Sentences with phrase «owner runs the risk»

This shouldn't happen if a dominant dog collar is fitted correctly, but if it has too much slack, or if a dog is left with it unattended, owners run the risk of the collar becoming damaged.
If a unit owner breaches the rules, the unit owner runs the risk that the pet will be declared a nuisance animal and be required to be permanently removed from the property.

Not exact matches

When a studio owner get it wrong, and a regular is barred from a class as a result, he or she runs the risk of alienating loyal members.
The biggest risk for most business owners is that they'll be so busy running their companies they'll take their eye off the road — and end up in a head - on financial collision before they ever knew what hit them.
«We wanted to run our store cooperatively, which suggested a partnership, but we were afraid of the liability risks we'd assume if we opted for a traditional partnership status,» says Carine Ullom, one of the owners of Simple Goods General Store, a Lawrence, Kans., retailer of environmentally safe products, which is set up as an LLC.
However, S - Corp owners with salaries that are too low in comparison to their total distributions run the risk of audits and penalties, so check with your accountant for guidance on your specific situation.
Building owners run a greater risk by not facilitating this explosion of shared office space than by facilitating it.»
To leave roads and railroads, electric and power utilities in private hands ran the risk of private owners «rack - renting» the population, adding to the cost of living and doing business.
With this kind of plan in place, a small business owner doesn't run the risk of failing a non-discrimination test (safe harbor plans don't require discrimination testing) and triggering a refund of contributions, which then are taxed as part of personal income.
I would have a lot more sympathy for the owner of Hobby Lobby if it was run as a sole proprietorship and not picking and choosing how he wants help from the government in managing risk, liability, regulations and taxes.
Value investors who do not have an owner mentality run the risk of placing their capital in companies that will go nowhere fast.
As a partial owner of the company, you therefore take on the potential risks and benefits of that position, but you don't have to put any effort into running it.
Small business owners who co-mingle personal credit with business credit run the risk of ruining both business and personal credit ratings should default occur.
As dog owners, we know there are foods that are toxic to our furkids, and if un-muzzled, these pooches run the risk of eatingsomething bad.
Being a dog owner is challenging when you realize the dog you have is running a lot of risks simply due to its genes and DNA; luckily, you can do something about it.
Breed neutral «dangerous dog» laws, «leash laws» that prohibit dogs from running loose off their owners» property, and «anti chaining» laws can control the behavior of individual dogs and individual owners and thereby help reduce the risk of harm to people and other animals.
Dr. Annette Sysel won for her «excellence in clinical practice and research and most importantly her generosity as a resource to pet owners,» and Julie Carlson for starting and running «Vets for Vets» Pets,» an organization dedicated to helping the pets of homeless and at - risk veterans.
Owners * run the risk of a citation if the dog warden arrests their dog, and they are liable for any damage the dog may cause on his excursions.
If pet specialty retailers fail to make a concerted effort to review ingredients and learn about the grain - free products they're considering (as well as the manufacturers), they run the risk of filling their shelves with an inventory that doesn't deliver to pet owner expectations.
Dog parks are always a great start, but you do risk running into problems with other improperly - or un-socialized pets, owners who can not or will not handle their own dogs, and illness exposure through unvaccinated or sickly pets that are still brought to play with others.
In attempting to tax those who run their own business the same as employees, the additional risks and limited entitlements that the UK's small business owners and freelancers endure are conveniently overlooked.
As any business owner knows, many risks are associated with running your own operation.
Business owners typically risk a significant amount of capital and invest a significant amount of time to get their organization up and running, but many fail to adopt a plan for continuation when the worse scenario unexpectedly happens.
If we owners, managers or sales agents believe we can use the same old methods of doing business as we have been doing for years, we run the risk of falling behind the times.
Also, you run a liability risk as the owner of the property advertising a bedroom «mother - in - law» apt.
Business owners may also consider company «fun runs» and sports teams as a way to build morale and teamwork — just remember the legal risks.
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