Sentences with phrase «own pictorial»

Works on which you're able to obtain a copyright fall into eight categories: literary works; musical works; dramatic works; pictorial, graphic and sculptural works; sound recordings; pantomimes and choreographic works; audiovisual works; and architectural works.
For example, software may be registered as a literary work; maps as pictorial, graphic and sculptural works; and a children's slide as an architectural work.
Techniques include extreme - cases reasoning, dimensional analysis, successive approximation, discretization, generalization, and pictorial analysis.»
Pictorial kingpin Silbermann continues to catalogue people's image - based interests through his e-corkboard Pinterest.
Archival Assistant needed to help catalog, coordinate and digitize corporate pictorial collection.
The rock - mass itself was evidently a pictorial, or symbolic, illustration of Jesus Christ, who said to the Jews: «If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink.»
Odd thing, when you put that â $ ˜swordâ $ ™ idea in the last pictorial â $ ˜thing a ma jigâ $ ™ â $ «this was the first incident that popped in my head also.
The story of creation and the story of the fall, for example, like the account of the last things in the Book of Revelation, may properly be called myths, since they are concerned with absolute beginnings and endings or with universally predicable truths, about which no precise conceptual statements can be made and which are best expressed in pictorial language.
Statements affirming particular facts may be found to have value as pictorial expressions of spiritual truths, even though the supposed facts themselves did not actually happen.
Whether or not the story of the giving of the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai amid thunder and lightning and great pictorial drama is to be taken literally, there is little question that the Hebrews entered Canaan with a clearer sense both of their covenant relation to their deity and of their moral and social obligations to each other than they had possessed prior to Moses» leadership.
But the myth can not offer any assurance that the beliefs are well - founded; it is only a pictorial way of expressing them.
It would then be an attempt to convey in a vivid pictorial form the truth, or the belief, that self - sacrificing love is so supremely valuable that in comparison with it even death is of small significance; that although the enemies of Jesus won their victory over him, yet in retrospect his life has become a more potent influence than theirs, for his memory has survived as an inspiration and example for all men.
Indeed, as early as Origen in the third century it was being pointed out that we must not think of the Ascension as a movement in space; and in fact Luke seems to have translated into mythical form, i.e. a pictorial narrative, the universal belief of the early Church that Jesus has ascended to the throne of God, not in a physical manner but in the sense that he has been exalted to Lordship over all the world.
God adapts to what goes on in the world through creaturely decision — the Bible portrays this in pictorial fashion, time and again — and values those decisions and can use them.
This is pictorial imagery like the pearly gates and streets of gold with which heaven is often pictured.
Art historians have long been intrigued by Rembrandt's appropriation of certain Rubensian themes and pictorial types, but Schama makes this the centerpiece of his argument, as if the primary motivating force of Rembrandt's career was to imitate, emulate and eventually get the better of Rubens.
But if the purpose of my images is not to impede reading of the text, but is instead to aid the reader to do his own thinking more confidently in images (I think he does it anyhow), then might not the pictorial gain be offset by apparently not appealing to the reader's imagination?
And to show that even very young ages are included in the concern, there might well be some gadget or pictorial device.
Zeus's bloody tears, then, may be a pictorial representation of solidarity with his human son but they can never be more than merely symbolic.
The quest for this intensified reality led the Greeks to seek to override, so to speak, the pictorial nature of human vision itself in their sculptural creations.
Susini was well aware of Greek sculptors» concern that their work not be read in merely pictorial terms from static viewpoints» that sculpture be experienced as a spatially dynamic art form.
In his work, the physicist relies on the unified mathematical formalism of the theory and abandons dependence on pictorial representations.
Ricocur asserts that metaphors rather than being pictorial words are metaphorical statements.
At a still further stage the expression becomes fully pictorial and we get what is in effect a parable.
A more pictorial and naturalistic but no less conceptualized variation on this approach is the popular painting by William Holman Hunt, The Light of the World (1851 - 1853), in which Christ knocks at the allegorical door of the heart, waiting to enlighten it with his lamp of truth.
