Sentences with phrase «own sake of argument»

Shops, producers and, for the sake of argument, service providers or wherever it might be would be obliged to take advantages of the changes, knowing that they would run out in a set amount of time.
But let's assume, for the sake of argument, that Scientology would have an operating profit margin of 10 %, that would put its annual profits at $ 20 million.
For the sake of argument, though, we will assume that Zycher's latest statements are correct and that these three policies will add $ 55.4 billion of additional GDP to the province each and every year.
Even if we were to agree (even for sake of argument) that a Board of Directors» main obligation is to serve the interests of the organization and its shareholders, that still leaves open this important question: should a Board of Directors seek the best outcomes for the organization and its shareholders, or should it seek justice for it and for them?
Suppose, for the sake of argument, that Canadian automotive assemblers will lose market share in the United States because American tariffs on cars assembled in Japan are lowered (and, again, this is only a hypothetical).
For the sake of argument, though, let's suppose that your team actually does have a need for better communication.
For sake of argument, let's say 60 percent of the cost structure in your organization goes to salary and benefits.
Let's say for the sake of argument that low rates do hurt bank profits.
For the sake of argument let's assume a 50 % follower overlap.
But let's say for the sake of the argument such a condition existed.
Ok we muslims don't love one another and don't love anyone else, just for the sake of argument, can't you guys see the hate that is dripping from your mouths....
Say, «OK, for the sake of argument let's say evolution is wrong and let's forget about it.
If, for the sake of argument, evolution is true, then creationism is false.
Say for example a patient in a remote location must undergo surgery without anesthesia, but with (for the sake of argument) the assurance that he will prevent his own death by undergoing great pains and also assuming that (for the sake of argument) he values his own life over and above any pain he may experience in this life.
5) That supernatural cause could not itself have a cause, because infinite causal chains do not exist — let's suppose for the sake of argument that the chain of causation has to stop somewhere; it is just as legitimate to suppose that it stops with the Universe, or that your supernatural being is not the final link in the chain
I'm going to go out on a limb here «Bottom Line», and assume for the sake of argument that you've never been dead.How else can the readers of this blog ascertain how asinine your comment is if you haven't?
For the sake of argument, if the article (which I didn't read) used only words that left no room for doubt (in a sense saying «We know with 100 % certainty that...), would you accept the conclusions?
You said, «I disagree, but let's accept the proposition for the sake of argument.
@Vic: For the sake of argument, let's suppose the universe was created by an all powerful being who had existed for an eternity extending into the past in emptiness of the nothingness that was before he got bored and created the universe with its 170 billion or more galaxies and trillion trillion stars.
As most criminal actions are already illegal, I was just extending the crime into a specific criminal industry for the sake of argument.
But suppose for the sake of argument I settle on Christianity.
the person brought up God for sake of the argument... nice try...
In fact, for the sake of argument, let me just concede everything.
Ninjas are invisible and silent as the night, and, for the sake of argument, if a ninja ever did rob a Holiday Inn, no one would be the wiser.
But regardless, I will concede all of this for the sake of argument.
For the sake of argument, let me just concede the point.
But even if I do for the sake of argument, the assertion is that that morality is caused by god which is nothing but a claim.
I know of none of my atheist friends who celebrate Easter with bunnies and eggs and know of no Christians who don't except maybe the JW's, but for the sake of argument I will concede that if they do then yes, they are also co-opting a pagan holiday.
For the sake of argument, let's say homosexuality is indeed a sin.
For one, it easily moves from a bracketing of religion for the sake of argument to a faulty view of religion as private by definition.
To put it — for the sake of argument — a bit too simply: there have been behind the civil religion from the beginning two great structures of interpretation, the one I shall call biblical, the other utilitarian.
For the sake of argument you take them a long way apart — miles or millions of miles — and all the time the total spin would remain constant.
ddeevviinn, you said; «It is in this land of reality that 90 % (in actuality a little less, but for sake of argument we'll use this figure) of the population has determined that the Judeo - Christian God revealed in the biblical literature is valid.»
Now, assume with me for a second that God exists (I firmly believe He does) for the sake of argument.
It is in this land of reality that 90 % (in actuality a little less, but for sake of argument we'll use this figure) of the population has determined that the Judeo - Christian God revealed in the biblical literature is valid.
Further suppose for the sake of argument that the kalam argument is correct: no finite events exist prior to creation, although the Creator exists prior to creation.
Accept for the sake of argument the logic of intelligent design, based upon the premise that things which are complicated must result from design.
I am not saying there is or is not for the sake of argument when I ask you for that information.
Another one would be what if a nation wanted to get rid of all the Jewish people (for the sake of argument).
Assume for the sake of argument that the designer must be intelligent (ignoring of course many designs / results which from our own experience are flawed or counterproductive) 3.
For the sake of argument we will assume evolution is true and then before life we go back to the big bang.
Even so, for the sake of argument, let's say it is true.
Let's just say for the sake of argument you understand those verses and still conclude you don't like them.
Ok, let's say for the sake of argument: everyone is right.
Lets make this simple for the sake of argument.
Assume for the sake of argument that extraterrestrial life exists, and that it is based on proteins and DNA like the life on earth with which we are familiar.
However, just like the authors are conservative in allowing for other sources of this novelty, for the sake of argument I'll concede I could be wrong here.
Let's assume, for sake of argument, that God is revealed.
Let's say for sake of argument that the option would be given to opt out of the mandate, those who opted out * would still benefit * from lower medical bills.
So for the sake of this argument, let's assume that someone meets all the outward requirements in the Bible for salvation and they put their faith in Jesus, take up their cross, and begin to follow him.
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