Sentences with phrase «ownership over the materials»

Since the learner has the means to accomplish eLearning tasks 24/7, excuses vanish, and learner feels a sense of ownership over the material.
For now at least, none of the most popular social networks — Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn — claim ownership over any material users generate.
Since you paid for the service, you automatically retain ownership over the materials generated, right?

Not exact matches

The problem of the sovereignty of the nation state will be at the heart of this working area and, closely linked to sovereignty will arise two other questions: that of citizenship (over and above nationality) and of property (struggle against the private appropriation of material and immaterial resources by «intellectual property rights»; the redefinition of state property; the development on an inter-national, supra - national and world level of new forms of socialisation, of public ownership, and of mutualisation of the property).
Consignment is the word for giving over to another person, custody or care of any material or goods but retaining legal ownership until the... [Read More...]
Ask students to draw a concept map to expose their understanding of how course material is organized, and help them build ownership over their learning
Later in his judgment, he said: «when it comes to assessing the plurality of the aggregate number of relevant controllers and to considering the sufficiency of that plurality, the Commission may, and should, take into account the actual extent of the control exercised and exercisable over a relevant enterprise by another, whether it is a case of deemed control resulting from material influence under section 26 or rather one of actual common ownership or control.»
321 DOS 00 DOS v. Kerr - deposits; failure to appear at hearing; failure to pay judgment; disclosure of agency relationships; material misstatement on application; failure to cooperate with DOS investigation; ex parte hearing may proceed upon proper notice; broker fails to provide RPL § 443 agency disclosure notice to landlord / client prior to entering into listing agreement; broker commits conversion upon exercising unauthorized right of ownership over rental deposits and payments collected on behalf of principal; failure to satisfy judgment is demonstration of untrustworthiness unless broker presents valid evidence of inability to pay; failure to respond to DOS request letter constitutes failure to cooperate; material misstatement on application by denying prior license suspension; broker's license revoked
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