Sentences with phrase «own unaided»

A classic study from the University of Minnesota, for example, found that presentations using visual aids are 43 % more persuasive than unaided presentations.
According to Sasha Poljsak, an analyst with Fusion Retail Analytics in Toronto, Le Château's unaided awareness among female clothing shoppers 35 - years - old and up — though still modest — has been steadily climbing, from 1 % in 2010 to 3 % in 2011 to 4 %, where it sat at the end of 2012.
According to some studies, more than sixty percent of customers have proactively, unaided, told someone else about that cookie in the last ninety days.
It's powerful and costs hundreds of millions, if not billions of dollars, to create that kind of unaided awareness on a global basis.»
In addition to being difficult to spell, these domain names can be hard to pronounce, especially when unaided by a visual identity.
You may recall that we already reported on unaided brand recognition, where we asked Marketing Land readers to identify — without any names to choose from — the marketing technology brands they think of first.
For clarity, the above obligations do not prohibit MaRS from using any know how, techniques and information developed or learned by, and retained in the unaided memory of, one or more of the MaRS Personnel who provided Services.
Hart thinks Howard Roark's pronouncement in The Fountainhead («I do not recognize anyone's right to one minute of my life») implies the view that a man's «best achievements were simply and solely the products of his own unfettered and unaided will.»
Moreover, it is a truth accessible to reason unaided by divine revelation that human beings have a spiritual nature, in the sense of being rational and free and having a soul that is not reducible to matter.
Taylor aims to bring about this future by means of his own unaided reason, which may require a purge of all those who are not in agreement with the new agenda» a prospect he seems to relish more than regret.
Honestly... not every one is so bitter as to want to spend their dying moments alone and unaided.
Does it mean that unaided human reason can not grasp the evident order, purpose, and intelligence manifested so clearly in the world of living beings?
Thus Polanyi concludes that, «When Einstein discovered rationality in nature, unaided by any observation that had not been available for at least fifty years before, our positivistic textbooks promptly covered up the scandal by an appropriately embellished account of his discovery.»
Only whole cells may contain all the necessary machinery for self - reproduction... Not only is DNA incapable of making copies of itself, aided or unaided, but it is incapable of «making» anything else... The proteins of the cell are made from other proteins, and without that protein - forming machinery nothing can be made.»
What so many Catholics seem to be saying is that, so far as we can determine with our unaided human intellects, according to even the «metaphysically modest» version of neo-Darwinism, there is no real plan, purpose, or design in living things, and absolutely no directionality to evolution; yet we know those things to be true by faith.
When it comes to Jesus, a portrait is not an achievement of external verisimilitude, but a means for us to catch a fleeting and clouded glimpse of the divine, to allow the eye to see what the mind might not know unaided.
If we allow even a single attack to go unaided, what happens the next time and the next time, or when it is your turn to be silenced and no one is left to defend you?
As a matter of fact, there is a whole theological school which holds that man's unaided self - realization is the ideal to be striven after.
He realizes that the revolutionary is tempted to believe that he can, alone and unaided, solve all problems and create a new order, while the Christian knows (or ought to know) that political strife can bring only limited results.
Science is the great success story of the unaided human intellect.
Thomas Aquinas accepted a similar claim that reason unaided by faith could move from a consideration of causes and effects in nature to a consideration of the existence of an unnamed First Cause or Unmoved Mover.
A belief in sheer observation, unaided by imagination, is precisely the core of the Baconian method of induction, which, as Whitehead notes ironically, «if consistently pursued, would have left science where it found it» (PR 5/7).
I was in a big meeting where someone threw down their crutches and claimed healing and said they hadn't walked unaided in umpteen years... his picture was on the cover of that ministry's magazine.
See Colin's post above for more about what telescopes and microscopes can show us, as well as what can be seen by the unaided eye plus a properly functioning mind.
Gravity does not «hate» you when you plunge to the pavement after jumping from a 20 - story building (unaided by mechanical devices).
Man was quite rightly given little encouragement to think that his eternal salvation could be won by his own unaided efforts, for it was the gift of divine grace.
There is no actual duality of God and the phenomenal world, but there is an apparent duality asserted by the unaided intellect, which is incapable of comprehending the essential unity of the whole.
Goodman argues that human reason, unaided by special revelation, can teach us much about God» including a basic understanding of what He requires of us in our practical conduct.
In Aquinas's day, this organisation could only be verified by the unaided faculty of sight.
No one can write a book, assuming it is his unaided work, unless the knowledge that appears in the pages of the book first existed in his mind.
According to Romans 3, no one unaided by God 1) has any righteousness by which to lay a claim upon God, 2) has any true understanding of God, or 3) seeks God (Boice and Ryken, Doctrines of Grace, 79).
Yet it is impossible to cross this line unaided.
In fact, the fighting beyond Rwanda began as an effort by that nation, alone and unaided, to hunt down Hutu murderers still butchering Tutsi in neighboring Uganda, Burundi, and what is now Eastern Congo.
Yet, less than a century and a half before, an 11 - year - old boy and his partly crippled great - grandfather had maintained a valley bottom outpost, unaided, against Indians, ice storms and wild animal depredations for almost six months until the rest of their family could return from a trip to Louisiana marked by a rash of mishaps.
By these means Yahweh alone won the battle, unaided by Israel.
For unaided metaphysics, therefore, God can not be met with among other things as one of them.
Israel believed that Yahweh on occasion fought for them unaided and alone (cf. Hos.
But this presupposes that we have all been born with the perfect and complete freedom necessary to fulfill God's law, indeed, that human beings could live morally perfect lives unaided by grace.
Many of the religious countermoderns, on the other hand, were asserting a more pessimistic version of the unaided human condition, and hence the need of more radical divine corrective.
Why is it that once a person crosses a certain line in his drinking he is caught in a vicious cycle from which he usually can not extricate himself unaided?
But that is precisely where the intellectual conception of God alone, unaided or unbalanced by aesthesis, shows its limits.
I would bet 100 % conformity on the belief that if one jumps from a 30 - story building, unaided by mechanical devices, that one would go splat and be killed.
Taylor, in the end, makes a case for «Judaeo - Christian theism,» and for «its central promise of a divine affirmation of the human, more total than humans can ever attain unaided
Our minds, unaided and alone, have to illuminate the cosmos which itself is void of light.
We have already said that this truth is beyond the grasp of unaided human reason and that we come to it by way of revelation.
The principles of the science of theology are given in the articles of the Creed and in Sacred Scripture and they are known by us through faith, not through philosophical reasoning: you can not, by unaided reason, conclude that the doctrine of the Trinity is true, for example.
The First Vatican Council's Dei Filius proclaims that it is an essential proposition of the Catholic Faith that the unaided intellect is capable of knowing that God exists.
(3) I have no illusion that unaided history is ultimate, any more than is uninformed piety.
Against eclecticism it presented a unified vision of the Catholic faith; against perennial fideistic tendencies it maintains unaided reason's capacity to know moral truths and establish the existence of God; finally Thomism does not blur the distinction between grace and nature.
In general it is a system whereby the individual, by his own unaided efforts and following the middle path taught by the Buddha in his first Sermon at Benares and expressed variously in other discourses, attains to Nirvana or the end of the rebirth cycle in which man finds himself.
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