Sentences with word «oxidase»

The word "oxidase" refers to an enzyme that helps in oxidative reactions. Oxidative reactions involve the addition of oxygen or removal of hydrogen from a substance. So, an oxidase enzyme assists in these types of reactions. Full definition
And it contains two phytonutrients, norharman and harman, which function like a class of antidepressants called monoamine oxidase inhibitors.
This amino acid has the potential to adversely interact with monoamine oxidase inhibitor type medicines.
When a drop of blood is added to the device, the glucose oxidase splits glucose molecules, swiping electrons in the process.
Myeloid - derived suppressor cells modulate immune responses independently of NADPH oxidase in the ovarian tumor microenvironment in mice.
The key is to expose the light directly to your skin to activate the cytochrome c oxidase enzyme, making sure to get exposure to your thyroid and chest.
Cluster B personality disorders are associated with allelic variation of monoamine oxidase A activity
The next step is the conversion of the baseline hydroxylysine into structural compounds called allysines; this reaction takes place with help from the lysyl oxidase enzyme.
In 2008, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) acknowledged the dietary supplement by Naturally Vitamins, the Diamine Oxidase Enzyme.
Now in a study published in the journal Scientific Reports, Alexander Zaika, Ph.D. and coworkers show that DNA damage in the esophageal cells caused by acidic bile reflux (BA / A) activates enzymes called NADPH oxidases in the mitochondria, the cell's power house, to release highly reactive - oxygen species (ROS).
Normally, the enzyme sulfite oxidase metabolizes sulfites to safer sulfates, which are then excreted in the urine.
SO1: Observe structural changes in terminal oxidases using time - resolved WAXS and SFX.
For example, the bacterium causing tuberculosis, which's primarily membrane enzyme is also a bd - type oxidase, quickly gaining resistance to classical antibiotics.
The highly sensitive fluorescence probe can detect with high precision the activity of Monoamine Oxidase B (MAO - B), an enzyme that is found in elevated levels in patients with Parkinson's disease.
An enzyme called polyphenol oxidase triggers a phenolic reaction that produces brown pigments.
Molecular evolution of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit 5A gene in primates.
Most of the enzymatic toothpastes we have today contain glucose oxidase which is actually derived from the same fungal species from which penicillin is synthesized.
This tight regulation is partly why many supplemental testosterone boosters do not work over the long term, and if we use D - aspartic acid as a notable example its ingestion is able to increase a rate limiting step (increased activity of the StAR enzyme) and increase testosterone but is eventually regulated at another step (increased activity of D - amino acid oxidase or DAO, which degrades D - aspartic acid) eventually returning to the levels of testosterone seen before supplementation.
To create the same reactive geometry in their model catalyst, Stack and his graduate student Yadong Wang designed a set of organic arms — one called a phenol, the other binaphthol — that would bind to the copper atom and mimic the role of galactose oxidase's key amino acids.
Determination of total oxalate contents of a great variety of foods commonly available in Southern China using an oxalate oxidase prepared from wheat bran.
The glucose in the blood makes the glucose oxidase produce acid, which slowly breaks down the nanoparticles.
Sur knew that, in plants, an enzyme called NADPH oxidase makes the ROS necessary for root hair growth.
Cardioprotective effects of lysyl oxidase inhibition against volume overload - induced extracellular matrix remodeling.
activates aldehyde oxidase enzyme, needed for conversion of aldehydes into a water - soluble acidic form (detox pathway end for vinyl chloride, formaldehyde, chemicals from industrial and auto exhaust, etc..)
It may not be as popular as the Petrodex or even Virbac, but it sure can provide an exceptional germ - killing action thanks to the formulation of glucose oxidase into its beef flavored blend.
This red sorrel (Rumex acetosella) is one of the many plants whose pollen contains the NADPH oxidase found to heighten allergic symptoms.
Mesh terms: Aggression Analysis of Variance Animals Behavior, Animal Genetic Variation Macaca mulatta Male Maternal Deprivation Monoamine Oxidase Polymorphism, Genetic Promoter Regions, Genetic Random Allocation Social Environment
Galactose oxidase achieves this configuration by forcing the copper atom to bind to five compounds — four amino acids and one water molecule — in a pyramid - shaped arrangement that keeps it a bit unsatisfied, looking for more action.
Free hydrogen sulfide inhibits cytochrome oxidase work.
The scheme of oxidases action is simple: transferring electrons to molecular oxygen, reducing equivalents are oxidized again, and as a result «the energy currency» of the cell — the proton - moving force is generated.
The researchers assumed that the breath in the presence of hydrogen sulfide is still possible, but due to other oxidase.
«Our modifications allow this material to entrap glucose oxidase molecules, which effectively amplifies the signal,» Prasad said.
Microbes oxidase this methane as a source of energy and produce carbonate deposits as a by - product.
It works by tethering an enzyme called glucose oxidase next to an electrode.
Researchers from the University of Freiburg studied the role of so - called oxidase assembly machinery, or OXA, in the development of the inner membrane of mitochondria and the energy supply of cells.
The leading candidate turned out to be an enzyme they dubbed Udx1 (for «urchin dual oxidase 1»).
When the researchers exposed mice to just the pollen antigen or to NADPH oxidase alone, the animals exhibited only minor symptoms.
In general, he focused on GTPases, exploring a wide range of biological roles, with a major emphasis on neutrophil chemotaxis, the NADPH oxidase burst in leukocytes and regulation of the actin cytoskeleton.
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