Sentences with phrase «owner of the contract»

You are the proud owner of contracts worth 500 shares of SPY and have only spent 1 / 3rd of your present day dollars.
Just i ll say im an adventurer man, with sense of humor, like phylosophie of life and living, owner of my contracting co...
For owners of contracts issued up to age 69, EarningsMax will pay your beneficiaries an additional 40 % of the contract earnings (earnings not to exceed a maximum of 100 % of premium payments, excluding subsequent premium less than 12 months old and adjusted for withdrawals).
This product is used to ensure the family always will receive a death benefit and is done at the lowest cost to the owner of the contract.
The loan regime generally governs the taxation of collateral assignment split dollar arrangements (e.g., arrangements in which the employee is designated as the owner of the contract and the employer (non-owner) pays all or a portion of the premiums).
This regime generally governs the taxation of compensatory arrangements in which the employee is not the owner of the contract (e.g., endorsement split dollar arrangements).
In the collateral assignment form, the employee is formally designated as the owner of the contract, and the employer's premium advances are secured by a collateral assignment of the policy.
As the owner of a contracting company that bears his name, Mr. Lynch said, he is experienced at excavation, trucking, drainage, driveway installation, and swimming pool construction.
Naturally, if the price of a given futures contract rises, the contract itself becomes more valuable, and the owner of that contract could, if he / she chose, to sell that contract to someone else who is willing to pay more for it.
First, since you are receiving statements, it is possible that you are the owner of the contract.
When this occurs, depending on the prices and maturity dates of the contracts held by the fund, the owners of the contracts can be forced to accept very high costs to roll over the expiring contracts to the next month, which can continuously erode the value of the fund over a long period of time.
The owners of these contracts who actually pay for such riders have the means to invest their funds in more aggressive manner, since the income they acquire from their annuities is normally dependent on the maximum value that their contracts attain before they are annuitized.
This product is used to ensure the family always will receive a death benefit and is done at the lowest cost to the owner of the contract.
Christina Scalera, the owner of The Contract Shop, does this exceptionally well.
In cash value policies, only the owner of the contract is the only person that can take withdrawals or loans against the policy.
This product is used to ensure the family always will receive a death benefit and is done at the lowest cost to the owner of the contract.
The insured is often the owner of the contract, but not always.
Owner — The owner of the contract is responsible for making premium payments, designating beneficiaries, and has all rights of contract changes.
Instead of applying for a new life insurance policy, and paying premiums based on a new policy (which will be higher), the owner of the contract may have the ability to reinstate the old policy if a payment is made.
The beneficiary is designated by the owner of the contract.
This means that the life insurance coverage will no longer exists, no more premiums will be due, and the amount of the cash surrender value will be sent to the owner of the contract.
This means that at the end of the guaranteed period, the owner of the contract has the option to convert the life insurance coverage to a permanent whole life policy.
Policyholder is the owner of the contract, he only has to surrender.
As a policyholder and the owner of the contract, no borrower can ever stand ahead of you.
Keep in mind, Bob only paid $ 5,000 to become the owner of a contract worth $ 50,000.
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