Sentences with phrase «oz serving contains»

One 3.5 oz serving contains: 2.5 g fat, 28g protein and just 143 calories.

Not exact matches

They contain 11g of heart - healthy monounsaturated fat per 1 oz serving.
Fish and Seafood: Three ounces of clams (approximately 20 small) contain more than 10 times the daily recommended amount of B12, which is essential for proper nervous system function, while one 3 - oz serving of salmon or rainbow trout provides nearly 100 % of your daily B12 needs.
A 6 oz / 170 gram serving of strained yogurt contains about 15 to 20 grams of protein (11 %).
Thus, a 12 - oz soda can contains about 10 teaspoons of added sugar per serving, whereas it's recommended to take not more than 9 teaspoons for men per day and 6 for women to prevent obesity, which is a heart disease risk factor.
Patriot Power Greens comes in a 5.7 oz canister and contains 30 servings per canister (a one month supply).
The carob was OFF the charts high in FODMAPs and I would assume but may be wrong that it also contains fructans and GOS since a 1 oz serving had 3.3 grams fiber and fructans and GOS are fibers.
Most commercially prepared iced teas will contain around 33 grams of sugar per 12 - oz (340 ml) serving, which is about the same as a can of Coke.
The bag pictured in this video is labeled as containing 1 oz, not 2 oz, yet the label on the back of the bag says it contains 8 7gm servings.
Again, while it is certainly true that the richest sources of potassium are non-keto foods like peas and beans, there is plenty of potassium in keto - friendly foods like nuts and even fresh meats (a 4 oz serving of cooked meat contains over 400 mg of potassium).
Each pouch of bone broth contains 24 fl oz (3 servings of 8 fl oz each).
One serving of cream cheese (1 oz) contains approximately 10 grams of fat and 2 grams of protein and 1 gram of carbohydrates.
One serving contains 16g protein, which is the equivalent of 2 eggs, 2 oz meat or fish, or 1 cup of beans or quinoa.
* FAWEN contains 5 grams of sugar per 8fl oz serving from vegetables and coconut.
ANIMAL FOODS: meat (beef, pork, poultry) and fish (herring, salmon, tuna) contain about 0.5 g of creatine per serving (3 oz or 85 g)[3].
It contains 78.0 mg of Calcium in a 4 oz serving and the calcium: phosphorus ratio of green tripe is near perfect (1:1) whereas in raw muscle meat it is 1:6.
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