Sentences with phrase «own scaling debate»

There's a huge amount of misinformation, dishonesty, and political agendas attached to the Great Scaling Debate.
Towards the end of the summer last year, this bitcoin scaling debate surfaced again as it was becoming clear that the transaction limit for bitcoin was semi regularly being reached and that it would not be long until it would be regularly hit and the network would become congested.
Regardless of «which side» of the scaling debate you are on, it should not be contested that Satoshi always planned for and advocated for simple, on - chain scaling.
Xapo president Ted Rogers said the company isn't evaluating the scaling debate, while Blockchain's vice president of growth, Liana Douillet Guzmán was cautiously optimistic about the solution put forward by the core developers.
Tuur: [00:24:41] So the way I see it is that we had a big scaling debate the past few years and the question was are we going to do on change scaling with a heart.
Regardless of where one stands on the scaling debate, clearly these two fellows understand the importance of civility and good - natured ribbing.
Bitcoin's very public scaling debate is entering a crucial phase.
I believe it's time all of us stopped taking the scaling debate and all the...
My hope is that a few people will have a good laugh and maybe a few more will take it seriously enough to investigate for themselves the Bitcoin scaling debate instead of accepting the slavish dogmatism coming out of the Core community.
Bitcoin's ongoing scaling debate is reaching fever pitch.
It remains a rival to Bitcoin in the scaling debate, experiencing major swings when transaction become clogged or fees rise too high.
What started as a subtle flaw in the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test of 3rd grade reading has widened into a full - scale debate with national implications: Is too much riding on one fallible assessment?
Arguing that his research describes, in more formal terms, the trade - offs that have been at the heart of bitcoin's years - long scaling debate, Slepak told CoinDesk:
Bitcoin Mining / bitcoin scaling debate / bitcoin security / Bitcoin Technology / Ethereum News / Joseph Poon / lightning network / News / Samson Mow / Vitalik Buterin
Silk Road shutdown, rising scaling debate, looming DDoS attacks, and the disappearance of Mt. Gox all contributed to the crashes.
According to some of its proponents, the proposal, known as SegWit2x, is said to be the only viable solution to the Bitcoin scaling debate.
New headlines relevant to bitcoin's scaling debate surfaced this week after F2Pool began signalling support for SegWit.
A plan to build a developer ecosystem on top of bitcoin, for example, largely fell away, and Armstrong's attempts to influence the digital currency's long - running scaling debate did much to disillusion some customers.
Since beginning of 2017 and due to quite toxic scaling debate, which resulted in lower Bitcoin market dominance rates, many operators add altcoins support on their machines.
Segregated Witness (SegWit) has been the subject of bitcoin's infamous scaling debate for a couple of years now, but it's now getting an opportunity to shine on litecoin, or so its supporters argue, leading some to believe that it will now help reveal whether concerns about the change are valid for bitcoin.
It has a block size limit of 8 megabytes, compared to Bitcoin's 1 megabyte; this protocol change is intended to resolve Bitcoin's scaling debate and allow Bitcoin Cash to process transactions more quickly.
The scaling debate has been going on for a long time.
Bitcoin's scaling debate finally seems to be shaking out, but some users aren't happy with the results.
Bitcoin's very public scaling debate is entering a crucial phase.
Rumors, clues and accusations have dominated social media, news sites, and chatrooms ever since, as a new dimension in Bitcoin's long - lasting scaling debate kicked tensions into high gear.
Bitcoin's ongoing scaling debate is reaching fever pitch.
Bitcoin's ongoing scaling debate continues to highlight that protocol governance is one of the biggest challenges for this technology.One of the many solutions that have been proposed to break through the scaling impasse is coin - voting...
In bitcoin, it could be said the scaling debate has called to mind the balance of power between its major network participants - startups, miners, developers and users.
The ability for the miners to override the scaling debate issues and chart a path forward goes a long way to delivering a bright future for bitcoin.»
And, very relevant in light of the ongoing scaling debate, Segregated Witness will offer up to 1 megabyte of additional block space, depending on the types of transactions.
Hence, the scaling debate.
To start, the community has been embroiled in politics since SegWit was first proposed in 2015 by Bitcoin Core contributor Pieter Wuille as a possible «compromise» to the scaling debate.
Objectively speaking, I believe that bitcoin cash was necessary to put a stop to the 3 - year long scaling debate.
The «relatively uneventful» blockchain split, which is the culmination of the years - long scaling debate within the bitcoin community as they search for a way to increase the network's capacity from the original 1 MB, caused the price of bitcoin to jump past the $ 3,000 for the first time.
There has been some uncertainty in the Bitcoin market recently due to the ongoing scaling debate.
The scaling debate ended with the signing of a famous document called the New York Agreement (NYA), which made provision for a first SegWit solution and then a following SegWit2X solution.
Breakdown by Company The scaling debate in which two predominant Bitcoin improvement proposals, SegWit and Bitcoin Unlimited, are competing for miners» support is becoming more and more intense.
The split is the culmination of the years - long scaling debate within the bitcoin community as they search for a way to increase the blockchain network's capacity from the original 1 MB.
The block size debate, also known as the scaling debate, is an argument about the size of the blocks on the bitcoin blockchain (and about the way those blocks should scale to accommodate more use).
Much of the scaling debate comes down to the vision of bitcoin and goal for its future.
Price volatility is back, but the reason for the price spike could be because Bitcoin may have finally solved it's scaling debate and miners have all signaled for BIP 91 which will activate Segregated Witness (SegWit).
As for bitcoin, there were improvements in governance, and a temporary resolution of the scaling debate acted as one of a few big catalysts enabling bitcoin to resume its upward trajectory.
This fact is always forgotten in the scaling debate when addressing hard forks.
Still, despite the fact that the ongoing scaling debate is again flaring, conference organizers gave little indication that the format for the conference would change.
In 2015, when the average block size was 600 bytes, delays were already causing an issue... And thus, the scaling debate was born.
To begin, Sztorc's new roadmap continues to include Segregated Witness (SegWit), the code optimization at the center of bitcoin's scaling debate, but also outlines a timeline for the Lightning Network, transaction compression and Schnorr signatures.
The often - overlooked alternative cryptocurrency is in the midst of a historically uncharacteristic price spike and a vicious bout of technical drama that is rivaling bitcoin's own scaling debate.
In fact, its larger block size is the result of the great scaling debate that spurred the decision to hard fork in the first place.
The project was initially mediated as the New York Agreement, a compromise between the warring camps of the scaling debate.
Despite bitcoin's recent all - time highs, the digital asset could see bigger price gains if its scaling debate ultimately resolves, at least according to one major hedge fund centered on the technology.
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