Sentences with phrase «own scarce resources»

«Time — the scarcest resource I have — is constantly exceeded by demand.
The Great Stagnation: In «Why the global economy may be doomed to lower growth — maybe forever,» Simone Foxman gives four reasons why economic growth may be much slower in the future: scarce resources, an aging labour force, stagnant technology growth and externalities from climate change.
If you're concerned about cost - effectively getting your company's message out to the right prospects, consumers and customers, you need to make sure that you're not spending your scarce resources in passé places and on cluttered channels that are getting you nowhere.
This didn't feel like either «need» or «nice» to have — it felt like the last place the team should be spending scarce resources or critical time.
Giving consumers the ability to «buy back» an increasingly scarce resource — their time — is the future of consumerism.
Every buck makes a big difference, and nothing is taken lightly because in the world of scarce resources you're always stealing from some Peter or Penny to pay Paul.
Realize that investors have two scarce resources: their time and their money.
Should not - for - profit governance be short - changed because of scarce resources and the fact that directors are unpaid?
Some farmers and city leaders worry that the fracking boom is consuming too much of a scarce resource, while others see the push for production as an opportunity to make money by selling water while furthering the nation's goal of energy independence.
Together these changes have shifted market power away from the firms that own content toward the digital platforms that control a new scarce resource: the customer.
«We discovered that, in order to motivate a desire to help others, a story must first sustain attention — a scarce resource in the brain — by developing tension during the narrative.
Not all movement (however frantic) is progress or even forward motion and too much trying can sap precious energy, waste critical and scarce resources, and take your eyes off the main chance.
As you might expect, the discussion started with what he called the «rule of three,» which is a simple way to think about the need to focus the scarce resources and bandwidth of the entrepreneur on the most critical and pressing issues.
It's about conserving scarce resources and applying them smartly.
I say all the time that time is our scarcest resource, that attention is the new currency, and that increasingly we will only make space for what we're interested in, but not everyone's in a hurry every day.
More broadly, prize competitions to reward targeted innovation and crowd - source new ideas offer a highly cost - effective opportunity for government to leverage its scarce resources for important public goals.
You lose control not only of the agenda and of your scarce resources, but also of the ability to address and deal with the higher priority issues, which are far more critical.
Kids who think they'll live forever (and are frankly too young to even understand the consequences of their actions) have no concept of opportunity costs or the fact that your time is probably the scarcest resource you have.
Distressed governments have always been obliged to protect the health and safety of their citizens and to make difficult decisions regarding the allocation of scarce resources when budgets are tight.
It no longer is, even for capital - intensive companies, for all of us the scarce resource is human capital.
Behind all this banter lies a big idea: That by de-emphasizing economic growth and considering other things that people value, societies could make much better decisions about how to use their scarce resources.
The racers make do with very scarce resources, go to superhuman lengths to achieve their goal, make a series of decisions based on limited information, and always, always, keep moving forward — regardless of the setbacks they suffer.
«The scarce resource in quantitative investing is talent,» said Matthew Granade, the leader of Point72 Ventures, which is seeded by Cohen and his employees.
Time is a scarce resource.
«Support from co-workers probably dips in midlife as peers compete for scarce resources (promotion bottlenecks are often encountered during this career stage).
As I've written before, raising prices during a disaster isn't always unethical — sometimes higher prices provide an incentive for others to rush to send resources to disaster - stricken areas, and sometimes higher prices give citizens an incentive to avoid overusing scarce resources.
We're all in a hurry these days and time is the scarcest resource of all.
«And if you make a journey in the most efficient way, using the scarce resources of an urban population, we should be making that journey using less energy and be more efficient.»
They're not going anywhere, and you shouldn't allocate your scarce resources against them.
And I haven't even mentioned internal partner dynamics where a firm feels 1 — 2 partners have more shitty deals than others and therefore each partner might be jockeying to get his or her deals saved and with scarce resources some will get what they want and some won't.
You will need to be confident that you and your business are capable of balancing the competing demands on scarce resources, by first obsessing over customer experience and product.
Most money in search of mere scarcity is not going into trophies of the nouveau riches, but into the world's most abundant yet also most universal scarce resource: land.
Capital is the scarcest resource for entrepreneurs.
In spite of how much communities desire entrepreneurship, first - time entrepreneurs often find themselves in a desert of scarce resources.
Business leaders with a mandate to create growth strategies, drive innovation, and allocate scarce resources across markets have told us they would value an objective perspective on future shifts in consumer demand around the world.
The experience of many nations has demonstrated that relying on domestic currency creation to finance government expenditures results in excessive inflation, erodes the value of a country's currency and often leads to a misallocation of scarce resources.
Basically, it is the study of how societies make efficient use of scarce resources.
But deciding which areas to concentrate SCC's attention on, and its scarce resources, is the challenge.
The only truly scarce resource according to Simon is human time, whose allocation into the production of material things can always produce more of them.
There is one scarce resource in these debates which is both measureable and important: time.
Investments chosen because they create the illusion of profitability while insiders cash in their stock options are a waste of scarce resources.
Those with scarce resources now feed one another every day, and the student pastors eat last.
The United States sought to destroy Nicaragua's economy through U.S. and contra attacks against production sites and human services and by forcing the Nicaraguan government to shift scarce resources away from development and into defense.
According to this theory, economics is a «value - free» science, and the economic world can be defined in terms of the competition for scarce resources between self - interested individuals with unlimited wants.
One cost often neglected in the debate over recombinant DNA research concerns the allocation of scarce resources that might be used otherwise.
Rationing is an organized effort by a public or private institutions (e.g., Medicare or a private insurer) to equitably limit the availability of some desired or needed medical treatments in the name of preserving the economic sustainability of the institution as a whole or equitably distributing a scarce resource.
Also ranked near the top were conserving the world's scarce resources and reducing disparities between poor and wealthy nations.
Thus, elites squander scarce resources on Western luxury items and others scramble to migrate to a better life.
Clinical triage officers deal with specific, limited and immediate problems of allocating scarce resources in lifesaving and medical care programs.
Already - scarce resources will be used for mutual slaughter.
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