Sentences with phrase «oxygen compounds»

The functional disruption leads to oxidative stress inside the cell; an accumulation of highly reactive oxygen compounds takes place and a large number of the cell's molecules are damaged.
Like a notorious suspect able to stay one step ahead of the law, corrosive oxygen compounds called free radicals are implicated in many diseases but leave little hard evidence of their handiwork.
In addition to molecular hydrogen, it produces oxygen compounds that can react with certain minerals in the core to create sulfates, a food source for some kinds of microorganisms.
Safer processes use oxygen compounds and result in paper that is «totally chlorine free,» «process chlorine free» (chlorine free except for recycled fibers that were previously chlorine - bleached) or «elemental chlorine free,» which substitutes safer chlorine dioxide for chlorine.
The radiation triggers a shower of reactive oxygen compounds which are toxic to all sorts of parts of the cell: «Proteins, lipids, they chew up any biological molecule,» Lin said.
Antioxidants are sometimes called free radical scavengers because they gobble up dangerous oxygen compounds, chemically speaking.
Increased levels of ozone at ground level arise through the reaction of volatile organic compounds, for example ethene, with oxygen compounds or oxides of nitrogen in air and under the influence of sunlight.
Sep. 14, 2017 — Blocking acid reflux - induced production of reactive oxygen compounds may be a useful strategy for preventing DNA damage and decreasing the risk of esophageal cancer.
DEEP DEVELOPMENT Diamonds (dark grey) begin to form from minerals containing iron and magnesium (white) and from carbon - oxygen compounds called carbonates (light grey) in a scanning electron microscope image.
Ocean water permeating the porous rock of the core could be exposed to ionizing radiation and undergo radiolysis, producing molecular hydrogen and reactive oxygen compounds.
Physicists around the world are hailing the discovery of the new iron - and - arsenic compounds as a major advance, as the only other high - temperature superconductors are the copper - and - oxygen compounds, or cuprates, that were discovered in 1986.
This neutralises the highly reactive oxygen compounds that appear to damage motor nerves.
Cortright and chemical engineer James Dumesic discovered in their university lab back in 2001 that by starting with water and various carbohydrates from plants — basically, carbon, hydrogen and oxygen compounds — and using catalysts, heat and pressure, they could start creating CO2 and hydrogen and then use that hydrogen to eliminate the oxygen as water (the process produces more water than it consumes).
Previously, the spacecraft had found alcohols, sugars and oxygen compounds, which are also needed for life and cellular structure.
For example, according to the «free radical» hypothesis of aging, we get older because of constant cellular damage caused by reactive oxygen compounds that are a natural product of metabolism.
Earth, Mars and Venus are «silicate planets» consisting mostly of silicon - oxygen compounds.
Also well established is the fact that the glutathione antioxidant system is the most important system in our bodies (Meister, 1994) when it comes to the destruction of reactive oxygen compounds (very potent free radicals).
This means that it helps to counteract or protect against the harmful effects on the liver of «reactive» oxygen compounds.
Ozone is an oxygen compound just like the oxygen molecules.
PAN serves as a store of the nitrogen - oxygen compounds that can be transported over long distances.
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