Sentences with phrase «own utopia»

While making these improvements does not guarantee a workplace utopia, keeping your employees at the center of your office decisions will keep your company on track for success.
Life appears easier and faster in the digital utopia, but our bubble of joy pops as soon as the question of security arises.
Both climate change and inequality were «two key issues» that would drive us to either utopia or dystopia, Lagarde stated.
We're putting our money that the mysterious duo will be the company's 29 % Utopias, and Harvest Hefe, a fall wheat ale the brewery introduced this year.
On the flip side, the floor itself was a utopia of food and beverage.
Sure, some industries would be disrupted, but the resulting utopia would be more than worth it.
Once upon a time, a person asked to envision the workspace of the future might have detailed the trappings of a space - age utopia: robots, flying pods and out - of - this - world architecture.
As people are trying to navigate away from the «corporate jungle» towards the land of supposed «entrepreneurial utopia,» a lot of misconceptions arise.
Just ask the Soviet Union and, more recently, Venezuela, how their economic utopias worked out for them.
While it's hard to disagree with any of that on the face of it, even Thiel's utopia - minded peers in Silicon Valley think he is wrong if not crazy to think Trump can deliver the right kind of change.
That desired utopia happens, consistently.
Small business owners tell me that their «utopia,» their perfect scenario, is great customer service, proactive teamwork, aligned results and high job satisfaction from every team member.
That's a lot of entrepreneurs spending a lot of time on results but this relentless focus on results is not creating the desired utopia.
Then take a gander at this interactive utopia, which lets you mouse over various structures and visual cues to see just what the most livable city in Canada might look like.
And past efforts at doing that — whether through the urban renewal of individual neighborhoods or the wholesale development of utopias — have invariably failed for that reason.
An office utopia designed for millennials — at first mostly freelancers trying to escape their apartments, but now also small businesses and corporations trying to lure the creative class — WeWork was, until recently, valued at $ 5 billion.
To a utopia with perfect flawless garment replicators, or to clothes from realistic - systems - other - than - capitalism?
The beatniks and hippies — love, ecstasy, transcendence, utopia — were products of the postwar boom.
Every generation has a vision for utopia, and ours looks like this startup city.
Let's put all the jargon, all the theories of startup utopia aside for a moment.
Why defer daily enjoyment for this idea of utopia many years into the future?
But to understand how the abstract utopia of cryptocurrency becomes more than just a business interest, one needs to revisit a slew of successes that have flown under the radar.
Even though most people would prefer to see Bitcoin payments integrated everywhere in the world in its native environment, such a situation remains a utopia for the time being.
The other people supplying the money in Alberta are finding it increasingly more difficult to create that wealth the government needs to create their socialist utopia.
If the republican party doesn't figure out how to blend with more of mainstream society, the party will go up in smoke and I would suggest you go find your utopia elsewhere.
So I'm in Baltimore as a discussion leader on a conference on utopias — if anyone knows what's really going on Aeschylus» PROMETHEUS BOUND you need to let me now by 930 in the morning.
It is true that all utopias that are real projects for reform are about «blind hope,» what Prometheus gave to man.
It is true that all utopias that are real projects for reform are about «blind....
I think it's that utopia, that this is wishful thinking and I don't think it's wishful.
Do I still have the autonomy to NOT engage those things or is it mandatory in your utopia?
As I said in a response to you earlier, how many of the religious «roaches» would you be okay with someone exterminating so you can live in utopia?
When exactly did utopia become less interesting than dystopia?
'» Shalala and others know that the egalitarian utopia they have in mind will not come about by itself.
We would be well on our way to the utopia of religious convergence.
Partly it is the willed annihilation of history in order to open the doors of a wished - for secular utopia.
His True Hallucinations might even lead one to suspect that McKenna could find a place in his psychedelic utopia for a hedonist like Shakespeare's Falstaff, provided the latter could tolerate the substitution of mushrooms for his beloved sack wine.
Indeed, one of the major attractions of utopia is its guarantee that the question will never come up.
The gaps are that venerable noplace, utopia.
But our present situation is by no means a moral utopia.
Leaving aside the damage inflicted on the countries subjected to «democratization» — a large number of direct and indirect victims, the replacement of traditional social structures by chaos — we can see the problems the globalist utopia creates in the West.
Where the Marxist utopia in Russia gave birth to terror, the globalist utopia in the West inspired «democratizing» wars and so - called «color revolutions.»
A slogan inscribed on a sign in the Solovki gulag was a simple but exact expression of the essence of utopia: «With an iron hand we will drive humanity to happiness!»
• One of the manifestations of the age of concentration will be the final rejection of any attempts to realize utopias such as communism in Russia and globalism in the West.
A very different relationship to the concept of utopia took shape in the modern age.
There it wasn't so much about deconstructing theological concepts for reconstructing a theoretical utopia, but in working side - by - side as partners in social transformation enterprises that fit the context of the communities the Spirit planted us in.
Unfortunately there is a link, but an unusual one: Although a utopia is not a product of reality, it begins to create reality on its own.
At the same time, one can not say that utopias are completely unrelated to reality.
One of the most terrifying attempts to realize a utopia was the communist experiment in Russia.
That is why the Middle Ages did not give rise to utopias.
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