Sentences with phrase «oxygen deficit»

They found that although mothers with normal weight gave birth to the majority of infants with the lowest Apgar scores (a measure of oxygen deficit at birth), the proportion of low Apgar scores was greater in babies of overweight and obese mothers.
The Cayuga plant is designed to treat 950 m3 / d of wastewater and 95 m3 / d of whitewater, together resulting in a total COD (Contained Oxygen Deficit effluent pollution) load of 6,000 kg / d Approximately 80 % of the COD load 85 % of the BOD (Biological Oxygen Demand) load and is removed in the FLOTAMET ™ system, with the waste removed converted to biogas.
A higher intensity form of training means a bigger oxygen deficit and a longer recovery period following the workout.
As oxygen remains dissolved best in colder water, this creates oxygen deficits in the warm water to varied extents.
With that data, the researchers concluded that DVMs indeed intensify the oxygen deficit within oxygen minimum zones.
The risk of experiencing an oxygen deficit at birth (birth asphyxia) increases for babies born to women who are overweight or obese, according to a study by Swedish and US researchers published in this week's PLOS Medicine.
If the soil becomes waterlogged, an oxygen deficit can develop because oxygen diffuses poorly in water, putting a severe stress on the roots and the plant as a whole.
Free radicals lead to nutritional imbalances, aging, vitamin deficiencies, and oxygen deficits.
When you do this first thing in the morning, it causes an oxygen deficit that your body needs to make up during the day, which will cause greater fat loss.
Not only does this oxygen deficit need to reach homeostasis, but many other reactions occur within the body to bring it back to its pre-workout resting state.
This oxygen deficit that you created during your workout needs to be replenished post-workout.
These include cardiovascular limitations, oxygen deficits, lactate levels that change pH, diminished muscle energy, and others.
However, if you do a session of HIIT (high intensity interval training), your body is left with an oxygen deficit, (this is the reason why you're sometimes left panting at the end of an intense session).
When performing these high - intensity intervals, your body is left with an oxygen deficit.
The oxygen deficit is the difference between the volume of O2 consumed during exercise and the amount that would be consumed if energy demands were met through only the aerobic energy pathway.
The oxygen deficit affects the entire gastrointestinal system leading to altered nutrient absorption and peristaltic activity.
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