Sentences with phrase «own value of life»

Of these, the most frequently recalled were medical mistakes (96.6 %), death and dying (94.6 %), professional misconduct (92 %), and quality or value of life or personhood (91.1 %).
If there are two things marketers and advertising people have heard and talked about ad nauseam over the last few years, it's the importance of social media engagement and the increasing value of live sports on TV.
Coupled with veterans» unique appreciation of the value of life, the ability to think quickly on their feet and survive in the heat of fire makes veterans especially well - suited for entrepreneurship.
Some of the most common other assets include cash value of life insurance, long - term investment property and compensation due from employees.
We've helped donors contribute other assets, including the cash value of life insurance policies, artwork, collectibles, Bitcoin, and even livestock.
On March 8 recognize women's achievements; credit their contributions; acknowledge the value of their lived experience; and celebrate their individual and collective successes!
Beef farms make up about one - quarter of all farms in Canada, second only to field crops, while the dollar value of live cattle exports ranks just behind spring wheat, canola and durum exports.
Aligning your ducks in a row, understating a venture is a marathon with hundreds of sprints in between, and knowing how to make other people feel successful are not only applicable to founders of start ups but are values of life we should all integrate.
While the cash value feature is an attractive option it's important to remember, though, that tapping into the cash value of a life insurance policy reduces its value and death benefit and increases the chance the policy will lapse.
Also, tapping into the cash value of a life insurance policy reduces its value and death benefit and increases the chance the policy will lapse.
A hopeful society has institutions of science and medicine that do not cut ethical corners, and that recognize the matchless value of every life.
In short, it is the prescription for medical oppression in which people deemed to be without sufficient cognitive capacities become almost the equivalent of the dead and the value of their lives is stripped from them like the medals from a Foreign Legion soldier being kicked out of the corps.
We must recognize that PAS laws are not just about the choice of a few, but rather the value of life for all.
Camus steadfastly affirms the value of life in spite of personal and historical tragedy.
Sherburne, in contrast to other Whiteheadians and in agreement with the «existentialists,» denies that the value of life depends upon a God who either provides men with a general confidence about the final worth of life (Ogden) or with a sense of the worthwhileness of the present moment whatever its final outcome (Cobb).
it is a part of it like it or not, it a part of morals, war, value of life, etc. etc. etc..
Furthermore, critics say, capital punishment cheapens the value of life.
To recognize the value of living beings in and for themselves, their intrinsic value, is not to deny their relationality; rather it is to recognize that, amid their dependence on their environments, they are concerned with their own survival and well - being.
It is «the intrinsic and instrumental value of every living organism in its relation to its environment and to God» (Birch 1988, 192).
Rather we ought to respect the intrinsic value of living beings in and for themselves.
To be life - centered is to be especially attuned to the value of living beings amid one's ecological sensitivity, cognizant of their value in and for themselves, for one another, and for God.
How can that teach the value of life?
By having a swift death penalty that is justly meted out, we are giving everyone the best chance to see the high value of life — theirs, and the lives of others.
To live at all is to affirm the value of living (even the act of suicide affirms the value of human action and of human life); similarly every animal acts as if the world were orderly.
Can they develop theologies of ecology that affirm the intrinsic value of all life, as do the deep ecologists and most others within environmental philosophy, and that also affirm the care of a compassionate God for the poor and oppressed, as do prophetic biblical traditions?
Since that pastor has to pay the full 15.3 % for social security with no help from the church on not only the $ 25K but also on the value of living in the house his cash income was just reduced to less than $ 18K.
and that shows your true perception of value of life... its al a mater where the baby is..
Many women ignore the inherent value of their lives.
We can see them first in those who have emphasized the intrinsic value of life, such as Albert Schweitzer.
He observed that so far we considered our responsibility towards the other, responsibility based on the principles of common good, is the most cherished value of life.
Nietzsche's influence may account in part for the dynamism of Buber's philosophy, for its concern with creativity and greatness, for its emphasis on the concrete and actual as opposed to the ideal and abstract, for its idea of the fruitfulness of conflict, and for its emphasis on the value of life impulses and wholeness of being as opposed to detached intellectuality.
It depends upon the insight that the value of life is conserved by an enduring and healing fact, the fact of God.
in the absence of restraints On his choice of aesthetic problems and of his methods of solving them, but even more in his power of constructing aesthetic objects that add to the values of life.
They give no voice to a hope for a creation that is reflected back into the old world, thanks to the values of life after death.
That is the value of your life.
We make these claims and create our influence in order to actualize the values of life, including our status and sense of worth.
The values of reason are not cut off from the values of life, and values are mediated imaginatively and emotively, as well as conceptually.
We discover its claim upon us whenever we think the problem of the value of life through to the end.
Consistently with his entire philosophy of social process, he asserts that the main values of life are in the experiences of living, but these experiences vanish from our grasp and memory every second.
We need to build a culture which puts both rhetoric and resources behind the value of all life, born or unborn.
How much more is the value of living due to the secret, yet ever present, sense of being given, with all our joy and sorrow, to God!
The aesthetic value of life is realized in relation to other individuals and to the cosmos.
Whitehead entitled Part Four of Adventures of Ideas «Civilization,» and it was under this rubric that he described the supreme values of life.
They have an intrinsic value that consists of their beauty.7 The value of life, then, does not consist in its precariousness, but in the fact that it is an instance of intensely ordered novelty, of harmonized contrast, that is, of beauty.
that shows again the low value of life... its not worth the pain obviously... again showing how the person is more obsessed with self oand their own comforts
as long as it is her womb.the baby is a parasite for all she cares... really truly selfish and demeaning of value of life... very shallow view... no wonder people get depressed and kill themselves... they feel they have no value with society's pathetic view of what life is and how they value it..
Marx conceived transcendence as a dynamic human reality, as a self - transcending formation of the meaning and values of our life.
, is President of the Value of Life Committee in Brighton, Mass., and is also a member of Women Affirming Life.
Christians must offer practical, workable guidelines for the value of some lives over others.
Reflecting on the disordered state of medical oaths in the era of abortion, the Value of Life Committee in early 1995 sent a letter of inquiry to a group of prominent scholars and physicians, including distinguished authors of texts on medical ethics.
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