part of what the Man Booker Prize judges recognized and rightly rewarded.
Those with a painful history are apt either to forget or rewrite their history.
In our case at least, with our past painful history, we're ditching all debts — outside of planning to pay only half in cash for our house someday.
Exploring the painful history of American race relations through large - scale silhouette installations, Walker's work transforms historical materials, literary sources and popular culture, challenging us to access buried emotions about our nation's past.
A single work by Simmons is capable of evoking a multiplicity of meanings, simultaneously referencing a buried episode in the painful history of race relations in the United States and the artist's own childhood memories, for example.
Dirty Corner will now be marked with hate and I will preserve these scars as a memory of this painful history.
Like «Guatemala from 33,000 km,» their exhibition covers painful history.
Given this painful history, the president's almost testy press conference response — «if the message is somehow we're going to ignore jobs and growth simply to address climate change, I don't think anybody's going to go for that» — becomes more understandable.
Affection may not be immediate and may lag behind attachment behavior for a variety of reasons, especially when a couple is overcoming a painful history.
The couple in Palmer's sorrowful song may have had a painful history that hindered them from trusting other people.

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The highlights of 2011 are almost too painful to mention: the PlayBook, RIM's first tablet, was a flop; its latest line of BlackBerry smartphones was delayed; weak sales forced the company to issue a profit warning in the spring; its network was hit by a massive service outage in the fall; and it suffered the largest wave of layoffs in its history.
«I find the current moment in history rather painful,» he said.
«It's the end of a very painful and sad chapter in the history of a young nation, in which a dictator, as he became old, surrendered his court to a gang of thieves around his wife,» he said.
Given Jeremy's history, David's conversational game plan — easing in, then when that didn't work, the painful - but - quick bombshell — was doomed.
If the situation deteriorates for a given issue, history has shown there is often a window of time when it is not particularly painful to switch out to a practically identical bond, with much better interest coverage, for nominal costs.
Partial debt forgiveness has been a formal part of nearly every sovereign default or debt restructuring in modern history, although usually not until there has been a long and painful period of angry posturing and one or more partial restructurings.
For millions of young adults who make up the largest and best - educated generation in American history, coming of age in the wake of the Great Recession has been particularly painful.
The place might be full of people whose history is aggressive and painful but there is no sign of that here.
One can certainly detect, for instance, a growing skepticism toward «modernity» in the form of master narratives and instrumental reason, possibly because Latin America has so often had a painful experience of these narratives and the exercise of such reason — experiencing them from the «reverse side of history,» to use Gutiérrez's apt phrase.
Unlike Polish history, Czech history has been marked by a painful tension between national identity and Catholicism.
Our sometimes tranquil circumstances can easily cause us to repress the memory of the millions of people both today and in the past who have been displaced, slaughtered and eventually forgotten throughout human history's painful transitions.
Some small pieces of it, it is true, may be painful, or may show human nature in a pathetic light, but it will be mainly pleasant, because the best fruits of religious experience are the best things that history has to show.
Describing what it's been like to be a Christian in the past year in Egypt, Archbishop Angealos said: «It's in a very painful time, it's the first time in our contemporary history we've seen bombings of churches - we've had three churches bombed in this last year, we've had churches attacked, people killed by gunfire attacks on worshipers as they were leaving, Christians attacked just for being christian, in their homes, in their shops and on the street.
I added that middle part about convincing others, because in my career as a computer systems builder, I often remembered painful experiences and their causes, wanting to avoid future repeats... but was often not able to do so, because others either could not understand the level of complexity involved enough to want to avoid the pain, or because they were not involved in that past history and therefore could not remember it.
God has never used anyone in the Bible, or in history, without first taking them through some extremely painful and difficult times.
That being said, individuals with a history of bowel discomfort (e.g. IBS) should probably avoid xanthan gum simply because it's going to give you that uncomfortable, bloat - y, painful feeling... but according to the current scientific literature, there is no evidence of chronic harm or cancer risk or anything like that.
The world Orient has a very oppressive, racist, and bloody history and is one that is no longer used due to it's derogatory and painful connotations.
We have two decades of them being weird (longer if you take the city's history into account), and I want to know which demolitions were the most painful.
Dortmund have their own Wembley pain to soothe as they return to the stadium that played host to the most painful defeat in the club's history.
As an Arsenal fan, it is painful to see the greatest manager in the club's history losing control of the team and looking lost as to how to get the best out of his players.
It is nevertheless disappointing, though, and I hope it is not a sign of things to come and merely the first of many similarly painful selection decisions in the run - up to the most important sporting event in the history of British athletics.
And when you're dealing with a history that's painful and traumatic, it can be particularly worrisome ground on which to tread.
Dr. Alper had a four - and - a-half-year-old patient with horrible anxiety, low muscle tone and anal fissures from a history of painful movements.
While co-sleeping history had no apparent effect on the babies» responses to a painful vaccination, it was linked with less cortisol reactivity during bath time (Tollenaar et al 2012).
It's really painful to have to educate a tech about one's history when that wasn't something that was expected.
It never made sense to me that after thousands and thousands of years of human history and survival that all of a sudden in the last 100 years, childbirth is «too dangerous» and «too painful» to do naturally.
Throughout history, women have gone through strange, painful, and alarming procedures to safely deliver their children.
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