Sentences with phrase «own religious dogmas»

Shaping religious dogma is, of course, not something most of us can do, but we are responsible for our own thoughts and actions.
Tell me there is no religious dogma involved in that.
However Christians demand that society accept the existence of their god as fact and validate their religious dogmas by incorporating them into civil law.
I don't just deny a belief in a God (s), but oppose those that do and vigorously oppose those that seek to impose their religious dogma on our political decision making.
A Hasidic Jew presents problems to any organization since they are bound by a higher set of religious dogma that might not agree with established governmental policies.
Others choose to do so without the assistance of ignorant religious dogma and I'd say it works even better than the misplaced focus encouraged by fear of not «believing» (in religious dogma).
Theists believe religious dogma because they were told to, or they want to believe it, or they feel it.
how some folks post abstract metaphysical religious dogma as if it were empirical, incontrovertible fact.
To them, persecution means that someone fails to take into account religious dogma when enacting policies, or that they simply have the gal to challenge the basis of your relgious dogma through intellectual debate.
Kerry Egan observed something as a divinity school student that escaped her divinity school professor... that at or near the moment of truth \ death, up to a lifetime of religious dogma evaporates, and only reality remains.
Atheism is the rejection of religious dogma.
With no religious dogma to restrict us, we can easily question everything with out fear of thought police and Hell.
These comments have mostly degenerated into people's responses toward religious dogma.
- But the difference is, Science eventually comes to its senses in the face of TESTABLE EVIDENCE and changes it's views; the thought of changing away from religious dogma is abhorrant to almost all faiths, and change in practices often take much time.
Faith is not religious dogma or a religion.
That, at least, has measurable effects... and no religious dogma surrounding it.
The difference is that the supernatural claims of religious dogma are things which can not ever be proven true outside of the context which I have already mentioned, which is the context of belief.
Of COURSE they reject the special requirements of a religious dogma.
Religious dogma only enforces a narrow - minded view of the world
The same can not be true of religious dogma.
All religious dogma should be scrapped and replaced by the golden rule.
you love fitting your world view into religious dogma.
Many of us who have ditched religion did so upon realizing that religious dogma, religious practice, and biblical scripture is illogical, impractical and can not hold up under any rational analysis.
again, seems more you are trying to fit modern information into religious dogma.
Now, realize that in today's society you are still just as hated, shunned and looked down upon for declaring that same differing belief... or even non-belief — just because people are still too hung up on their precious religious dogma to realize that, though the outcome is obviously less drastic than in the past, they are still doing the same thing that religious people did in the past?
I post here to voice alternatives to religious dogma, for those «undecided voters» who may be reading.
What a waste of time and energy, none of this religious dogma is true.
Both of these types of organizations, among others, tend to have diverse populations, it would be nothing short of doctrinaire to impose a particular religious dogma on the medical care of everyone who is a patient, a student or an employee.
Health care, like everything else, should be based on that fact, not some anti-human religious dogma.
Even if we chose to interject religious dogma into the classroom, which religion is appropriate?
He sets between himself and the world a rigid religious dogma, a rigid system of philosophy, a rigid political belief and commitment to a group, and a rigid wall of personal values and habits.
That fact, all by itself, is a spiritual enterprise; however, it is not the same thing as religious dogma.
Indeed, science has a long history of refuting religious dogma held as «truth»..
«Knowledge» must come after faith... it is faith to accept religious dogma as knowledge.
It's time to realise that religious dogma helps nobody but the people at the top.
Marx's critique of religion can not be accepted or refuted merely on the basis of religious dogmas, for the dogmas themselves are to be evaluated on the basis of the «truth of man» and not outside it.
When particular elements in the traditional teaching about the nature of things have been challenged by demonstrable scientific findings, the whole structure of religious dogma has been called into question.
Religious dogma has to step aside here.
Freedom of thought and freedom of expression can not be tolerated, since they directly threaten the maintenance of religious dogma.
They usually don't even have half a clue about the ideas, evidence and science they are rejecting and they know even less about the religious dogma they are backing up.
The GOP were trying to pass more and more legislation that was rooted in religious dogma!
Your prediction of what this supposed loss of morals will cause in 5 - 10 years is cynical and founded in religious dogma.
I think it's great that we have such an amazing president, one who can actually see past religious dogma and can stand up to an entire country and say «Gay men are parents too and they should be recognized as such!»
There is no place for religious dogma in this common sense proposal.
when a superst ition can dominate the landscape and change real world policy to the point that the state can be used to enforce religious dogma then enough is enough... it needs to go.
In other words, the fact that so many people can be swayed by religious myths and religious dogma helps us understand why the world is so messed up — people can be talked into just about anything, including things that are bad for them.
Now, realize that in today's society you are still just as hated, shunned and looked down upon for declaring that same differing belief... or even non-belief — just because people are still too hung up on their precious religious dogma to realize that they are still doing the same thing that religious people did in the past.
Contrast this with religious dogma, which is the polar opposite of this method.
I think people can be happy and get along with one another without religious dogma telling us we have to be good.
Atheists do not believe in anything — it is a belief, but it is not tied to any religious dogma.
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