Sentences with phrase «packed nutrient content»

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Due to it's extremely high water content, it's a low cal food packed with nutrients.
If your New Year's resolution has you trimming fat from your diet, try the Cashew Chicken Salad over arugula instead of avocados (though note that avocados pack a lot of nutrients, so they shouldn't be vilified for their fat content!).
Vegan and free of gluten, soy, and dairy, they still manage to pack a healthy punch thanks to their low sugar content, as well as the addition of cinnamon, pecans (which are a good source of magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, and additional nutrients), and quinoa flour.
These wonderful vegetables are a great first baby foods, (even for the early solid food starter) for baby as they are packed full of nutrients, highly palatable and due to their fiber content, help digestive tract and bowel health.
Also, I think you could try using peanut butter or almond butter instead (they have a high natural oil content, but also have a ton of protein to make the bars even more nutrient packed).
Although we normally pay attention to the protein content of these products, whey packs other nutrients that can improve your blood pressure, improve your immune response and fight inflammation.
Blend the cooked vegetables into pasta sauce to increase its nutrient content, or combine pureed broccoli and cauliflower with water, olive oil and fresh grated Parmesan cheese for a nutrient - packed and quick - to - prepare soup.
Many of these superfood lists contain common food choices whose nutritional value has been long recognized as exceptional such as reducing one's risk of disease or improving any aspect of physical or emotional health with their unusually high content of antioxidants, vitamins, or other power packed nutrients.
Foods foraged from or farmed from the wild pack a variety of benefits including richer nutrient content, improved health benefits, and better flavor.
In fact, grass - fed beef is packed with more nutrients than most of the foods on the list, and it has just as much fat content as chicken.
Finally, pecans are packed with nutrients, and their high fiber content helps lower cholesterol levels.
These nutrient - packed chia seeds can be eaten on their own or added to salads, cereals, yogurts, etc. to boost nutritional content.
In terms of their nutrient content, snow peas are packed with vitamin A, vitamin C, iron, potassium, dietary fiber, magnesium, folic acid and small levels of healthy fats.
They are all packed with fiber and nutrients, and are relatively low in overall carbohydrate content.
It has become much more popular in recent years due to its high vitamin A content and its new reputation as a nutrient - packed, low - glycemic - index carbohydrate.
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