Sentences with phrase «own ultimate principles»

Creativity however is not an actual entity, but the «ultimate principle» (PR 31, 47).
«It is that ultimate principle by which the many, which arc the universe disjunctively, become the one actual occasion.
The «creative advance» which Whitehead says is «the application of this ultimate principle of creativity to each novel situation which it originates» (PR 32) is a conception which, in its first version, is called «passage.»
To pick out just three: that which Deleuze theorizes as «the virtual» bears a certain similarity to Whiteheadian pure potentiality; likewise, the elements of the virtual, namely, what Deleuze calls «Ideas,» play a role comparable to that attributed to eternal objects; finally, the factor in the Deleuzean system which corresponds most closely to Whitehead's notion of creativity — that ultimate principle by which the production of novelty is to be thought — goes, for Deleuze, under the name of «productive difference,» or «Difference in itself?»
This principle is «creativity»... «that ultimate principle by which the many, which are the universe disjunctively, become the one actual occasion, which is the universe conjunctively» (PR 21).»
The Tao, the ultimate principle of reality, is said to exercise its influence on nature and man not by active causation but by wu - wei, an untranslatable term for «active inaction» or, as I would prefer, «effective non-interference» or «non-interfering effectiveness.»
This process of creativity is, as we have seen, one of the ultimate principles in his scheme of thought.
Indeed we may say, perhaps a little exaggeratedly but not without reason, the liturgy such as it is actually performed today — though, we hope, against its own ultimate principles — this liturgy itself increases this greater danger, because it often has a harmful influence on the private prayer of individuals and groups.
He participates ecstatically in the ultimate principle of the universe.
Moreover, man intuits this ultimate principle to be unmoved and unmoving.
When he says creativity «is that ultimate principle by which the many, which are the universe disjunctively, become the one actual occasion, which is the universe conjunctively» (Process 21), is he saying the members of the multiplicity (that an actual entity prehends) are parts of one whole as it begins its concrescence, or is he saying they do not become parts of a whole until the actual entity reaches its satisfaction?
«32 More precisely, Creativity is that «ultimate principle by which the many which are the universe disjunctively, become the one actual occasion, which is the universe conjunctively.
The contradiction is not immediately obvious in Whitehead's characterization of creativity as «that ultimate principle by which the many, which are the universe disjunctively, become the one actual occasion, which is the universe conjunctively» (PR 31).
The universe's creative advance is the application of... [the] ultimate principle of creativity to each novel situation which it originates» (PR 32).
Whitehead comes down clearly on the side of Dewey's mathematical model when he is concerned with the «ultimate principles of existence which express the necessary connections within the flux» (ESP 123).
The complete statement reads: «The historic process of the world, which requires the genetic - functional interpretation, also requires for its understanding some insight into those ultimate principles of existence which express the necessary connections Within the flux» (ESP 123).
He says,» «Creativity»... is that ultimate principle by which the many... become the one actual occasion...» (Process and Reality, Corrected Edition, ed.
It is in the nature of things to be self - creative because according to Whitehead, creativity is the ultimate principle.
More specifically, the question comes down to how well a civilized society exemplifies the ultimate principles and derivative notions of Whitehead's metaphysical scheme.
Looking at these passages it is clear that the authors were investigating fundamental questions about the nature of reality, and seeking for ultimate principles that would explain its existence and nature.
Not only is this disassociation apparent but it seems to leave theology particularly exposed; for while the metaphysician may be criticised for paying insufficient attention to empirical enquiry, and the natural scientist too little to abstract argument about ultimate principles, at least both appear to be directed towards describing the structure of things: metaphysical and natural, respectively.
At the core of the view of Human being underlying paideia and the «Athens» model is the view that the characteristic defining human being is the capacity of reason in intuitive, cognitive judgment to apprehend the ultimate principle of being and of value — that is, God.
«Spirit» occupies the central position in Hegel's thought; it is that «ultimate principle» which, as Whitehead suggests (PR 10), is present in any philosophical system and is actual by virtue of its accidents.
