Sentences with phrase «own sexual experiences»

Virgins, or those people with just a little sexual experience, call them «practice partners».
Messages of fidelity, monogamy, and delay of first sexual experience can be transmitted in a secular manner» for example, through life - skills programs at schools» and / or these messages can come through religious leaders and organizations.
One thing she learns, from her first sexual experience, is to wonder why so much poetic ink has been spilled over something that takes so little time.
Mix the premarital sexual experience embedded in the memories of middle - aged married couples with pornography, and I suspect sexual fantasies will provide a standard of sexual satisfaction difficult to meet.
We see a reaction from Millennials of, «OK yeah, so what I had some pretty sketchy sexual experiences?
Sexuality is not love, and much sexual experience may be independent of that mutual affection, commitment, and union of two personal histories which we call human love.
It is often said that women know this communicative dimension in sex more intuitively and deeply than men, and this is one reason for the male's relative freedom from psychic scars in casual sexual experience.
The need for the love which gives faithfulness to the other, suffers with and for the other, and accepts the other, pervades the whole sexual experience.
We need to achieve a more adequate view of the sexual experience in personal life.
But the inner destiny of the sexual experience is toward the intimate and transforming discovery of love.
So also the Christian faith should lead to understanding for those to whom life brings unwanted and difficult circumstances, such as those who want the companionship of marriage and are denied it, those for whom physical or psychological illness makes sexual experience impossible, those who have had tragic and wounding experiences and must find their way through them.
From popular interpretations of Freud (in many respects incautious and one - sided) it has come to be widely believed that sexual impulses are the central factor in human existence, that social restraints on sex are the source of unhappiness and illness, and that uninhibited sexual experience is the basis for human felicity.
What many men discover is that the total sexual experience is much more satisfying and pleasurable to them if they allow themselves to enjoy longer periods of play.
A sexual experience resembles a short vacation trip.
Rather it's something that you build together through shared sexual experience.
One of Rosen's most significant findings (supporting a suggestion by Kinsey) was that the later pattern these women followed had been greatly influenced by their first sexual experience.
To be regularly and fully satisfied in sexual experience is commonly accepted as an important human objective.
This type of communication is vital not only to having singular healthy sexual experiences, but also to build and understand your sexual compatibility with a person.
To give this up simply to broaden one's sexual experience may well express the idolatry of sexual experience.
Purity culture is a culture that judges moral worth based on sexual experience, and expects women in particular to «behave» as virginal vessels until their wedding day.
The meaning of these sexual experiences is as varied as the people in them.
You have been through a very traumatic sexual experience, which is defined as rape — sex without your consent.
It was refreshing the movie de-glorified sex, showing the girls it's not the monolithic thing they think it is, and that, crucially, their sexual experiences or orientations don't define their relationships with each other.
The girls go to prom expecting the typical sexual experience pop culture has taught them to want, but they end up finding out the real thing is different for each of them.
Abby: It was refreshing the movie de-glorified sex, showing the girls it's not the monolithic thing they think it is, and that, crucially, their sexual experiences or orientations don't define their relationships with each other.
It is through the experience of his own body that he painted erotic pictures, and it is through his own physical imagination, heightened by sexual experience, that he painted the war pictures.
«Since masturbation is one of the earliest pleasurable sexual experiences which is identifiably sexual, we consider it essential that the church, through its teachings and through the attitudes it encourages in Christian homes, contribute to healthy understanding of this experience which will be free of guilt and shame».
Sexual experiences are something like listening to one's favorite songs or taking trips to the art gallery.
Of course, the sexual revolution of the «60s and «70s was itself uneven: some of the constructive power of sexuality was released, and gains were made in sexual justice and equality, but at the same time some sexual experience was trivialized.
As adults, we would feel uncomfortable publicly disclosing even positive sexual experiences with our marriage partners.
The untruth comes when «traditional marriage» is offered up as a term that defines a religious concept of a God - blessed union of a young man and woman who fall in love, get married with no prior sexual experience, have children and remain together into old age.
How can you enjoy a full, satisfying sexual experience or deep emotional rapport with a person of the opposite sex when the differences are so vast?
When one shares one's body, when one shares another's, as part of the give - and - take, as symbolic of the frustrations and appreciations that both face together in all areas of life, then sexual experience becomes a way of saying what we all need to say and to hear: «I care!»
«What I'm really looking for is a girl who will give me a beautiful sexual experience.
Nevertheless, the real revolution will spring from the realization that quality in sexual experience is rooted in what we have known for ages, that persons never live by technology and technique alone.
The basic reality I have in mind is this: there can not be quality in the sexual experience when we try to close it off from the rest of the meanings and values that we as persons prize.
But in our day it has been assumed that once we make it clear that sexual sensitivity is nothing to be ashamed of, once persons know how to protect each other by using proper contraceptives, once we can remove inhibiting fears of unwanted pregnancy, then there is nothing important that needs to be learned in order to find «natural» satisfaction in sexual experience.
But I also have learned that many young people are eager to think about the question: How do we, as human beings, keep quality in our sexual experience?
It is the pursuit of meaning that makes sex a — not the — source of renewal as persons who care for one another find in their sexual experience a symbol of their union and mutual concern.
-- can find what you call a beautiful sexual experience
First, they spent an unusual amount of time thinking and talking about sex and their sexual experiences; their sexual hungers and adventures seemed to preoccupy them.
But of course a correlation between observations does not demonstrate causality; the more likely explanation for Dr. Person's correlative data is that heightened sexual fantasies stimulate the search for sexual experiences.
Perhaps the most consistent charge in readers» letters was that the series authors had elevated subjective sexual experience over scriptural authority.
NCCLitself campaigned to reduce the age of consent in the United Kingdom and argued that court cases could do more damage than the acts themselves, arguing that «childhood sexual experiences, willingly engaged in, with an adult result in no identifiable damage».
Significantly, most of the authors strongly insisted that in formulating a sexual ethic we must deal seriously with actual sexual experience.
It is based on the sexual experiences of the poor, using economic and political analysis while unveiling the sexual ideology of systematic theology.»
I think it is better to have sexual experience before marriage to make sure you are compatible.
By using your imagination, it's possible to introduce variety and adventure into your sexual experience and to reeroticize the setting.
, sexual encounters (non-intercourse sexual experiences) and pre-marital sex, aka fornication.
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