Sentences with phrase «own selfish purposes»

Why deal with us in was we, as humans, manipulate for our own selfish purposes.
This woman should have checked with her sponsor to see if this disclosure was made for selfish purposes — and she speaks of humility...?
For me specifically I think you and I can agree that sometimes regardless of motive if a good act is done and everyone benefits, does it matter if it was done for a selfish purpose?
However, the Catholic Church is pretty much alone in the modern world when it comes to a large (HUGE) insti.tution actually covering up wide - scale child abuse in its ranks for its own selfish purposes.
Does this set up God as a utilitarian God who enlists us to serve for His own selfish purpose?
Who has the right to kill an unborn human for their selfish purposes?
GAW — I believe in deeds and our individual purpose to rescue what we know as humanity with the selfish purpose to find my happiness.
«Christians,» they said, «must re-think the usual position that has turned homosexuals into modern day lepers» and «homosexual acts should be judged in each individual instance by whether the participants were expressing genuine love or simply «using» each other for selfish purposes (New York Times 20 November 1967 p. 1).
These are professional athletes who will always try their hardest — even if it's for selfish purposes.
The statement said, «These persistent killings are not spontaneous; there are subterranean forces with a sinister agenda to instigate war in the country for selfish purposes.
Obama's promise to «govern for all the people, not just the interests of the wealthy and well - connected» came across more Andrew Jackson («the rich and powerful too often bend the acts of government to their selfish purposes») than Karl Marx.
He added, «The presidential declaration is a distraction to keep Ekiti busy from keeping attention to his illegality in the application of Ekiti's money for selfish purposes and a ploy to embark on whipping up sentiments to escape justice in his misapplication of Ekiti's money.»
Indeed, when we first meet him he is worming his way into the good graces of SS officers for his own selfish purposes.
He's realized that sorcerers pervert nature and twist reality, stealing power for selfish purposes.
At that point she begins questioning who she can really trust, and who is trying to deceive her for their own selfish purposes.
With a huge war chest, it controls the state assembly and, for its own selfish purposes, manages to kill every child - friendly reform measure that is proposed.
For my selfish purposes, I wish he had gone into more details about some of the mundane details of dispatches and paperwork, but it still provides me with many ideas.
As you say, it's never been easier to publish, but one downside of this is that it's also never been easier to shave points, stuff the ballot box, bushwhack rivals (or perceived rivals) under the cover of anonymity, hijack others» words for selfish purposes — and all the rest.
The faster these shelter animals are killed, the more money ASPCA keeps for their own selfish purposes.
It was just «junk science,» they claimed, a «scare tactic» worked up for selfish purposes by power - seeking bureaucrats and radical environmentalists.
Gopal Subramanium is a perfect example to how hard work pays off, not solely for selfish purposes, but for the nation and its Courts.

Not exact matches

In fact, I've always been intrigued by how anyone who doesn't believe in a higher power could come to the conclusion that there is any purpose to life at all beyond what we have socially or individually constructed for essentially selfish reasons.
Repudiating the fear and dread inspired in men by Satan and his churches — an Angst deriving from an abject and selfish terror of death (38:38)-- Milton's purpose is to teach men to despise death and to move forward:
I also note that most of us use our «religious holiday» for selfish reasons and certainly not for any purpose unto God.
but i didn't state anything example — i stated that the theory of evolution is yet to be proved and so with that i agree that due to that lacking it is equal to the theory of god... the only thing i said which is cemented truth for anything is that we don't know what the real answer is... and by stating ideas as facts serves no real purpose but a selfish one... lets call it an ease - ment on the inner self, the mind can now be at peace with the hope that when i die i get to live yet again... full belief in this is insane without evidence.
The purpose is to join but only to meet your own selfish needs and desires.
Those who are selfish misunderstand the purpose of human life.
He had the key: service of others and of God is our greatest purpose; love in return for hate is the greatest triumph; there is something in life more important than our own selfish fears and desires.
First, the religious point of view which provides so - called humanitarian goals for the statesman as a direct and immediate substitute for selfish national purposes «misconceives the nature of international relations.»
What does happen is that the desires and wishes of the praying person are gradually purged of self - centered and selfish elements; he comes slowly to see that he should pray, for his own condition and for others, for «an increase of faith, hope, and charity» — as the Prayer Book collect for Trinity XIV puts it — and in consequence come to conform his own desires and wishes to the ongoing purposes of God.
If, like a modern atheist, you believe that life has no purpose except personal enjoyment, you use your life for selfish enjoyment and put an end to it when the loneliness such a life induces seems to outweigh whatever satisfaction it formerly gave you.
As hard as it is to accept, as crazy as it may sound to the logical, reasoning centers of our brains, it is selfish of us to place concerns of safety for ourselves and our loved ones above God's greater purposes.
All we can do is to hope that Mugabe comes with a sincere purpose and not with political agenda and selfish motives.
The purpose of these semi-regular posts is a selfish one, I want to document my final season of Mizzou basketball as a student here at the school I was raised to love.
«You're selfish for not wanting to use our breasts for their «intended purpose» or to not wanting to give up bodily autonomy for months (or years).»
It makes me sad that our society is so selfish and ignorant when it comes to breasts and their true purpose... to nourish AND comfort our children.
Wtf genes are selfish genes — parasitic genes whose sole purpose is to survive and spread.
With a focus on your soul purpose and a vision for creating the life you want, reclaiming your right to set boundaries will not come not as selfish, but rather, self - full.
With Greenberg, Baumbach turns to Ben Stiller's (Reality Bites, Meet the Parents) Roger Greenberg, a selfish, privileged and aimless soul whose only purpose in life is to take anti-depression medications and make everyone around him feel worthless.
And now, a new test promising to revolutionize education will produce yet more meaningless data for adults starving to exploit children for self - gain, selfish career aspirations, blind ideological ploys, or for the purposes of establishing high property values on the backs of children, all the while sorting out which 8 year olds are on track to be «college and career ready».
However, the purpose of a term insurance isn't selfish; it is not about you but it is about the people you love and care about.
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