Flat, blank facades on buildings conceived as commodities — or just oddities — rather than works of civic art; flat modernist pictorial abstractions; the flattening of cultural history into pseudo-history packaged as what Henry dismissed as «applied sociology» — all spoke to him of something far more ominous, the abasement of man and the crude negation of his proper relationship to nature as embodied in the great tradition.
A simile is like a pictorial model, as when we say that a seasick person is «as green as a leaf.»
It makes no difference that the New Testament avoids all pictorial elaboration.
As Walter L. Nathan has observed, the art rejected by these three church fathers was not the «entirely new pictorial language» of a mature Christian art but the Christian art of their time, which had «borrowed freely» from the late classical pagan tradition.
One has only to read the sermons of the early New England divines to remark how often and how eloquently this huge land, unknown in detail but known to be there, supplied illustrations for those passages in the sermon which required pictorial language to nail down a sermonic point.
Huffington Post: Religious Holidays 2013: An Interfaith Calendar (Christian, Hindu, Jewish, Muslim And More) Click through the slideshow to see a pictorial religious calendar for 2013 with photographs of celebrations of the world's numerous beautiful and sacred holidays.
He can never regard them as pictorial symbols of general truths, existential experiences or emotions.
There are myths which are pictorial explanations of certain facts in history.
Albert Chapelle believes that, while the doctrine of the Trinity is only a pictorial representation (Vorstellung) of the Concept in its philosophical purity, the Concept itself speaks of an infinite Subject of existence which subsists whole and entire in three dialectally ordered «moments» (HR II, 82 - 94).
In any event, I am omitting all the loveliest metaphysical and pictorial details, so better just to read it.
Such ideas are crude and confusing pictorial representations which do justice neither to the fundamental religious experiences nor to the realities of the life of prayer.
To these may be added — though they are found less frequently in the Sunday - morning service drama, pageantry, pictorial representation, even the dance.
By understanding presence as something more than «mere appearances,» Dillenberger has come to consider abstraction the pictorial procedure by which artists penetrate beneath the visible surfaces of nature in search of a subject's «essence» or deeper truth.
Thus Dillenberger returns us to what may he his leitmotif: discerning what is spiritual in pictorial form and what is not.
One of the notable achievements of later Judaism was the abolition of idolatry — the complete suppression of all pictorial and plastic representations of Yahweh and all images of man or beast associated with his worship.
At the same time we may justly speak of the pictorial character of the New Testament imagery, for after all the invisible can only be expressed in terms of the visible.
We found again and again that, of set purpose it would seem, all pictorial elaboration is lacking and that all mysteries are left discreetly veiled.
Bultmann regards the pictorial language which the New Testament uses about the cross as a mythological expression of the truth that the believer has been delivered from sin.
But despite the assertions of certain biblical scholars, this does not mean that no metaphysic is implicit in Hebrew thinking; it means only that the language in which the implicit metaphysic was stated was for the Hebrew highly imaginistic, pictorial, symbolical.
In other words, it is to say that we believe that implicit in the pictorial language of the Scriptures and the historical events to which the Bible points and with which its language is concerned, there is a basic view of the world which is grounded in reality itself.
Inadequate as they are, subject to modification from time to time, needing correction and supplementation, our various human languages (verbal and pictorial, aural or graphic) are both necessary for us and useful to us; they help to make sense of, and they help to give sense to, the richness of experience and the given - ness of the world as we observe and grasp it.
Such language is therefore neither symbolical nor pictorial, though it is certainly analogical (On the subject of analogy cp.
In the first place, we must reply that if such language is - to have any meaning at all it must denote an act in a real, objective sense, and not just a symbolical or pictorial expression.
So even if they believed in Jesus as the Messiah, they wouldn't represent that belief in a pictorial way recognizable to us.
The result is a stable, pictorial world.
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