... strange reconciliation of justice and mercy, each somehow an ultimate principle of value, but... the single aim at one primary good, which is that the creatures should enjoy rich harmonies of living, and pour this richness into the one ultimate receptacle of all achievement, the life of God.
In its place is creativity, which is ranked with actual entities and eternal objects coequally as an ultimate principle.
This third position postulates an ultimate principle of order from which emanates the forms of order into which the occasions of experience making up the physical universe are patterned.
As Charles Hartshorne has suggested, it may be that feeling of feeling is an ultimate principle, applicable to deity and every other singular actuality.
Cumulative creation is an ultimate principle and is what Whitehead means by creativity.
Creativity is described as «that ultimate principle by which the many, which are the universe disjunctively, become the one actual occasion, which is the universe conjunctively.»
Griffin & Sherburne, New York: The Free Press, 1978, 21) He adds,» «Creativity»... is that ultimate principle by which the many... become the one actual occasion... This Category of the Ultimate replaces Aristotle's category of «primary substance.»»
On the other hand, it satisfies the expectation, given Whitehead's claim of creativity to be the ultimate principle of becoming (PR 31), that a magnification of the process of becoming ought to afford insight in this respect.
Divided as it is, the Church has spoken with one voice upon certain ultimate principles, whether the voice was that of an Orthodox metropolitan of Athens, a cardinal archbishop of Munich, or a Lutheran primate of Norway; an Anglican archbishop or a Roman Pope — or of many less conspicuous but not less faithful witnesses, some of whom paid dearly for their witness.
So, in my homeschooling, I work hard to make our day - to day choices in the curriculum reflect these ultimate principles through our shared family experiences on each child's level.
About Blog Nadula, the combination of natural, durable and luxurious, demonstrates our ultimate principle is to provide natural, durable and luxurious hair products to each of our customers at reasonable price.
It is the ultimate principle for law firm managers.
About Blog Nadula, the combination of natural, durable and luxurious, demonstrates our ultimate principle is to provide natural, durable and luxurious hair products to each of our customers at reasonable price.
About Blog Nadula, the combination of natural, durable and luxurious, demonstrates our ultimate principle is to provide natural, durable and luxurious hair products to each of our customers at reasonable price.
The book's premise is that giving is the ultimate principle that should guide your life.

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The principle of ultimate responsibility doesn't just apply to CEOs and other top - tier leaders: it regularly gets applied to leaders at all levels.
The driving principle, more and more, is to create value as the ultimate goal, rather than profit for profit's sake.
«In The Success Principles, Jack Canfield reveals the specific methodology and results oriented principles required for success and ultimate acPrinciples, Jack Canfield reveals the specific methodology and results oriented principles required for success and ultimate acprinciples required for success and ultimate achievement.
Therefore, «an ultimate law «has a mathematical structure which is uniquely defined as the only logically consistent physical principle.
But an even more crucial premise is Swinburne's version of the principle of sufficient reason: «The human quest for explanation inevitably and rightly seeks for the ultimate explanation of everything observable.»
The constituent occasions, of course, in line with Whitehead's ontological principle (PR 19/28), provide the ultimate reason (s) why the society exists with a certain structure at any given moment.
By the phrase «universal of universals characterizing ultimate matter of fact» Whitehead means that creativity is the primary metaphysical principle.
An atheocracy has no ultimate truths to guide it and no inviolable ethical principles by which to direct political activity.
My demand is, that the ultimate arbitrariness of matter of fact from which our formulation starts should disclose the same general principles of reality, which we dimly discern as stretching away into regions beyond our explicit powers of discernment.»
The general principle is that the ultimate test of every commitment to ideals takes place at the bodily level, whether in the application of force by the governing powers or in the suffering of those who actively or passively resist the prevailing political order.
Finally, there is recognized as the underlying metaphysical principle of the universe the ultimate activity, the sheer ongoingness of nature, which Whitehead now calls creativity.
If as I have tried to show, the Whiteheadian God is not entirely adequate to the ultimate role required of God, is this the cue for developing a wholly naturalist cosmology which excludes, in principle, all traces of the divine?
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