Sentences with phrase «own tiny human»

Blame it on the wave of adorable tiny humans clogging my Instagram feed.
Out of the infinite mystery by which our tiny human lives are surrounded have come intimations of the inner quality of the creative Reality upon whom we depend; He moves in upon us to awaken and then to deepen our returning movement towards Him.
Really, it's anyone who believes that homosexuality is a sin, and that somehow God, infinite and eternal creator and sustainer of the very Universe, is «against» a tiny human behavior that harms no one.
In some ways, these questions are absurd: When laws exist to regulate the butchering of tiny human beings and the sale of their remains, compliance issues seem farcical.
These fictionalized, grandiose tales weren't real, and my tiny human brain couldn't — and still can't always — process the difference between truth and well, Hollywood.
My tiny human enjoys the occasional maple syrup soaked breakfast, so these cassava flour waffles do the trick.
One tiny human is doing big work on this front.
Loaded down with to - do's, deadlines, and all the business of raising tiny humans, all of which are hungry and still have to make dinner?
Cooking has grown to be my creative outlet, and that inner desire has not gone away while caring for a tiny human.
My tiny human enjoys the occasional maple syrup soaked breakfast, so these cassava flour waffles do...
(Although I'm not fond of tiny humans, I still very much enjoy these snaps.)
A tiny human willfully collecting berries in their tiny basket!
So I thought that when it came to feeding a tiny human I'd be a natural.
And as this tiny human I have created squirms and wiggles and laughs and bites my shoulder with his razor - sharp little teeth, I can't help thinking that it is me he is here to teach, and not the other way around.
Meghan@CleanEatsFastFeets recently posted... Week in Review: The Tiny Human Takes Over (# 76)
Suddenly, you're now responsible for a tiny human... Read More
This will ensure that you are providing yourself with the nutrients and energy required to grow a tiny human.
I get to sit at meal times and on the floor when I'm playing with the children, otherwise I do not stop until all the tiny humans are in bed.
She wasn't a pet I could put food for in a bowl and walk away from, she was a tiny human who needed me much more than I ever could have expected.
The love you experience; the joy you can't help but appreciate; the incredible things you learn about yourself, your partner, and what it means to raise a tiny human; I mean, it's a beautiful, wonderful and fulfilling thing.
So you had your twins and just started the gratifying yet grueling job of feeding two tiny humans at the same time.
But those were hard won — it is an amazing thing to have your body continue to support and nurture another tiny human after they are born.
That's why we collected stories and resources dealing with depression, anxiety, and the normal stress that comes from raising tiny humans.
Raising tiny humans takes so much careful dedication, nurturing, love, and strength.
He shows great enthusiasm in flushing the toilet afterwards, and is rather stumped at figuring out the hand washing (sinks are not designed to be accessibility by tiny humans!).
And the good news is, you've got some pretty cute tiny humans to show for it, despite the fact that sometimes you're too tired to remember their names.
Raising tiny humans is exhausting but so rewarding.
Kenya has been blessed with the amazing experience of helping tiny humans come into this world.
These tiny humans have their own little personalities, and unlike babies that just lay there and adults who are usually quite cooperative, kids definitely make me work hard to earn my paycheck.
After 9 long months of your body going through enormous amounts of changes to grow your tiny human, you finally get to enjoy not only cuddling and caring for your precious little one but you also get to enjoy your body going back to normal.
Your entire body is changing and you are growing a tiny human inside of you.
He is tiny human who relies on me for keeping him safe in this world.
I might not be looking my personal best right now, but I have some wonderful clothes like this nursing top that makes breastfeeding easier, plus I have a super cute tiny human to look at!
That's right - if it wasn't enough that you just created a tiny human, you now hold the medicine to fight off the world's bacteria... in your boobs!
I'm grateful for breastfeeding because having a tiny human being shriek hysterically for me to get my shirt off has made me feel so needed.
But the beauty of baby art is that nearly anything made by that tiny human will warm hearts!
Unless you're a sanctimonious, #blessed kind of mom, or your name is Mary Poppins, you need something to cope with the stress that comes with raising a tiny human.
Because it feels good, and it's natural for even the tiniest human beings to explore and discover their body.
As i wait for the arrival of a baby conceived after the death of my first baby when he was a month old, i worry about being able to offer him / her a life not completely shadowed by sadness and grief... I hold on to the hope that the love i already feel for this tiny human growing in me will allow me to give him the full life he / she deserves.
There is the uncertainty and fear that can come from the responsibility of taking care of a tiny human, alone, every day, all the time.
Everything we buy these days seems to come wrapped in five layers of plastic and cardboard, and when you have a baby in the family the amount of extra waste generated by such a tiny human is incredible.
Or who has the time to take 5 + showers / baths a day when you've got a tiny human to feed and a life to live?
Sometimes, raising tiny humans is really hard work.
Naptime Natter is a place for mums like me, mums who find raising tiny humans really hard work but are trying to make it through the day with a smile on their face.
There are so many things you need when bringing a tiny human into the world.
With a background in ECE and child development, Nicole taught parenting classes and worked with tiny humans for many, many years.
Every little step toward their independence has literally shed two tiny humans from my body.
In 18 months she has grown into her own independent, happy go lucky, contemplative, TINY human being.
Holding this tiny human you two created, loving on them, kissing them, and repeating «I love you» over and over.
When you are raising tiny humans very rarely can you make it right through to bedtime without some kind of drama, just don't let those difficult moments be the only thing you remember about your day when you are finally dragging yourself up to bed that night.
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