Sentences with phrase «own uncomfortable feelings»

We can admire that, but it's an uncomfortable feeling (or should be).
It is essential that you get used to the uncomfortable feeling of knowing that you don't know what you're doing.
Am I just congratulating myself in order to get past the uncomfortable feeling that many people from affluent nations feel at enjoying luxury while visiting a nation rife with poverty?
They can be easily overstimulated by the external world, experiencing the uncomfortable feeling of «too much»... they need to limit their social experiences so they don't get drained.»
I know, seems counterintuitive to be more selfish and thinking this way may conjure up some guilt and uncomfortable feelings.
It makes life easier if you can sit and work through the uncomfortable feelings and go with the flow.
«Having someone to talk to [or] be with can help take away from uncomfortable feelings,» he said.
Sometimes we help them to avoid the uncomfortable feelings that come with a difficult or challenging situation.
Its a scary, uncomfortable feeling.
To feel guilty is to have an uncomfortable feeling of self - condemnation.
Another difficulty for Whitehead follows from his uncomfortable feeling, more often hinted than actually expressed, that in traditional Christian theology Jesus has usually been seen as the great anomaly.
I am not positive why «heart» is used in the bible, but I have always assumed that, because we get an uncomfortable feeling in our gut or chest when we are frightened, angered, or even have told a lie, and when we are happy or excited, we get a flutter in our chest.
Doing so means we have to feel uncomfortable feelings and face brokenness all around and within.
One can not read Kant today without the uncomfortable feeling that he was quite mad to seek «the realization of Nature's secret plan to bring forth a perfectly constituted state as the only condition in which the capacities of mankind can be fully developed.»
I have been to a few evangelism crusades, and I always got the uncomfortable feeling that people were coerced into converting.
I will admit that as I was reading about the Woman and the Beast, I got the uncomfortable feeling that someone could easily substitute «United States» for «Roman Empire» and come up with similar themes and imagery.
Behind the argument lies the uncomfortable feeling that there is an authoritative teaching which dares to confront what Newman termed the «wild, living intellect of man» as well as acting against «that universal solvent which is so successfully acting upon religious establishments.»
Most conflict begins with a sense of chaos and uncomfortable feelings of fear, hurt and anger.
Good for us but I always have this uncomfortable feelings when we are taking corners, free and goal kicks.
So much of marriage, and life, is about sitting with uncomfortable feelings and not reaching for the quick fix that won't work in the long run.
Those parts may not surface until something happens, some difficult phase of your marriage or life and, boom, you suddenly get the very uncomfortable feeling that you are married to a stranger.
As adults, we may have our own uncomfortable feelings about pornography.
I had an intensely uncomfortable feeling seeing Noah Wyle pop up on the screen... I don't know why..
Teach your child that she can handle uncomfortable feelings, like anxiety.
If you've been pumping or breastfeeding for a while, you're probably aware of how uncomfortable it feels to be engorged if for whatever reason you've missed a pumping session, or baby has slept for a longer time overnight.
Show your child healthy ways to manage their uncomfortable feelings so he knows what to do instead of having a tantrum.
You may also want to keep in mind some names family or friends suggested, and don't use names that may bring back uncomfortable feelings for you.
Regardless, guilt is an uncomfortable feeling and one that no one wants to be immersed in for long.
When the conversation takes a turn toward competitiveness and winning or losing, and that uncomfortable feeling sets in, it may be time to move to another topic.
Sometimes, aggressive behavior stems from a variety of uncomfortable feelings, like sadness or embarrassment.
Once she empties her emotional backpack of all those uncomfortable feelings she's been lugging around, she'll be much more open to connecting.
At that time, they will kick as a way to show his uncomfortable feeling and want to draw your attention.
Every woman who has carried a baby knows that uncomfortable feeling of some strange person's hands touching our pregnant belly.
Hostility, cruelty, and arrogance often stem from a teen's attempts to mask uncomfortable feelings, like sadness or embarrassment.
Difficult, complicated or poor outcome births can often leave us feeling bad, bring up uncomfortable feelings, and make it difficult going to or being at births.
Cultural conditioning has caused many of us to shut down, tune out, repress, deny, escape from and numb our uncomfortable feelings.
Awkwardness is really just loneliness with a twist of hope; hope that maybe those uncomfortable feelings are just a momentary fling with insecurity, like adolescence.
Teach him healthy coping strategies so he can deal with uncomfortable feelings, like anger, frustration, embarrassment, or sadness.
This uncomfortable feeling should help to get them to want to use the toilet instead of being in soiled training pants.
Not surprisingly, the uncomfortable feeling many mothers have that they could do something about our runaway youth sports culture if only given the chance is reflected in the e-mails I receive at MomsTeam; many from mothers who wake up in the middle night worried sick not only about what sports are doing to their kids but to themselves; e-mails seeking advice about what, if anything, they can do about it.
But, make it clear that she has choices in how she responds to those uncomfortable feelings.
Attachment Play: Children play and laugh to connect, understand their world, release uncomfortable feelings from their bodies, and heal from stress and trauma.
Pregnant women are all familiar with that uncomfortable feeling that sometimes hits them in the middle of the night when their legs are in knots.
To escape from uncomfortable feelings, mommy can spend all my free time reading literature about childbirth, the postpartum period, and to attend training.
Vent the uncomfortable feelings that come up in dealing with a difficult teen with parents who won't judge and may be able to offer advice.
Also, teach healthy ways to deal with uncomfortable feelings.
When changing the diapers for babies, make sure the diaper snug and in the right position so that they can sleep well without any uncomfortable feeling.
If your baby has dropped this week, the uncomfortable feeling in your pelvis may be traced to a certain someone's little head bumping up against your hips and bladder.
The uncomfortable feelings will lessen the more you face these situations.
Allow your kids to feel the uncomfortable feelings and learn how to deal with them without crumbling.
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