Sentences with phrase «oxygen debt»

The intent is to create oxygen debt that your body will work hard to recover from.
That intense burning sensation after a hard set — that's lactic acid building up in your muscles when your body enters into oxygen debt during intense exercise.
Anaerobic activity incurs oxygen debt and a build - up of lactic acid; muscle imbalances and fatigue can result if continued.
Anaerobic exercise eventually builds up a significant oxygen debt that forces an athlete to terminate the exercise session rather quickly.
Then, the «full sprint effort» must continue to exhaust the Glycolytic System, creating a serious oxygen debt while accumulating huge amounts of lactic acid, which can not be removed quickly enough by the overwhelmed cardiovascular system.
Also known as oxygen debt, EPOC is the amount of oxygen required to restore your body to its normal, resting level of metabolic function (called homeostasis).
- Describe how lactic acid is removed from the body - Explain what oxygen debt is - Investigate the effect of exercise on the body
Having good aerobic fitness is about burning fuel efficiently at moderate levels of intensity, and still being able to put down reasonable power but not incurring an oxygen debt that pushes you above your aerobic threshold.
Doesn't raise the heart rate and oxygen debt, thus not increasing the metabolic rate after exercise is done (EPOC - Excessive Post-exercise Oxygen Consumption)
You can only use it for a few minutes at a time because you can't sustain the oxygen debt for too long — and lactic acid build - up in your muscles, a side effect of this energy system, tells you to back off.
This afterburn effect is known as excess post exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC), or oxygen debt.
This moment of catching your breath is your body's response to the oxygen debt developed during the sprint.
When we finish exercising, our bodies work to erase that oxygen debt.
When we exercise we create an oxygen debt.
For example, your body has to eliminate heat, repay the oxygen debt, shuttle lactate to the liver and more.
Excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC), is the increased oxygen your body uses after an intense workout to erase its oxygen debt.
Create an oxygen debt that results in excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC), and be rewarded with extra fat loss for hours and days after your workout.
Whilst the parents remembered some key facts like pH values and the difference between exothermic and endothermic reactions, they struggled to recall Newton's Laws or the meaning of terms like «Oxygen debt».
Keywords: Mitochondria, heart rate, breathing rate, anaerobic, oxygen debt, lactic acid, glucose, respiration, cells
Moreover, as the OML shoals, squids will have to retreat to these shallower, less hospitable, waters at night to feed and repay any oxygen debt that accumulates during their diel vertical migration into the OML.
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