Sentences with phrase «own pictograph»

With thousands of potential pictographs to add to text messages and other communications, some people may be looking for a way to narrow down the choices.
This makes sense on your pictograph of the heart straddling between the soul and the spirit.
-- Check Ancient Egypt hieroglyphs for a start, particularly the Weighing of the Heart ---- In the pictograph, on a scales, is a heart weighed equal to a feather — the feather equals truth — the heart being a decision making process (a conscience), which equals truth ---- How does a conscience equal truth?
This word hsin is written as a pictograph of the human heart.
Amid a pile of mass - produced bowls were potsherds with marks similar to the pictographs that show up more than half a millennium later in the first writing system, cuneiform.
When he asked experts about the fifth, they explained that it, too, bore artwork, though the pictographs were not visible from the path he had followed.
They had no written language but, using colorful and evocative pictographs, kept voluminous records in books of animal skin, agave fiber, or bark paper.
In 1994 he conducted an acoustical survey of Horseshoe Canyon, a three - mile - long chasm in southeastern Utah decorated with eerie pictographs.
«Most of the precolonial pictographs are in very narrow spaces deep in the caves, some are very hard to access, you have to crawl to get to them, they are very extensive and humidity is very high but it is extremely rewarding.
Like pictographs from an alien world, some of Earth's earliest animals appear as subtle marks on Newfoundland's Mistaken Point
Many of their painted designs were stylized birds, deer, snakes, goats and ceremonial designs in story - form pictographs — illustrations Tankersley describes as the earliest known form of writing.
Imagine a social networking site, where instead of having a page with posts of people here you have an actual cave wall or roof full of different pictographs
However, the pictograph for the soybean, which dates from earlier times, indicates that it was not first used as a food; for whereas the pictographs for the other four grains show the seed and stem structure of the plant, the pictograph for the soybean emphasizes the root structure.
Makes taking pictographs and posting hints, progress, achievements, or whatever you are doing in the game very interactive with other players.
Based on allowed easter eggs, students will make a variety of types of graphs including tally table, frequency table, bar graph, and pictograph.
Then they write sentences using their own pictograph system.
A Picture's Worth 1000 Words In this interdisciplinary lesson, K - 8 students try to interpret what pictographs — pictures that symbolize a word or concept — really mean.
Then share with students that they'll be looking at a set of pictographs and trying to decide what each means.
Begin the lesson by showing students a pictograph.
(To find one, check out such sites as Indian Pictographs, National Park Service Pictographs, or Pictographs on Parade.)
I used this before creating a pictograph displaying how pupils had travelled to reach their holiday destination
Ask students what the pictograph «says.»
I chose my own label and called my paintings «Pictographs»..
He explains in his quotes his painterly method of using compartments in his Pictograph paintings, as a modern way of visual story - telling.
This implies a tightly focused point often aligned around a pictograph.
Included: Ideas for using pictographs, storyboards, graphic organizers.
MD. 2) • Pictographs and Bar Graphs (3.
Pictograph stories were often painted on tipis.
The starter activity requires copies of posters included regularly in National Geographic magazines with pictographs and visual representations of data.
Provide a few examples of pictographs: a triangle for a tipi, a lightning zip to represent a storm, or a spear or bow - and - arrow to represent hunting or war.
Children will explore and create pictographs, petrographs and megaliths in the style of stone age artists.
Students learn about the Native American tradition of decorating tipis with stories written in pictographs.
While the pictograph is an excellent tool for building vocabulary, the storyboard is an exceptional strategy for reflecting students» comprehension of specific content.
Next, ask students to design their own pictographs for items or ideas that would be meaningful to them — for example, basketball, school, homework, pizza, happiness, or anger — and share them with their peers.
Pictographs offer an escape from that kind of precise drawing.
The student who created this pictograph employed a shield, spears, and arrows — tools of mercenary soldiers of the ancient Greek world — in it.
But in another, more novel, form, pictographs can be drawn to represent a word, a famous name, a place, an event, an idea, or a vocabulary term.
Many Plains tribes used special kinds of pictures called pictographs.
Tools such as pictographs, storyboards, and graphic organizers can offer teachers great insight into students» comprehension of significant concepts.
After students have finished their pictographs, they can mount the designs on construction paper.
The «mercenary» pictograph is a perfect example of that.
In most cases, it is readily apparent from my students» pictographs whether or not they comprehend the significance of the term.
Draw each symbol on the board and prompt the class to guess what each pictograph represents.
(Ask students to explain how a tipi picture would be different from a tipi pictograph, for example.
Pictographs have additional benefits as a classroom activity.
Since drawing the human form is bound to be more pervasive in a history storyboard than in pictographs, I might use this as an assignment just once in a school year.
They will draw the pictographs on their «buffalo paper» using whatever art supplies are available.
With pictographs, I counsel students to think beyond the literal interpretation of the term.
Help students see that a pictograph is a simple symbol, not a detailed or intricate drawing.)
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