Sentences with phrase «own research plans»

Taking the time to slow down and create a well - researched plan to address the deficit is the only way we'll escape a vicious financial cycle.
But because it is unclear what that time frame is for Jane Sanders» annuities, Dauenhauer recommends that she — or anyone in a similar situation — research the plan's exact rules and restrictions before making any moves.
Sounds like a well thought out research plan TDK.
Thirdly, as I begin to construct a research design and explore these ideas further, I report on focus group results and additional research planning underway.
However, the research plan does not include research on agricultural production practices, including organic practices, that have a demonstrated impact on pollinator health
The authors» responsibilities were as follows — CNM: had leadership responsibility for the research planning and execution, wrote the manuscript, and had primary responsibility for the final content of the manuscript; CNM, HE, and BN: formulated the study idea and designed the research; EV and JM: managed the day - to - day conduct of the study and oversaw the data collection; YJ: performed statistical analyses of the study data; and all authors: provided critical review and commentary on the draft of the manuscript and read and approved the final manuscript.
I had significant input for future research plans and saw the opportunities for potential collaboration.
The MDB EWKR Multi-year and Annual Research Plans set out in detail the research activities to be undertaken.
The full research plans and more information about MDB EWKR can be accessed on the Murray - Darling Freshwater Research Centre website at Murray - Darling Basin Environmental Water Knowledge and Research Project.
The research planned for the new laboratory will concentrate on developing rice varieties that can be successfully grown in flood and salinity prone areas, decreasing risks for farmers involved in rice production in some of the poorest regions of India and Asia.
The ethical implications of any research project are important to consider and funding agencies increasingly require evidence that research plans and methods meet ethical guidelines.
After calls grew for a free Commons vote on the government's embryo research plans, the health minister Ben Bradshaw has called the scheme a «good thing».
Fleming said he has spent years researching the plan and hasn't yet found any other examples of municipalities moving so quickly.
You have made a draft of a research plan.
Once you have a question, you can set up a long - term research plan, with well - defined milestones and deadlines.
- Write the research plan concisely, with clear objectives and a well - defined experimental strategy.
In addition to the really short outline that a TOC essentially is, it is wise to make a more extended TOC that connects your research plan to your writing plan.
These courses are of particular importance when new fellows are deciding on their research plans, but they are also valuable for senior fellows who may choose to attend particular lectures.
Meanwhile, about 50 experts will convene in Delhi this month for a 3 - day workshop to line up funding and formulate a research plan.
A great Web site from the U.K. has hints for developing a research plan that helps students assess their progress.
Not only will you have the opportunity to learn about the latest developments in science and technology, but you can pick up some ideas that may help you develop your own research plans.
Considerations that you'll need to address include: establishing authority to purchase supplies and equipment; maintaining laboratory instruments and facilities; the status and responsibilities for proposals and manuscripts in preparation; the group meetings schedule; student progress / evaluation reports; research plans; back - up resource persons on campus; budget oversight responsibilities; and deadlines for reports, proposals, and updates.
A well thought out research plan will also help to offset a relative dearth of publications and experience: Convince the reviewers that you've thought the project through, anticipated obstacles, and developed plans to overcome them.
Almost certainly, you'll be expected to describe your research plans.
In late 2007, during the early months of his faculty position at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City, Benjamin tenOever faced a wrinkle in his research plans.
Like many scientists in Japan, Tamura is both anxious over disrupted research plans and heartbroken at the human toll of the earthquake and the ensuing tsunami, which killed thousands of people and left nearly half a million homeless.
The final piece in the series will be on developing an effective research plan and integrating research into teaching.
Hale would need to come up with his own research plan.
First, the researchers must have stuck to the original research plan.
Our final piece in the series will be on developing a research plan and integrating research into teaching.
«For scientific activities that require the emission of carbon, researchers should replace with less carbon - intensive activities, reduce the scope of the activity, and refine their research plan to maximize the scientific return for each unit of carbon emitted,» Favaro wrote.
Autism Speaks immediately put out a press release distancing itself from Singer and withdrawing its support for federal autism - research plan.
Celnik cautions that this study only included chronic stroke patients and that their future research plans include conducting similar studies in acute stroke patients — those within three months of the stroke — which could yield different results.
«Hopefully we can provide a mechanism for these research plans to converge,» says panel chair Larry Reiter of the EPA.
He first took peyote himself 10 years ago, shortly after presenting his research plan to leaders of the Native American Church.
Active Living Research plans to increase its support for reviews of these high - risk populations, Sallis says.
You are not likely to be funded in the long run if you do not quickly develop a strong, aggressive research plan that is likely to yield results reasonably soon.
Morishita also noted that the IWC's Scientific Committee «does not have jurisdiction to approve or deny the research plan
Having a theoretical element in your research plan can increase the impact of your work while helping to clarify experimental priorities.
Unlike their counterparts in other countries, most Asian researchers generally regard IPR protection as an afterthought rather than as an important consideration in research planning.
This means a thoughtfully conceived but flexible research plan.
Biology professor Malcolm Campbell has given a lot of thought to strategic research planning.
A research plan should present the big picture of your research and its motivation, but it should also connect that big picture, in time, to countless small but important details.
Good plans require time to mature, so, although a research plan can germinate at any career stage, a good time to start is when you enter your first postdoctoral appointment.
So, be sure to allow plenty of time in your research plan for establishing collaborations.
Some places I gave a public seminar on my postdoc work (the research seminar) on the first day and a seminar on my future research plans (the proposal seminar) on the second day.
Little does she know that the body — equipped with resistance to insects, bacteria, and microbes — is waiting for her, eyes wide and conscious, with research plans of its own.
In the lab I was finally given the freedom to choose what to do with my project, what extra experiments to do on top of those outlined in my research plan, and what new methods to explore.
Although we have some excellent science career guides, we don't have extensive formal literature on research planning, says Wright, but we could learn from management studies.
At least that environment would remove the pressure of immediately developing my own research plan.
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