Sentences with phrase «ownership in the cooperative»

Twenty - one of their friends got on board, and for $ 1 they purchased lifelong memberships for part ownership in the cooperative and lower prices for gear.
Members have equal ownership in the cooperative and all earnings are returned to members in the form of dividends, lower fees, and lower loan rates.

Not exact matches

The Steelworkers Union and others are promoting alternative corporate forms like employee ownership, cooperatives, Benefit Corporations, private equity firms that respect worker rights and value their contributions in turnaround situations.
Cooperatives, for instance, have sought in equal ownership a method to divide power equally.
Organic Valley is a farmer - owned cooperative, with 1,779 participating farm families in 2014 that sets member - determined pay prices and provides equity ownership in a leading national food brand.
They believed that the way to recover independence was not by recreating the republic of small producers, equal in their separate ownership of property, but rather by creating producer and consumer cooperatives, and by nationalizing control over certain communications and transportation networks.
And how about: Give power to workers to strike, to suggest cooperative forms of ownership over the enterprises in which they work.
To begin to reverse New York's most unequal distribution of wealth and income in the nation, Hawkins said the public bank should have an entrepreneurial division to develop worker cooperatives in which profits are distributed more equitably according to labor contribution, not capital ownership.
On the other hand, in cooperative learning, students share leadership roles so that all have ownership of the project.
A form of ownership in real property similar to a condominium or cooperative.
In 1990, Daniel Goleman wrote for the New York Times about a pet ownership study at Oregon University that found,» It made the children more cooperative and sharing,» said Dr. Sue Doescher, a psychologist involved in the study.&raquIn 1990, Daniel Goleman wrote for the New York Times about a pet ownership study at Oregon University that found,» It made the children more cooperative and sharing,» said Dr. Sue Doescher, a psychologist involved in the study.&raquin the study.»
Unlike most affordable housing projects, residents of EVE will not simply be renters, but instead members of a housing cooperative with a share in ownership of the village — enabling them to create a modest asset that can be cashed out if and when they choose to leave.
In addition to being able to take advantage of tax deductions, the National Association of Housing Cooperatives (NAHC) says shareholders will find that co-ops have low turnover rates, lower real estate tax assessments, reduced maintenance costs, resident participation and control, and the ability to prevent absentee and investor ownership.
Cooperatives: A form of real estate ownership, usually residential property, in which individual owners hold shares of stock in a corporation.
(A) is an existing first mortgage that was made for purchase of, or refinancing of another first mortgage on, a 1 - to 4 - family dwelling, including a condominium or a share in a cooperative ownership housing association;
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