Sentences with phrase «oxygen tube»

Then, you're going to want to create something that looks like oxygen tubing going into your nose.
We also placed a nasal oxygen tube, which provided continuous oxygen to help her breathe better.
Just had an idea... Get one of each tubing and connect with your basic oxygen tubing.
«I have oxygen tubes in my nostrils, and Darren's like, «It was out of focus; we've got to do it again.
your mouth and nose covered with an oxygen mask or a tube placed in your nostrils to give you oxygen
His faith should have been destroyed when the oxygen tube went in his nose.
One video of Guglielmucci performing the song with an oxygen tube in his nose attracted around 300,000 hits on YouTube before it was removed.
All of the babies have monitor wires or feeding tubes or oxygen tubes, all of which are disturbing.
With his bearish frame and thick black beard, Ali Cherchi would be an imposing figure — if he weren't propped up in a hospital bed with an oxygen tube in his nose and an intravenous line plying him with antibiotics.
They lifted / dragged me onto the exam table and put the oxygen tube in my nostrils.
Speaking straight to the camera, nearly unrecognizable, she's wrinkled, sporting an awkward bowl cut, giant glasses, and a voluminous fur coat with an energetic bird sitting on her left shoulder, pecking at her oxygen tube.
However, despite having to battle serious health issues while making the film (he was aided by an oxygen tube hanging from his nose), Huston produced something special, which has stood the test of time in the intervening years, becoming one of the best Irish films of the modern age.
His new room had a bed, a metal chair, and an oxygen tube, but little else.
Supplemental oxygen (oxygen cage, nasal oxygen tube) can be help if there is an inadequate supply of oxygen in the blood (severe hypoxemia) and difficulty breathing (dyspnea).
This can include oral intubations or placement of the oxygen tube directly into the trachea.
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