Sentences with phrase «own wedding feast»

Baptism itself is a nuptial mystery, a nuptial bath, that precedes participation in the wedding feast of the Eucharist (Ephesians 5:25 - 26).
In order for the traditional wedding feast to occur, the king had to change his standard about whom he would consider desirable company.
For example, Jesus separates himself from his mother (2:4) before acting at the wedding feast at Cana.
There were still criteria for determining how a person should be dressed at the wedding feast.
Thus the wedding feast was made accessible to more people.
All of this is to say that to see the story as conveying an experience of believing or «belief in action» is to see it as very close indeed to the parable form, for, as we noted in our comments on the parable of the Wedding Feast, the implied question was, On what logic — that of merit or of grace — do you actually live your life?
For, as I suggested above, it is not primarily his or her belief or religious experience that is at the forefront of such parables as the Wedding Feast, the Prodigal Son, the Laborers of the Vineyard, or such stories as those of Peter in the courtyard or Simon of Cyrene, but their lifestyle, or their belief and experience as lived, belief incarnated.
The «religious» questions are there in the parable of the Wedding Feast — the identity of the king and the relation of Jesus to the parable — but they are given only in «soft focus.»
Jesus blesses a wedding feast.
IF the placement is intentional (and not accidental), then it strongly implies there is «judging» after the Virgins go to the Wedding Feast, and before the Final Judgment to «eternal punishment» or «eternal life».
The wedding feast is the restoration of the fellowship with God lost when man was expelled from the garden, it refers to spiritual life, not physical life.
The bride and bridegroom examples, wedding feast, undefiled marriage bed, what God has joined together is not parted, the spouses body belongs to the other spouse, leave mother and father to become one, order God / man / women all united and equal in Gods eyes.
William Phipps, who has written extensively on the subject of Jesus» sexuality, says Jesus could not have been accepted as a rabbi in the Jewish society of his day had he not been married, and that the marriage in Cana, where his mother as hostess called on him for help with the wine, was probably his own wedding feast.
32 They were guests at a wedding feast: «How can you expect the bridegroom's friends to fast while the bridegroom is with them?»
This is the joy of the wedding feast to which liberated humanity is invited.
He attends a wedding feast with his disciples, and his mother observes that the wine is running out.
«When you are asked by someone to a wedding feast, do not sit down in the place of honor.
In Mark 2:19 the disciples with Jesus are likened to guests at a wedding feast.
As one would expect, Nichols» theology is sound, precise, clearly argued, beautifully expressed, strewn with poignant connections and rich in insights, such as the observation that at the wedding feast at Cana, as the bridegroom fails to fulfil his traditional Palestinian - Jewish duty to provide wine, Jesus substitutes himself for the bridegroom (pp125 - 6); or the presentation of Christmas night as the dark night of our mystical unmaking and remaking (p66).
Hope For The Young Christ Himself spoke about people who, invited to the wedding feast, made excuses and kept away.
Mary is the principal guest at the Wedding Feast of Cana, with Jesus and his disciples invited in a secondary capacity.
Remember the guy who tried to get into the wedding feast without the proper attire?
So the king sent out his servants again to find anybody he could who would attend his wedding feast.
In fact, though many read «hell» into Jesus» statement in Matthew 22:13 about the outer darkness and the weeping and gnashing of teeth, this imagery has nothing to do with hell at all, but simply portrays the profound regret which is experienced by those who are outside the hall of the wedding feast.
So they went there, and attended a wedding feast where Jesus performed his first miracle of turning water into wine (John 2:1 - 12).
Most ironically, of course, is that there were likely many thieves in the wedding feast, but they had come in through the front door and so were given proper wedding attire.
This discourse comes to a climax with the story of the wedding feast.
In that parable, the first group of people who were called to participate in the King's wedding feast were judged to be unworthy (Matt 22:8).
Later, passing through the countryside, Juan happens upon a peasant wedding feast, seduces the new bride with promises of marriage, deflowers her, and then slips away back to Seville.
The Book of Revelation envisions the great wedding feast at the end of time, the union of the Bridegroom and his bride.
And surely this is the wedding feast the Lord is referring to in his lesson — the holy sacrifice of the Mass, during which Christ and the Church are timelessly wedded to one another.
It can't be to «force» someone, or it would ruin the analogy of the joyous occassion of a wedding feast.
That is why Mary, having understood the term and its full implications, was able to turn to the stewards at the wedding feast in Cana and tell them to do whatever her Son would tell them.
For the wedding feast, the story seems to relate in that those who think they are something by their own goodness have no place in the kingdom of heaven.
In this post I examine the parable of the wedding feast in Matthew 22:1 - 14 to see what Jesus means by his concluding statement in Matthew 22:14.
Setting aside the small groups (the myrters, the 24, the 144,000) there seem to be two groups of the mass of people in Revelation; one group in white robes who are the guest at the wedding feast and the other group who make up the bride.
When we are Christians in name only, we are invited to the wedding feast but we do not attend.
The Judgment Seat of Christ and the wedding feast of the Lamb would predate the new heavens and new earth, and so at the Judgment Seat and the Wedding Feast, there may be times of mourning and profound regret for a life poorly lived.
Being a man or a woman is «very good» and life is meant to be a joyful adventure, finally celebrated in the great Wedding Feast of the Lamb which we all seek to witness and in which all our earthly explorations and ponderings of these profound issues will reach their utter fulfilment.
At the wedding feast at Cana the Lord performed his first public miracle.
But there are important reasons why Jesus» baptism was observed as one of three feasts of light, which include Epiphany, marking the wise men's recognition of the true nature of the Christ child, and the wedding feast at Cana, at which Jesus performed his first miracle.
[22] Then purified from sin they would receive the white garment (cf. Rev 3:5), symbolising the outward sign of Christian dignity and the wedding feast of the lamb - looking forward to heaven itself.
Meanwhile, her son's first public achievement, at the wedding feast at Cana, frustrates and worries her dreadfully.
That much of scripture is based on a wedding feast, bride groom, bride and love is so important, I wish you would look deeper.
The First Miracle at the Wedding Feast of Cana The Lord is near to all who call upon him, to all who call upon him in truth.
We find there a picture of the saints in heaven gathered around the altar on which lies the Lamb of sacrifice: «Happy are those who are called to the wedding feast of the Lamb».
The Wedding Feast at Cana Elisha is the key to this joke shared between a Mother and her Son, the start of His public career that no - one dared imagine could end as it did.
But in heaven — at the heavenly wedding feast — we will be able to do, or rather, BE both!
St Ephrem: Hymn 14 2 The Wedding Feast at Cana When the Emmanuel came, He had but to say, «Now draw out,» and the waterpots were seen to be filled with the wine of the New Covenant, «the Wine which had been kept» to the end.
But whether or not it was a mistake, as Mgr Burke concludes, for Ronald Knox to keep to the outdated «thou» form, a different question arises when reading the Knox account of the wedding feast of Cana.
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