Sentences with phrase «oxygen molecule reacts»

Once inside, the volatile oxygen molecule reacts with carpets, chemical cleaner residue and human skin.

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Oxygen bleach is made by reacting molecules with hydrogen peroxide.
Beyond their immediate effects, VOCs react with other molecules in the air, such as oxygen and nitrogen oxides, to generate ozone as well as fine particulate matter.
When mixed with citric acid and PEG, and slightly heated, caffeine opens up an oxygen - containing ring in the PEG, allowing it to react with citric acid to form chains that consist of alternating molecules of PEG and citric acid.
Normally, one metal atom (either barium or calcium) can react with an oxygen atom to produce a stable molecule.
When an oxygen molecule comes in and wants to react with that surface, much less energy is needed to break the oxygen - oxygen bond in the oxygen molecule.
Oxygen radicals normally react haphazardly with other molecules and quickly fall apart, so scientists would have expected only a single oxygen atom to rOxygen radicals normally react haphazardly with other molecules and quickly fall apart, so scientists would have expected only a single oxygen atom to roxygen atom to result.
In the presence of sunlight, oxygen molecules in the atmosphere react to form ozone.
More research produced the answer: Vitamin C induced what is known as a Fenton reaction, causing iron to react with other molecules to create reactive oxygen species that kill the TB bacteria.
Some of these recombine into nitric oxide, and this in turn reacts with other atmospheric chemicals, occasionally producing a molecule made up of three oxygen atoms — ozone, or O3.
In this case, they form naturally as ozone — a high - energy oxygen moleculereacts with carbon chains that have double bonds, forming a compound that has two reactive pairs of electrons.
This weakens uranium's grip on the other oxygen, the researchers report tomorrow in Nature, allowing it to react with one of the new molecule's silicon atoms.
Luciferin molecules react with oxygen incredibly rapidly, burning out almost immediately.
In order to run these reactions, researchers typically use an anode to split water molecules into protons, electrons, and oxygen, and then feed the protons and electrons to a cathode, where they react with CO2 to make hydrocarbons.
«When ozone reacts with carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, it transfers its isotopic weirdness to the new molecule,» said Shaheen, who investigated this process of oxygen isotope exchange as a graduate student at the University of Heidelberg in Germany.
Currently, the fluorescent molecules last about 45 seconds before reacting with oxygen and «burning out,» and they emit a few shades of red rather than a single pure color.
The oxygen easily reacts with nearby molecules, causing engine corrosion and reduced fuel efficiency.
In the process of energy production, single electrons escape from the «factory line» and react with oxygen molecules to form free radicals such as peroxide and superoxide.
This really is more appropriate in the chemistry community, but just a really short answer, the spark causes the gas molecules to react with oxygen thus releasing the chemical energy stored in the gas molecule.
Free radicals are rogue oxygen molecules that can dangerously react with other molecules, leading to health problems.
Hydrogen peroxide is water with an extra oxygen molecule bonded that reacts with bacteria, viruses and toxins.
Sulfur dioxide (SO2): Produced when the sulfur in coal reacts with oxygen, SO2 combines with other molecules in the atmosphere to form small, acidic particulates that can penetrate human lungs.
So, Chapman proposed that as soon as one of these oxygen atoms («free radicals») collided with an ordinary diatomic oxygen molecule, they would react together to form a single triatomic ozone molecule (Figure 18).
Sulfur dioxide gas (SO2) is not itself reflective, but up there it reacts with water, picking up oxygen molecules to become sulfate aerosol (SO4)-- now that's reflective.
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