Sentences with phrase «own screencasts»

They also point out that screencasting — where you record video and audio of what you're doing on your computer so that someone else can play it back later — is a fabulous way share a new feature you're working on, for example.
If your course will include screencasts, you'll need a screencasting tool like Camtasia.
Of course, you'll need to create images to accompany your text as well as PowerPoint slides or other visuals if you'll be recording screencasts.
Imagine doing a screencast (like some of the ones I have used in this article) in which you visually walk people through the steps you followed to study the biblical text and arrive and the conclusions you reached.
Our screencast next week should help clarify the functionality.
Sometimes the slides are gone and a screencast shows you how to perform some task with your computer.
Created, written & designed by John Pavlus / Screencasts produced by Andrew Cahill / Music by Jeff Alvarez
Screencast, TinyGrab, Jing, have been used for sharing quick links to screencaps.
Learn to code in the comfort of your browser with video tutorials, programming challenges, & screencasts.
After devices have been returned to their owners, ask participants what they liked about the other person's screencast and, as a group, begin to pull together a list of qualities that make a successful screencast.
Annotate is a synchronous tool that lets students collaborate to create animation or a live screencast to show their understanding of a concept or idea.
But if I was going to just explain something or deliver some sort of content, I'd be doing something in a podcast or screencast.
Each lesson incorporates different modalities, like a video or customized screencast, or an activity ranging from formal writing to a simple contribution on a Padlet page or Todaysmeet feed.
... It's easier to record a screencast than it is to record a show from your television on a VCR.
Model creating a screencast using the Screencast - O - Matic site, focusing on resizing and moving the recording window, using the recording controls, and saving a screenshot.
If no one can define them, then explain that a screencast is a recording of a computer screen or whiteboard that is used to teach others.
She saw how we were recording our live lectures with screencasting software and told us how her daughter loved it when her professor at a local university recorded his lectures, because she didn't have to go to class anymore.
So I would start there probably, and there's a really great free tool called Screencast - O - Matic, which is at, and it's a free download and I mean really as I said it's as easy as recording a show on your television with a VCR.
Students can record their voices in this screencasting app and produce content that demonstrates their understanding of a topic — and can be easily shared with authentic audiences.
AD: Screencasting is a really great way of getting into Flipped Learning because, you know, I mean it's very difficult to explain some things in an audio podcast - I still think audio podcasting is the best method of flipping a classroom for things that lend themselves to an audio - only format - you know history, maybe biology, psychology, lend themselves there, but it's very hard to explain maths in an audio podcast.
This screencast tours us through EDSITEment, a project of the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Explain that they will be teaching this concept using a screencast of Geogebra.
The screencast software mentioned by in this podcast is available to download at www.screencast - o - matic.
That, I think, really lends itself to being recorded as a screencast or a video in some way so students can watch it over and over and over if they need to even in the classroom while the teacher is maybe working with another student.
Started by a school in Washington, D.C., as a homegrown repository for screencast lessons by their best teachers, they got funding to go big, and now teachers across the country can participate.
I mean, it's not really a fundamentally new idea and certainly I «flipped», for want of a better word, my classroom in 2006 seriously - that's when I first started saying to my students that anything I felt I really needed to explain to them I would do that in a podcast or a screencast and when we come together in the classroom, we'll do things that require togetherness.
Ask participants what a «screencast» is.
There are a few free iPad apps that I love using for screencasting.
The games will keep kids busy for many lessons and they are not simple «watch and repeat» screencasts.
(Tip: Have participants save their screencasts to their computers as an mp4 file.
... And yes it certainly can be done without technology, I would argue... but now, recording a podcast or making a screencast is so easy that really any teacher can do it.
With a quick search in the App Store or the Android Market, teachers and students could find alternative apps for both scanning and screencasting.
Each screencast will set a simple task for the student to complete to advance their game.
Stepping toward the augmentation level, students may use screencasting to demonstrate solving a math problem, or labeling a process that focuses more on demonstrating their comprehension rather than presenting facts.
Intrepid teachers like Quisha Brown, who made this screencast about Common Core 360, are hunting down the free resources.
For example, in the classrooms where I have been conducting research on student screencasting, one of the most remarkable and consistent unintended outcomes was that students, no matter how young or old, and no matter what discipline, intrinsically reflected, self - assessed, and adjusted their articulation of understanding.
Screencasting captures her thoughts and allows us to witness a process that might otherwise have been missed.
leveraged by student screencasting comes from unintended and unprompted activities, conversations, and artifacts of learning.
Authors should strive to make the screencast professional and engaging for their audience.
None of the teachers involved in the study ever instructed students to play back their screencasts or make revisions.
But I don't think anyone was ever truly certified in a particular discipline after attending only screencasts without other interventions.
Holland of EdTech Teacher looks at the SAMR Model as she walks us through ways to redefine learning through screencasting apps that allow students to combine audio, images, drawing, and text to present, tell stories, and explain thought processes.
Delivers collaborative video editing, green screen, screencasting and more in discounted Google Creative Bundle on Chromebooks through local resellers
As Kristen Wideen (@MrsWideen) demonstrates with her mixed first and second grade class, screencasting bridges the gap between the physical and the virtual in order to extend the learning context.
However, the end goal should not be to simply create a screencast.
But combining screencasts into other interactive e-learning environments such as an LMS, rapid e-learning tool, or both, can achieve impressive results.
Whether you choose Screenchomp, Educreations, ExplainEverything or any other screencasting app, at the substitution level of SAMR, they all enable the production of PowerPoint - like videos to deliver lecture - based content.
Students can «go on the road» with their findings to local schools and organizations or produce screencasts for the school website.
This is especially true if the screencast is professional and high quality, with rich visuals and audio.
James, a teacher researcher focused on effective learning and teaching, suggests four collaborative - presentation tool technologies for engaging students with course material in and out of class: myBrainshark, PosterMyWall, Screencast - o - matic and Padlet.
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