Sentences with phrase «own wrongness»

He acknowledged the wrongness of those early calls, but stood by his prediction.
But I find it bizarre that some people who have read in the bible regarding this topic of end times, that NO ONE knows the hour yet they still choose to believe otherwise believing the wrongness and inaccuracy of man.
The institutionalists are concerned less with the rightness or wrongness of homosexuality and related issues than with the future of the denomination.
So they start a controversy and threaten a boycott and they don't see the wrongness of their thinking.
As a matter of prudence, prioritizing the wrongness of same - sex marriage over divorce or contraception (or even masturbation) only serves to reinforce the claim that Christians are motivated by some kind of anti-gay animus when they defend traditional marriage laws.
Blair worries that prioritizing the wrongness of gay marriage will make us seem anti-gay.
Now we're talking about degrees of wrongness.
Jesus was not interested in theories of property or of the rightness or wrongness of possessions.
But if we understand and accept the wrongness of these acts He is willing to forgive them.
One could argue that confessing a sin means acknowledging the wrongness of an act or motivation.
We send criminals to jail instead to achieve social justice, and their sentences are deliberately measured in time behind bars: Offenders must be withdrawn from society for a period sufficient to allow them to realize the wrongness of their actions» and sufficient to protect society from them until they learn that lesson.
There are perfunctory references to the moral ambiguities involved, but the gist of the article is that such harvesting for laboratory experiments can be clearly separated from the rightness or wrongness of abortion, can advance medical developments useful to the already born, and therefore should be approved.
They are all convinced of their own absolute «rightness» and the rest of the theological world's «wrongness».
She knows the heart of God more than anyone else I know, and so while she may not know all the logical arguments or Scripture passages for various theological views, she senses rightness and wrongness in various theological positions.
I wonder what role «prosperity theology» has played in: (a) creating the mess we're in; and (b) preventing pastors from preaching about the wrongness of the growing gap between rich and poor.
As is observed by J. Baird Callicott, a contemporary environmental philosopher and defender of Leopold, what is noteworthy about this principle «is that the good of the biotic community is the ultimate measure of the moral value, the rightness or wrongness, of actions» (AL 318).
The know - it - all who told me to «calm down» was way out of line, and I still can't believe that they would sit in judgment of me, especially on a website devoted to the «wrongness» of judging by Christians!
But the change liberated him, and gave him peace of soul: «The obvious unnaturalness and therefore wrongness of homosexual practice had been troubling me for years.»
When I look at Cain's response at having to wear his wrongness then it all starts to look oh so familiar.
Its wrongness is not gross oversimplification; the amended version I'm going to suggest is almost as simple and very little longer.
The church should be ready to expose the fallaciousness of social myths by which the injustices of a society are perpetuated and to suggest ways of action which demonstrate the wrongness of such fantasies.
On many of the contemporary, moral issues formal expertise does not dictate rightness or wrongness, for everyone has opinions and convictions and subjective attitudes, involvement, and fears.
But there are others for whom evil is no mere relation of the subject to particular outer things, but something more radical and general, a wrongness or vice in his essential nature, which no alteration of the environment, or any superficial rearrangement of the inner self, can cure, and which requires a supernatural remedy.
If there is inherent «wrongness» about child labor, then why has it been so prevalent until the last few centuries?
If Wallis's opposition is truly principled (or «prophetic») then we can expect Wallis and the Sojourners crowd to offer up a reasoned and articulate public argument for the moral wrongness of including this particular «health care procedure.»
It prescinds, however, from the substance of the moral questions involved» the rightness or wrongness of slavery or legalized abortion and euthanasia as a matter of public policy.
Its wrongness is not gross oversimplification; the amended version I'm going to suggest is almost...
But we must be brought to understand that along with such dedication to service or to work, there is another «end» — in the sense now of that which comes when the proclamation has been made and there has been repentance for wrongness, commitment to God disclosed and the divine power of loving released in the originating Christian event, and when the imperative to service has been accepted and implemented in action.
Social critic Ernest van den Haag argues that any attempt to establish the moral wrongness of the death penalty must show that no crime ever deserves capital punishment; that is, he says, opponents of capital punishment must disprove the contention that there at least some convicted criminals who morally deserve execution.
Iraq — meaning the rightness or wrongness of U.S. policy in Iraq — was not raised in the conversation, according to sources in both the White House and the Vatican.
This is a negative responsibility in which she declares the wrongness of an economic theory, for example, if it obstructs belief in Christ.
A person who has married another in an adulterous marriage who is a believer but God has brought to his or her senses about the wrongness of that marriage, may realize that he or she has willfully sinned against A command of God.
How dare he put the log in the eye of all viewers by in essence saying prayer is a one idea concept, and by virtue of his wrongness he states that prayer is the norm for our government.
The solution is a sense that we are saved from the wrongness by making proper connection with the higher powers (James, The Varieties of Religious Experience, p. 442; bold face added).
By doing so he acknowledges the wrongness of death, the bitter pain that it brings, and the reality of its sting....
Tradition vastly magnifies Solomon, the successor to David; and it is easy to assume the illegitimacy and / or the «wrongness» of opposing claimants.
Jesus made no effort to resolve this tension — the tension arising inevitably out of a recognition, on the one hand, of our moral weakness and wrongness, and, on the other, out of a vision of God's perfect will — by qualifying and softening that will.
There is, to use a phrase of C. H. Dodd, a «fundamental wrongness» in human life, in which every living man is inescapably involved; a «reprobate character,» a tendency toward evil, which no man can successfully resist.
Increasingly, in order to be heard you have to be wrong, and the wronger the better, since simple or minor wrongnesses, never mind rightnesses, are ten a penny.
This would be your personal opinion — some of which is hilarious in its wrongness.
Repentance becomes the recognition of the fact that a state of mind and a way of life, the wrongness of which we were once unaware... is now known to us to be sinful.
It was clearly wrong about the Twentieth Century, and its wrongness was not an innocent misjudgment, because in its enthusiasm for the immanent spread of God's (very Western!)
However, for Limbaugh to blast the Pope on making a political statement using religion and the wrongness of that act, then how come it plays such a large part in US Politics?
Act - oriented sexual ethics had dominated most of the Christian tradition, bearing the assumption that the rightness or wrongness of a particular sexual expression could be ascertained by the intrinsic value or disvalue of the action itself, without serious consideration of the relational context.
@Shadowcandy — so, the wrongness of being gay caused you to click on the link and enjoy this fine article?
By trusting us to recoil from enactments of violence, depravity and violation, the horror genre reminds us in a visceral way that we exist in a world of responsibility and consequences, of rightness and wrongness.
It symbolizes, lamely enough no doubt, but sincerely, the belief that there is an element of real wrongness in this world, which is neither to be ignored nor evaded, but which must be squarely met and overcome by an appeal to the soul's heroic resources, and neutralized and cleansed away by suffering.
Arguing from moral inconsistency to moral wrongness is just a species of «whataboutism.»
For both Chomsky and Hitchens, the only categories that exist for understanding are the categories of contemporary political discourse - which leaves utterly unexplained both the blood spilled and the essential wrongness of its spilling.
As to the article's ethical deficiencies, he says that «the gist of the article is that harvesting for laboratory experiments can be clearly separated from the rightness or wrongness of abortion.»
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